Chapter 75 System going To Level up

Hui MengYu undo the rope that tied the soldiers onto the tree.

All seven of the soldiers were injured. Two soldiers have light wounds but the other five has quite the injuries. Broken ribs, legs and some of them got bites on them.

It's Good that they didn't turn yet. Most turn at 30 minutes to a hour. It all depends on your body immune system.

Hui MengYu hesitate better to give them the antidote for the virus or not. The system store have them. But they are quite pricely after all. The only one I got was given to grandpa Hui.

Hui MengYu in the end didn't buy the antidote, he took out some squeeze fruits juice to the bitten soldiers. Now it's 50,50 chance of turning.

"Give bitten soldiers this, I'll help them fight the virus." said Hui MengYu who shook the bottle that is half fill of different color substances.

Zheng DeLun lay down the bitten soldiers and force feed them juice. He didn't question Hui MengYu, they are basically dead anyways, why would their sister in law poison them when he save them?

The soldiers complex turn better. Zhang DeLun let out a breath.

Zhang DeLun wanted to question Hui MengYu but the time doesn't let them have time to back. The day was turning dark. They have to find a place to stay and regroup with others.

Zhang DeLun pick up the two soldiers who are bitten.

The one that has a broken leg was supported by his comrades and the ones with broken bones where half carried by the other lightly injured soldier.


The regroup with others and settle down at a the biggest house in the old village.

Hui MengYu sat down and took out some instead noodles for the team and went back to the bedroom he chose.

'Xiao Lan. How much level two crystal do I have now? '

[ Host has finished the getting 5 level 2 crystal! System needs to upgrade so LanLan won't be here! Host has gathered 11 level 2 crystal and 1 level 1 crystal! ヽ(´∀`.)ノ]

[LanLan will be leveling to 3, and will be taking 5 of the level 2 crystal! LanLan can't talk or do anything for the host, system store Will be closed as well. (・ᴗ・)]


[System will be back in 3 days! (σ´∀`)σ]

'Okey. See you later.'

[Bye host! ]

System went away and the crystal purple color turn to a lighter purple. Hui MengYu touch the earring. He slowly smile and lays down.


Hui MengYu and the soldiers went back to the base with 26 soldiers as one of them turned into a zombie and got killed.

Zhang ChengHao was in his office finishing his work for few months. If nothing important or urgent came in then he'll be free as a bird for 3 months.

Hui MengYu look at what month was down, looking at the calendar, calculating the days past. It was December, the supposed coldest month when it was January was when it's the coldest.

There should be a heat wave coming. Some called it Torrid. The temperature was like 136°F. No one know that temperature it was as no one was calculating it. They where burning like they were being cooked. There wasn't any air conditioner or ice for human as there wasn't any electricity so they don't work.

Most would be finding water ability users to give them water or such. But Water abilities users are split into two fractions. The one that controls the water that is nearby. And the other that creates water out of thin air.

So the people who wanted to find the latter one has some troubles.

But it was none of my business. Water ability aren't that rare in the ability ranks.