Chapter 38: Creation

At about 5 in the morning of Musutafu.

There stood a figure on top a tall building.

Her silver hair flowed back as the wind's breeze hit her.

The cloudy light blue eyes gazed across the city buildings as she put together her hands.

"Making a new ability really is troublesome."

She was Kazumi Gojo and was currently trying to make a new ability.

"Let's start off with a new domain." muttered Kazumi.

Domain Expansion is the most supreme ability a sorcerer can do. It's embedded with the user's innate technique to complete the formation. Once inside, the user's jujutsu is greatly amplified and any attack deployed inside the domain is a guaranteed hit.

In her past life, there was never such a thing as creating an entirely new domain.

With the reason as, "I just got bored of my original abilities."

Thus, Kazumi decided to combine all her abilities together and her domains together to mutate into an entirely different one.

The domain would be called, "Heavenly Ordeal"

Kazumi starte using her Six Eye's ability to the max as well as simplifying her cursed energy to fit the 2 domains she was going to create.

The first domain in activation is, 「 Unlimited Void」, by spreading her entire space across a certain place, she's able to perceive all of the information in that space and is implanted into her head.

Kazumi was already having a slight headache from all the information, there were people waking up, people dying, and people making food.

Making another hand sign, the second domain was activated, 「 Void Manipulation 」, by spreading her space across a certain area, she's able to control anything and do anything in that area.

The two domains clashed against each other, not knowing what to do. The bright stars and planets of the first domain clashed into the endless black space filled with countless black holes.

Kazumi didn't want it the domains to clash into each other, she wanted them to combine.

Intertwining her hands together, she used herself as something to make the domains combine.

Meaning the mutated domain would be based off of Kazumi.

Black, white, violet, purple, yellow, and orange sparks started to appear.

The domains were currently being forced to enter the other domain.

As the domains were being forced together, Kazumi put on a wide smile.

"It's been a while since I've struggled to do something along with my cursed energy being sucked away this fast." said Kazumi.

The surrounding city lights were turning on and off as if there was a ghost switching the lights.

With her Six Eyes, she's able to easily count how much cursed energy was needed into making this domain and she had just the right amount.

Using the last bit of her cursed energy along with her will, a domain based off of her was created.

All of the city's light turned off for a second and turned back on.

The multiple sparks of colors started to dissipate as Kazumi laid down on the hard roof of the building. Sweat dropped from her forehead and down her neck, this might've looked hot if not for the crazed smile she had on.

Putting her hands apart, she lifted her right hand and muttered 2 words.

「 Heavenly Ordeal 」

A place with a bright sun, pillars, and a multiple colored sky appeared in the domain. On the ground, it was a reflection of opposition. The silver moon was in the reflection, with the pillars, and the dark sky.

"Yin and Yang, when there is good, there is evil. When there is evil, there is good. But what if there was someone who was good yet evil?" asked Kazumi as she stood in the domain.

This domain really was based off of her, a good and evil person like her.

With a wave, the domain dissipated, the sun already rose as it was now the morning

"Now I have to watch over the city because of that stupid hero killer. Troublesome." muttered Kazumi.


"Seriously, there's no villains in the morning so why should I stay on top of a building doing nothing?" asked Kazumi.

"Because it's your shift, it's a must do." said Misery.

"Then what about you?" asked Kazumi.

"Actually," Misery looked at the clock, "It's time for my shift."

Leaving Kazumi along who was now in the sofa of her home.

'I wonder how my little sister is doing in school.' thought Kazumi.

A light bulb appeared on top of her head, 'Let's see how my sister is doing!'

The school Azumi attended was called Masegaki Primary School.

Although it was put for troublesome students, Azumi attended a special class due to her family relatives being two of the strongest retired heroes along with a sister who won the sports festival. Therefore, she was being taught more advanced stuff but that didn't matter, she was also a genius but not in fighting.

Putting her blindfold back on, she teleported to a nearby building and gazed through the window of Azumi's class. It was around free time for her so she would be hanging out with the other kids.

Looking at Azumi, she looked like she was being...bullied? Kazumi was about to cripple all of the students with her domain until she saw her little sister smiling and teasing them back. They looked like her friends so she put her hand back down and looked at her sister.

All of the kids felt a chill down their spine but ignored it except for Azumi. She felt like it wasn't normal, she started looking around the windows looking for something or somebody. That was when she spotted a familiar figure with silver hair, Azumi immediately smiled and waved at the figure.

Kazumi saw her little sister wave at her with a smile, it was such a cute sight. Kazumi waved back and gave her back a smile, the two sisters had amazing eyesight.

Unfortunately Kazumi had to go somewhere, so with one last wave, she disappeared and left Azumi gazing at the place where her sister once were.

'She must be busy.' thought Azumi and went back to playing around with the kids.


Soon enough, it was after sunset.

Kazumi was walking her little sister to the station to go back home.

Azumi denied the teleportion since she didn't want to throw up once she got back home.

While making their way towards the station, Kazumi bought Azumi and herself a lollipop.

"Is it good?" asked Kazumi.

"Un, it's pretty sweet!" said Azumi.

"I know, but don't tell mom though." said Kazumi pressing a finger to her mouth.

That was when a loud explosion happened, it was quite near them too.

Kazumi quickly carried Azumi in her arms and started running to find a safe place.

"What's happening?" asked Azumi.

"A villain attack, it's going to be dangerous for you so I'm taking you home." said Kazumi.

"But...I want to watch!" said Azumi.

Kazumi froze in her tracks, "Huh?"

"You always say experience is the best way to learn so I want to experience this and learn." said Azumi.

"Yeah, no." said Kazumi.

"Please?" asked Azumi giving her big sister the puppy eyes.

Kazumi had to turn away from the cuteness and the shining light coming from her little sister, but she couldn't resist.

"Fine, but you have to stay by my side at all times alright?"


"Then you can come with me, just hope that our mother doesn't kill me." said Kazumi.

A figure burst out of the building nearby, through her blindfold, Kazumi could see the heat temperature and the outline of the figure. It was bigger than normal.

But she knew what it was, after all, she's already fought one of these.

"More of those Nomu things?"

"No, it's slightly more different..."

"...You've become a bit more human like." muttered Kazumi.

She was about to use her powers but recalled what Nemuri said, "Don't use your abilities until you create more."

"Tsk, I'll use my physical abilities then." said Kazumi in an annoyed tone.

Azumi watched the figure called Nomu and her sister run towards each other. The Nomu threw a fist towards Kazumi who was easily able to dodge it. Before the Nomu could retract it's hand, Kazumi held onto the hand and had a smile.

"Let's see who's physically stronger."

She pulled onto the Nomu's hand and flipped it over and smashed the Nomu onto the ground with ease. But that didn't kill the Nomu, it got back up and got into a stance.

This surprised Kazumi a bit, just what modifications did that hand guy do?

"That doesn't matter anyways."

Charging towards the Nomu, she threw a fist towards it as it easily evaded. But it wasn't just the face, she lowered herself and gave a sweep towards the Nomu's feet to knock it off balance but it only jumped.

It let out a loud roar as it started running.

The Nomu ran but it didn't go towards Kazumi, looking over to where it was going, she realized she was going towards her little sisters direction.

Her little sister had a frightened look and didn't want to know as the Nomu started chasing towards her.

Kazumi was filled with anger and hatred, how dare an opponent weaker than herself run off hoping to even lay a finger on her little sister. Before the Nomu was even able to reach the girl, it's face was now kissing the ground.

Kazumi had teleported on top of the Nomu and gave it a kick on the head.

Taking off her blindfold, she looked at the weakest spots of the Nomu.

Nomu turned it's head over at the girl who was now on top of it, what it saw was a blazing fury in the girl's cloudy light blue eyes. Suddenly, it felt as if one of it's legs were being torn off.

It was, realizing that, it started letting out a loud scream to signal the other Nomus.

It's other legs were now torn off as the Nomu kept it's eyes on Kazumi.

Now it was it's arms, it was being torn off with ease.

It kept screaming but it was useless, the Nomus were a bit too far away.

It had no more limbs yet it was still alive, it felt a hand on it's hand.

Looking into Kazumi's eyes, it was filled with hatred, an emotion the Nomu didn't have.

As it felt it's neck started to pull, that was also the day the Nomu learned the emotion, fear.

Kazumi tore off the head of the Nomu with ease and quickly teleported beside Azumi.

Quickly carrying her and caressing her soft head, she let her calm down as her little sister rested her head on Kazumi's shoulder.

Kazumi swore she would get revenge for making her little sister feel this way.

Then she was surrounded by more Nomus.

Kazumi smiled in relief, she was now able to get revenge and kill every single of these Nomus.