Chapter 30: Sports Festival V

The first battle consisted of me against Shinso.

Maybe I should act like I've been brainwashed?

Tease him a little bit~

We walked towards each other and stood at the platform.

Making your opponent say I give up is also counted as a win but what's the fun in that?


"Ara? The boy who pissed his pants in front of class 1-A has the pride to face me?" I asked teasing him.

"Shut up, this is a fight to test the strength of your spirit." said Shinso.

"Hmm?" I said interrupting him.

"The strength of my spirit? I'd say it's unbreakable." I said.

"That's a lie, your friend Misery, I'd say she's forcing herself to be with you." said Shinso.

Is he trying to anger me? Is it for his brainwashing quirk to work? I guess I'll fall for it.

"You really want to get it eh?" I said as I walking towards him with an angry smile since he couldn't see my eyes anyways.

He had a smug grin and suddenly I felt something in my head restrict me.

Is this it? So it needs someone to verbally answer him in order to take effect, well that's new to me. My head is filled with fog and I feel quite dazed at the moment.

Luckily, I had a blindfold to cover my eyes. I would've been caught instantly, phew.

He muttered something about me being blessed which I am.

"Turn around and walk out of bounds." said Shinso.

Tsk, I hate it when people order me around but oh well, it's to fool him.

(Author POV)

The crowd were confused when Kazumi froze in place.

They all had the same though, 'what was wrong?'

Everybody knows about Kazumi's abilities and capabilities so they were quite confused.

"Hitoshi Shinso from general studies has gotten better of Gojo Kazumi of the hero course.

"Who would've imagined this? Will the bottom over throw the top." said Present Mic.

"That's why I said the entrance exam wasn't rational." said Aizawa.

"Huh?" said Present Mic.

"Here's some basic info on the two of them."

"Kazumi Gojo, she was recommended yet still participated in the entrance exam. She wanted everyone that participated to know what level they had to be to compete with her."

"Shinso failed the practical exam for the hero course, since he also applied for general studies, he probably knew what would happen. His quirk is very powerful, but the practical exam consisted of fighting faux villains. That gave an advantage to those with physical attack quirks."

"While Kazumi passed both exams due to her quirk, with her ocular ability, she's able to create space or black hole like things giving her an advantage. With her confidence, she probably knew she would pass both exams." said Aizawa.

Present Mic was shocked at the facts Aizawa just said, but more at the fact that Aizawa actually spoke this much.

Looking back at the battle, everybody was quite shocked.

They saw Shinso mutter something and Kazumi turning around and walking towards the out of bounds zone.

Of course her family was quite worried,

"What is big sister doing?" asked Azumi.

Her mom was quite surprised too, her 3 tomoe eyes appeared, and started looking at her daughter. She saw what Kazumi was intending to do and expected no less.

Her eyes going back to the way it was,

"Don't worry, your big sister will be fine.

And she was right, right before Kazumi stepped out of bounds.

She stopped and turned around.

The crowd was shocked and it went silent.

Shinso had no idea what was happening, his only thoughts were.'did she break free?'

But Kazumi was never brainwashed in the first place, silence enveloped the stadium as Kazumi turned around.

Lifting her blindfold, she started laughing.

Her laugh was heard throughout the entire stadium due to the silence,

"Did you really think you could brainwashed me?" asked Kazumi.

Everyone was shocked, this meant that Kazumi was never brainwashed in the first place, and she was only pretending.

She started walking back towards Shinso casually who was frozen in shock.

"Let me show you another type of hypnotization or brainwashing. I call it, the "pressuring of fear." said Kazumi.

She stared into Shinso's eyes and the pressure was increasing.

By overwhelming someone with fear, they can obey you. It's a form of hypnotization or ordering.

Everyone in the crowd could feel the air getting thicker, there were a few cracks on the platform Kazumi and Shinso was standing on.

Shinso's vision was enveloped in darkness, the next thing he saw was a tall pile of bodies, a figure sat on it with bright blue eyes.

"You will never be able to overpower me." said the figure.

The voice, he knew who the figure was, it was Kazumi Gojo.

Her eyes stared at him, but her eyes were filled with pity.

Pity for him to be this weak, how easily she entrapped him with "fear".

Then darkness overwhelmed him again, he had dropped unconscious on the platform.

Kazumi won and smiled, putting her blindfold back on.

The crowd was loud and cheered for her.

(Kazumi POV)

Walking back to the locker room, I saw Misery sitting at an empty table.

"Yo Misery, did you see me out there?" I asked.

"No, I was too busy." replied Misery.

"You're mean, I'm going to watch your fight so feel lucky." I pouted.

"I'm just kidding, but you didn't have to pretend to be brainwashed. That probably hurt his pride." said Misery.

"I wanted to tease him and show him the difference between us." said Kazumi.

A sigh was heard from Misery, I looked at her and she looked quite tired.

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"Tired of you." joked Misery.

"Mean." I pouted.

(Misery POV)

Teasing and seeing Kazumi pout was funny.

She's strong and confident in her abilities, I admire her for that.

Though now was not the time to be admiring someone, my battle was coming up.

I was against Ochoko Uraraka, this should be interesting.

Heading towards the platform, I cleared my mind, and focused on the upcoming battle.

Ochoko Uraraka, show me what you can do.....