Chapter 39: Kazumi’s Belief

"I didn't want it to use my new creation this early." muttered Kazumi.

There was about 8 Nomus surrounding Kazumi and Azumi, but they weren't nervous at all.

Kazumi picked up Azumi with one arm to not make the same mistake as last time, there was no way she was going to leave her alone again.

"Can you beat them?" asked Azumi.

"Of course, just watch. Activate your quirk and try to decipher my ability." said Kazumi.

As Azumi activated her quirk, Kazumi lifted her finger.

「 Domain Expansion: Heavenly Ordeal 」

They were now currently in a space where the sky and night existed along with the sun and moon. Yet they were able to move, the Nomus charged towards Kazumi and swung their fists towards them.

『 Trials and Tribulations 』

Before they were about to hit, the 8 Nomus weren't on the ground anymore, they were tied to the pillars with their arms spread as if they were a sacrifice. They struggled to break free but it was useless, they were stuck there until Kazumi wanted them to leave.

"Now then, I guess I'm finished." said Kazumi.

"But they're still alive." said Azumi.

"Not anymore." said Kazumi.

The once bright yellow sun turned into a giant white sphere as the once silver bright moon turned into a black sphere. The white sphere covered 4 Nomus and the black sphere covered the other 4 Nomus. When the 2 spheres changed back to the sun and moon, the 8 Nomus that stood there disappeared as if they never existed.

"See? And how did your deciphering go?"

"Not good, it's too complicated."

"You'll get decipher it one day, now then let's go."

After Kazumi patted her little sister's head, instead of the city they were in, they were back at their house.

"You're going to stay here, it's too dangerous for you." said Kazumi.

Before Azumi could say anything else, Kazumi already teleported on top of a building and scanned the city if there was anymore significant trouble that needed to be handled. As her cloudy light blue eyes wandered through the city, she spotted an alley that had a familiar person. Instantly teleporting to the alley, there was the Hero Killer with his blade in Ida's shoulder.

Kazumi stared at them, looking at Ida who was staring at the Hero Killer with hatred. It was a sight to see their class president like this, if a hero saw this, Ida would definitely be scolded for using his quirk for his own selfish desire.

"Yo! How's it going?" asked Kazumi.

They both turned their attention towards me, Ida's hatred was now filled with surprise as the Hero Killer didn't care at all.

"Are you also going to take revenge for them?" asked Stain.

"Vengeance? Nope. From the report that I read about you, you seem quite strong so I'm here to test that out." said Kazumi.

"Is that so? Die." said Stain.

The Hero Killer sprinted towards Kazumi who stayed still, not even bothering to move.

"Watch out Kazumi!" yelled Ida.

"Don't worry, he can't touch me." said Kazumi.

And it was true, before the Hero Killer's blade could reach Kazumi's neck, it suddenly stopped and he couldn't press his katana further.

"What did you do?" asked Stain.

"I didn't do anything, how about I let you touch me." said Kazumi.

The katana that was aimed towards Kazumi's neck suddenly slipped through, before it could reach her neck, she grabbed the blade with the tip of her fingers.

Stain was surprised at this, he never expected someone to stop his blade with just their fingers, what's more was that he was using quite a bit of strength too.

Ida currently had mixed emotions as he watched the scene unfold in front of him, he was easily defeated by the Hero Killer when Kazumi was able to not only stop his blade with her fingers, she somehow made it so that the Hero Killer couldn't even touch her. Ida didn't want someone else to defeat Stain, he wanted to take revenge for his brother.

Kazumi knew exactly what he was thinking and could only shake her head, calling yourself a hero yet overwhelmed by your own selfish desires is unfitting for a hero.

Focusing back on the blade that was between her fingers, she let go of it and immediately dropped down to swipe at Stain's legs. Seeing this, Stain jumped away and got into a stance. He didn't know the full capabilities of the girl in front of her, he only knew that she was strong.

(Kazumi POV)

His strength is decent, but he still can't beat me.

Seriously, the report said he was strong, did Nemuri do the calculation wrong? I could only shake my head at this, why can't she always take things more seriously, though that would be pretty weird.

My thoughts were scattered by the incoming knives that were coming at me, tilting my head and turning my body, I easily evaded the knives.

"Your accuracy is nice, but you can't hit me with a speed that slow." I said.

I sprinted towards him and threw my fist at him, he was able to dodge but that was exactly what I wanted. His eyes were still focused on my fist, bringing my other fist towards his abdomen, he leaned back to dodge but my fist never made impact with his abdomen. Instead, when his attention was being split from my two fists, I used the hand that was aimed towards his head to take his katana.


I pierced his stomach with his own blade as his expression turned grim.

"Don't worry, that injury won't kill you."

"And Ida, you can get up now." I said.

In the corner of my vision, I could see Ida getting up. Turning my attention back to Stain, I took the blade out of his stomach and kicked him with sent him flying to the wall.

"I won't die, I won't let anyone besides All Might kill me." said Stain trying to get up as blood started flowing out from his wound.

"You should stop struggling, I pierced some of your organs to make sure you can't move. You'll only let All Might kill you? Why's that?" I asked.

"Because.." Before Stain could finish, I cut him off, "What? Because of your ideology?"

"To purge the fake heroes who work for money and fame." I said.

I looked at Stain, his small red eyes burned with hatred, he was probably mad at how I spoke about his ideology with casualty.

"Ida, come here." I said.

"What is it?" asked Ida.

I handed him the sword that Stain used.

"What's this?" asked Ida.

"You don't know? This is the sword that made your brother the way he is now, the same sword that paralyzed your brother. So why not use the same sword to kill the same person who did that to your brother?"

(Author POV)

Ida held the sword in his hand, he was having a mental battle with himself. He knew that becoming a hero for his own selfish desires was wrong, but the person in front of him who paralyzed his brother looked so vulnerable right now. Before he knew it, he was swinging the blade down, then it suddenly stopped when he felt someone's hand grab his wrist.

"Don't do it!" said Midoriya.

Kazumi frowned at the sight, why did he have to interrupt?

Ida was surprised when Midoriya appeared and stop him.

"Heroes don't kill people for their own selfish desires! Snap out of it Ida! Would your brother really want this?" asked Midoriya.

Then everything hit Ida, his thoughts were cleared by Midoriya and came back to his senses.

However, Kazumi didn't like the sight.

Would you not take revenge for someone who injured someone dear to you?

Cause Kazumi definitely would.

So why didn't Ida kill him when he had the chance?

Kazumi knew the answer to that question, because he wants to become a true hero. Because of Stain's ideology, Ida knew what he should be doing and taking revenge was not something he should be doing.

But Kazumi was not a hero nor a villain, she simply believed in herself.

Other people's ideology's didn't matter to her.

Taking the blade from Ida, she aimed the blade towards Stain's heart.

""Stop!"" said Deku and Ida.

It was already too late, with a thud, Stain's body went lifeless as it dropped onto the ground.

Ida and Midoriya stared at Kazumi who just killed Stain.

"I guess this is over, let's take care of the nomus shall we?" asked Kazumi.

"Why did you do that?" asked Midoriya.

"What do you mean why? This person killed countless amounts of people because of his so called ideology, so I did all the dead ones a favor and killed him." said Kazumi.

"But that's something a hero shouldn't do!" said Midoriya.

Kazumi took off her blindfold and looked at Midoriya.

"Not once have I ever claimed I was a hero, have I?" asked Kazumi staring into Midoriya's eyes.

That's when it hit Midoriya, not once in their childhood or at school did Kazumi call herself a hero. Looking into Kazumi's eyes, he realized something. Kazumi was someone who didn't care about heroes or villains, she simply did what she wanted.

A questioned lingered in Midoriya's mind and he asked Kazumi,

"If you don't call yourself a hero, then what are you?" asked Midoriya.

"I'm someone who believes in myself, other people's opinions will never mean anything to me. The reason there are heroes and villains is because of their own ambitions and goals. Then next come their quirks, because of the heroes that believe some quirks are fitting to a villain, a villain is born. Because of the people who believe that a person has a quirk that fitted a hero, a hero is born."

"That's how it is, but I'm someone who doesn't care about any of that. Anyone can be a hero, anyone can be a villain." I said.

"Then what is your belief or ambition?" asked Ida.

"Who knows?" asked Kazumi.

Something complicated like ideologies, heroes, and villains was something that Kazumi didn't care about. She would follow her own justice, killing people who killed others, if you do something wrong, you have to pay the price.

It goes the same for heroes and villains.

Soon enough, multiple heroes along with Todorki and Endeavor arrived.

Seeing this, Kazumi was about to leave when she suddenly heard a voice.

"You fake..." said Stain.

Kazumi turned around and stared at Stain who got up. Taking off her blindfold, she saw that Stain had simply moved his organs to evade the piercing and the fatal damage that he would've received, what was even more surprising was that he was even able to move his heart.

"You fake heroes...I must make things right." said Stain.

His bloodlust filled the air as all the heroes felt chills down their spine and their emotions turned to fear.

Kazumi smiled at the sight, someone who barely escaped death was able to release this much amount of bloodlust along with getting up this quirk.

"This is great..." muttered Kazumi.

The heroes' attention now focused on the Hero Killer and Kazumi.

"I commend you for surviving, now let's have a EVEN BETTER BATTLE!" said Kazumi grinning widely.

It's been a while since she's gone all out, she needed to release some of her bottle up stress.

The Hero Killer' bloodlust that filled all the heroes in fear was now taken over by Kazumi's own bloodlust. Stain's bloodlust couldn't even compare to Kazumi's, she was someone who's killed over thousands in her past life after all.

Air was sucked out of their lungs as they were crushed under the pressure of Kazumi's intent. The thousands of cursed spirits and hundreds of sorcerers that Kazumi killed mixed into the bloodlust she let out.

Even Stain could hardly breath under the tension.

"Let's go all out now." said Kazumi grinning widely.

Everyone's vision turned dark, they couldn't see anything.

The only thing they heard before everything went dark was, "Heavenly Ordeal."

When their vision came back, they saw Kazumi with a disappointed expression along with the Hero Killer's limbs torn off along with a severed head.

"Disappointing, I guess someone who's weak will stay weak." said Kazumi.