Chapter 40: Change

"Disappointing, I guess someone who's weak will always stay weak." said Kazumi.

"Before anyone says anything, we must take care of the city first. Kazumi, you're to come with us for an interview." said Gran Torino.

"Sure thing, I do have some things to say anyways." replied Kazumi.

"Let's go Endeavor." said Gran Torino.

With that, the two took off along with the other heroes leaving the students behind.

"Why'd you kill him?" asked Midoriya.

"What do you mean why I killed him? I did everyone a favor, don't tell me you were going to let a villain who's killed hundreds live. Now let me clean this up." said Kazumi.

A black sphere appeared from Kazumi's finger and hit Stain's severed body, when it dissipated, the body was no longer there as well as the blood.

With a smile, Kazumi teleported off into the distance.


"What should we do with her?" asked Endeavor.

"Nothing yet, we'll make plans when we interview her." said Gran Torino.

"Alright, you take the other nomu as I take down these two." said Endeavor.

With Torino's swift movements, he was easily able to defeat the nomu as Endeavor burned them all down.

"There's quite a handful of them." said Torino.

Then several black and white spheres appeared before them and the nomus all disappeared without a trace.

"My, my. The number 2 hero as well as one of the respected elders taking this long just to defeat some nomus with multiple quirks? How underwhelming." said Kazumi standing on a nomu's body.

Her long silver hair glistened in the moon's bright light, her cloudy blue eyes was filled with dissatisfaction as she looked down on the 2 figured, it was hard to believe she was only 14.

Endeavor and Torino didn't reply, they had other matters to do instead of listening to her. Leaving the scene to help the city out, Kazumi could only chuckle at them. After all, she's already cleaned up all of the nomus in the city.

"It was quite fun to see Shigaraki and Kurogiri again, I wonder what type of plans they have next." said Kazumi.

With that said, the night ended as the heroes started to clean up the city.


"So, do you have anything to say for killing Stain?" asked Torino.

They were currently in a private room, Kazumi sat across from the 3 figures, All Might, Endeavor, and Torino.

"Nope, but I'm actually quite surprised that Endeavor is actually fine with being in the same room as All Might. I never would've thought that would happen in a million years." said Kazumi.

"Stop playing around, this matter isn't something to be taken lightly of." said Endeavor.

"And so is the matter of you forcing your son to surpass you." said Kazumi.

The entire room fell in silence, Endeavor, the number 2 hero, just got burned.

"Maybe that was too much, let's get to the point shall we?" asked Kazumi.

The 3 looked at each other and nodded.

"Heroes are authorized to arrest the villains, not harm them in any way. However, if a hero believes it's necessary to kill someone, they can. . It's an unofficial rule that heroes don't kill. By law, people aren't allowed to use their quirks without a hero license. You claimed you weren't a hero and declined your hero license which meant you've violated our law." said All Might.

Kazumi smiled when All Might said that, it didn't matter if the law was broken, it didn't matter what the heroes or villains thought, only the people's thoughts mattered.

"So? What're you going to do? Put me in jail? Just so you know, the people in the city, even some heroes, praise me for killing the Hero Killer. Even if I don't claim myself as a hero, the people still thought of me as one. If you were to put me in jail, it would cause quite an uproar don't you think?" asked Kazumi.

The 2 heroes and former hero was frustrated, everything was in Kazumi's favor. It was true that people were praising Kazumi, however, they couldn't let this pass by.

"That doesn't matter, you've broken the law and we have no choice but to put you in a temporary jail." said All Might.

"You will be placed in the Isengard Jail." said Torino.

Kazumi didn't feel anything, she only smiled at them. The feelings she harbored was surprise and disbelief, they were willing to cause an uproar in the city, giving the perfect chance for villains to attack, just to put her in jail for killing.

She started chuckling out of nowhere, "This is simply unbelievable!" The 3 heroes stared at her with confusion, she wasn't in the slightest bit shocked.

"Watch, I'll be out in 2 days or even less." said Kazumi.


Kazumi was now in the Isengard Jail that was full of villains., with her blindfold covering her eyes, she looked at all of the heat signatures of the villains near her cell.

"We got a pretty girl here."

"Not bad."

"We sharing?"

These villains were true scums, some were even killers too.

The sentences the villains said didn't faze Kazumi at all, she didn't use her abilities to get her out of her situation since she actually wanted to see what was jail like.

"This is really disappointing." muttered Kazumi as she leaned against the cold wall.

"Oi, why're you here?" asked a villain.

"Hmm?" asked Kazumi.

The person across from her was also a villain, behind bars.

"I asked you a question!" said the villain.

"Do I have to answer you? No. But I'll tell you anyways, I killed Stain, the Hero Killer." said Kazumi.

The nearby cells fell into silence when she heard her.

They started making noises, yelling slurs, and even threatening her.

Kazumi closed her eyes, smiled, and drifted off to sleep.


The next day, she woke up to the sound of something unlocking.

Opening her eyes, she saw that there was a guard unlocking her doors.

"You're free to go, come with me." said the guard.

"As I thought, I wasn't even in her for a whole 24 hours." muttered Kazumi.

When she left the jail, there stood Misery looking at her in an expression that said, "Seriously?"

"Yo Misery!" said Kazumi as she waved at her best friend.

"Don't yo me, you've caused a lot of trouble." said Misery.

"Wasn't my fault, I did everyone a favor, the heroes just thought I was in the wrong." said Kazumi.

"*Sigh* I don't even want to argue with you." said Misery.

Kazumi slightly chuckled at her best friend.

However, her mind was somewhere else.

The hero organization would arrest her just because they thought killing was wrong when the villain she killed had murdered hundreds of people that belonged to the families.

She knew that the hero organization needed change or else the people of the city would start disliking the heroes.

But Kazumi wasn't going to be the one changing it, if they didn't want to change, she'd let it be.

The future of the hero organization would soon crumble because of the beliefs of some heroes. It was just like Stain's ambition, he wanted to murder heroes who only worked for fame and money. But even with his killing, the heroes didn't change at all.

If they wanted to be the same, she'd let it be.

The people would soon fall into darkness and she would become the light for them.

Heroes and villains, they were just titles with no meaning behind them.

With that thought, she unwrapped a lollipop and popped it in her mouth.

"Well, it's not my problem anyways."