Chapter 29: Sports Festival IV

I was currently roaming around the festival with Misery, Azumi, and my mother.

Taking in a huge bite of cotton candy, this is the best.

"Kazumi, don't eat too much. I don't want to take you to the doctors later." said my mother.

"Fufufu, don't worry mom! I can eat as much sweets as I want and nothing will happen to me." I said.

It was true, I was eating chocolate bars before the cavalry battle, and still won.

"Kazumi, we still have one more battle. Are you sure you're going to be alright?" asked Misery.

"That's what I'm worried about, what if you throw up during the battle. Your reputation will be ruined." said my mom.

"Don't worry, I'm definitely going to be fine." I said.

"How do you know?" asked Misery.

"Because as long as Azumi cheers me on, I'll always be fine." I said.

"Hehe!" giggled Azumi.

We were walking around the festival and getting food, carrying my little sister with one arm.

I received a few glances and their face had a 'is this the girl who won 2 rounds straight' face.

Haha! I couldn't help but laugh, although fighting is great, spending time with my little sister is far better than that.

When she grows up, she's going to be able to take care of herself, and she won't need me.

I mentally wiped an imaginary tear.

When Azumi grows up huh, if she gets into a relationship with somebody. I'm going to need to know everything about them, if they're weak that's a no. I don't want Azumi to protect that someone.

Well, it's not like she's going to ever get in a relationship anyways. Kekeke~

"Kazumi, you have a wide grin on your face. What're you thinking about?" asked Misery.

"Nothing, just thinking about how great the sweets are. Azumi, do you want some chocolate?" I asked.

"No, I want that." said Azumi pointing to a takoyaki food stand.

"Sur-" before I could say anything, my mother cut me off.

"I'll take her, you need to get ready for the final round." said my mother.

"Ehhhhh?" I said.

"You heard your mother, I don't want your mind to be sidetracked." said Misery.

"You too?" I asked in desbelief.

"Big sister, do your best!" said my little sister.

"Even you?!" I asked.

The feeling of betrayal from my own little sister, my heart can't take this.

"Stop being dramatic, let's go get ready." said Misery.

"Fine." I replied.

On our way back to the locker room, I bumped into someone.

"Sorry, I didn't see where I was going." I said looking down.

It was the blonde girl before the sports festival started.

"I recognize you!" I said.

"Yeah, we saw each other before the festival started. We never got a chance to introduce ourselves, I'm Yu Takeyama, also known as Mt. Lady." said Yu.

"I'm Gojo Kazumi, nice to meet you. Call me Kazumi, there's no need for formalities." I said.

"Then call me Yu too." replied Yu.

"I'd like to talk more but I have to get ready for the final round." I said.

"That's fine. Good luck out there!" said Yu.

"Thank you!" I said running off with Misery.

Jeez when did Misery get so quick? Oh right, her accelerating time.




"Now that lunch is over, let's move onto the final round!"

"But before that, there's some good news for the people who didn't make it to the finals. So we've created recreational games where everyone can participate!" said Present Mic.

I was currently standing in the middle of the field looking at my female classmates with cheerleader suits on.

They looked funny and cute, especially her.


"Alright everyone! Let's have fun competing in the recreational games! When that's over, the sixteen from the four teams that made it to the final round will duke it out on the tournament one on one!" said Present Mic.

HAHA! I wanna fight everyone here. Maybe I should request for a one vs all?

"I'm withdrawing. I don't even remember anything from the cavalry battle." said Ojiro.

Oh? That's surprising, maybe a manipulation quirk?

Let's find out on the next epi- Teehee~

Peeking out a bit from my blindfold, I looked around for any traces.

There he was, Hitoshi Shinso, Brainwashing quirk. Isn't he the same guy who came to our class and pissed on the floor?

Then a short blue haired guy withdrawn too, this is annoying.

"If anyone else wants to withdraw, just go and leave. I don't want to waste my time hearing why you want to withdraw and all that." I said loud enough for them to hear.

Some had angry and shocked glares.

What can I say? It wasn't like anyone wanted to hear why their reason on why they withdrawn.

"Shoda! Ojiro! I accept your withdrawal!" said Midnight.




After everyone checked their brackets, it was time to start.

"Scavenger hunt!" said Present Mic.


The pre-tournament rounds consisted of scavenger hunt and a few games which I won them all. Some people decided to make strategies, calm themselves, but me?

I spent my time eating sweets.

If I actually came up with a plan, who knows if anyone could defeat me.

Even if I acted funny and goofy sometimes, my intellect was something not to be joked around,

"Why're you eating sweets?" asked Misery coming over to me.

"Cause I can, I mean everyone's just doing pointless stuff." I said pointing to everyone rolling balls.

"That's true, I can't wait for the tournament to start." said Misery.

"Oh? You've awakened your battle spirit?" I teased.

"Don't lump me with you, though I hope I can fight you." said Misery.

"Me too, but are you sure you can defeat me?" I asked.

"I should be asking you that." said Misery.

"Haha! You do remember the bet we made when we were younger right?" I asked.

"Of course, the person who's weaker by the end of high school has to do anything the person who's stronger says." said Misery.

"Yep, why don't we cross that and make it to whoever wins the final round." I said.

Misery thought about it for a moment before agreeing,

"Why not? Sounds fun." said Misery.

"Good, can't wait for my win." I said.

"Keep telling yourself that, I hope your confidence won't go down when I beat you." said Misery.

"Whatever." I replied.


"I guess that's the signal." I said.

"Good luck, you'll need it." said Misery.

"You too." I replied.

We looked at each other and laughed as we headed towards the field.

I wonder how our battle will turn out...