Chapter 74: Who is that man?

Hui MengYu smaked his bat at the zombie and flipped away from it.

"Wrrrraaahhh!" the speed type zombie went after Hui MengYu again. There was a dent on the zombies hand as it used its arms to block it.

Hui MengYu frown. He used his water ability to make many small slashs, flying towards the zombie in fast speed.


The speed type zombie couldn't avoid it and got cut. There wasn't any red blood coming out but green. Dark green mixed with light green. Seems like some parts of its body was newly made zombies.

Some of the slices of water cutted the trees behind the zombie.

Hui MengYu quickly smash at it again adding his water sword slashs.

The zombie has quick and avoid this one and scratched Hui MengYu's arm.

The ground has a small crater on top of it.

Hui MengYu bled. He was quite angry too.

He jumped to the air and use all his force and water spears going down on him.


The zombie has many holes in it, and soon falls down. Hui MengYu specialty aims at his head, where is crystal is.

The man shouted "Ah! Da hei!" but his face wasn't sad, only shock.

"Your Da hei is dead. What are you going to do? "

"Sigh~ so sad, I have to make a another one ~" the man got up from the ground. Patted his long over cloat.

Hui MengYu didn't understand what the sentence meant. It was in a another language. So he didn't care anymore about the man.

He only collected 7 level 2 crystal's.

"Well, see you next time little fox!" the man took out a shiny device. And clicked it. Then a purple light shine out and the man disappeared.

Hui MengYu who was picking up the crystal from the speed type zombie : ???

Zheng DeLun who was still tied up with other soldiers : .....?

The other soldiers who has woken up and say a man who took them disappeared out of no where : ?!?!?

"Am I still dreaming ?" asked one of the soldiers.

The other one bit his lips. "Ouch, it doesn't seem like a dream."

"Then how can a man disappeared like that???"

"I don't know."

Hui MengYu frowned.

'Xiao Lan, can you find where that man is?'

[Sorry host, LanLan can only find that there man is not in this area anymore. Information about the man is classified, host can only get it when host level is higher. (;O;)]

'It's fine. '


Small theater

The strange man : I am a magical girl who can be invisible! I can all kinds of thing~! Hehe hehe.

Hui MengYu : ???

Soldiers : Ah! Madam! Get away from that pervert! (╯°Д°)╯

Zhang ChengHao who just came in : ??? What? A pervert??? Get away from my wife!!!!! (╰_╯)#

The strange man who was beaten black and blue: you guys have no humanity! (つД`)

Hui MengYu : ⊙(・◇・)?

Zhang ChengHao hugging his wife and glaring at the pervert: just die already, pervert. (눈‸눈)