Chapter 20 :- Will among oneself

" Ohhh shit " said Hiro as he saw Kazuki flying over his head and crashing right into the chamber where the rock was kept. The Stalactite above the rock fell on Kazuki, but he was able to dodge it just in time . Enzo withdraw his punch and cracked his knuckles.

" Nice warmup there " said Enzo as he grunted in arrogance.

" Mimiko throw me at him " said Ryo

" Wait how I can do it alone ? " asked Mimiko

" I'll help " said Hiroshi

Hiroshi and Mimiko grabbed each other hand and made a four wrist clutch on which Ryo stood and used his legs to kick him in the air

" Aerial technique , style 2 , Sandstorm gusts " shouted Ryo

He created a mini Sandstorm using his animal spirit and made up gust to the minion.

" Animal technique , style 1 , breath of the wild " shouted Jetchi as he inhaled and blew a huge amount of air from his lungs

" What the hell "? said Enzo as his vision got blurred due to sandstorm

" Now's our chance " said Hiroshi

" Animal spirit :- Curse of the black eye " shouted Mimiko as she glared at Enzo

Enzo was immobilized by this technique and tries his best to move.

" Toraje sama tell me what do I do " asked Hiroshi

" Just jump and use your heart to let your body move " said Toraje

" Ok here goes a shot " said Hiroshi

Since Hiroshi had martial art and rugby experience before he had a high enhanced observatory skills , analysing opponents weakness.

" Animal technique , style 1 , Thunder strike" shouted Hiroshi as he rushed towards Enzo

" Wait wait stop " shouted Enzo as wasn't able to move

Hiroshi connected his attack to Enzo chest , which send a lightning aura behind him and sound similar to a lightning strike. The minion behind were immediately blown away. Enzo whole body was stunned and electric sparks where running across his body.

" This might be an end " said Enzo

" But not for me " he added as he grabbed Hiroshi arm and threw him to the pond diagonal to the well.

" What how's that even possible " said Ryo

" You little brat , I don't think you know about spirit and nature weakness " said Enzo

" You see some elements are powerful than other and some are weak to one , for example The ground element is strong against electric and wind techniques" he added .

" But Mimiko's technique worked on you didn't it " said Jetchi

" I don't wanna blow my own toot but maybe a little acting skills would have made me an actor" said Enzo arrogantly.

" Oh no oh no oh no, this is bad , this is bad " said Hiro as he was shivering behind the well

" Oh what a drag " said Kanako

" Can you be a little nicer"? asked Hiro

" I don't have pity on you or something but you are just weak " said Kanako

" What's taking so long " voice echoed

" Oh Kuroshi sama, just a minute and everything will be fine " said Enzo

" I don't want any excuses , Dai shi sama has said to bring the younger brother of one with the lighting spirit " said Kuroshi

" Ok my lord , just give me some more time " said Enzo

Grunting echoed around the hall and there was dead silence around the hall. Enzo was standing still at the entrance and Gorosuke , Ryo , Jetchi , Mimiko , near the well.

" Grandpa , do something " said Mimiko

" I can't , even if can" said Gorosuke

" Fine I'll do it myself " said Enzo as he rushed at Gorosuke.

Gorosuke turned around and looked into Enzo eyes. Enzo who was about to punch him took a step back and jumped back to the entrance

" What the hell, are you even human " asked Enzo

" What do you mean " asked Ryo

" This old geezer can kill me any minute but he isn't , are you are you mocking me " said Enzo

" No , I can't change what's in the will of God thing that is already written in the loom of fate can't be undone" Gorosuke said

" Your death isn't written by my hand " he added

" So you won't kill me " asked Enzo

" No , I don't think I will" said Gorosuke

" Hahahah you are doing a mistake old man "

" Oh no oh no , what do I do what do I do " said Hiro as started to panick.

Kanako angered by this slapped Hiro in the face.

" Ouch , what was that for " asked Hiro

" Seriously man , I mean can't you see what is happening here , Kazuki is knocked out again , Hiroshi is now where to be found , Jetchi is already doing more than he can , and Ryo is giving is best , and I am stuck with you " said Kanako

" What ,what do you mean " asked Hiro

" Don't you see , they are doing their best to protect not only the rock but you too , don't you see , despite having no chance and grandpa being stubborn as he is you don't care about you or your family , your mom captured by Dai , your brother , even for your only family member " said Kanako

"Everyone must choose one of two pains: The pain of discipline or the pain of regret." she added.

" What you want me to do huh? , I can't do anything , because of me everything get messed up , what I did wrong to deserve this, heck I don't even know how to fight I can't do that , I can't fight that monster out there , what you want me to do , attack him and die "?? said Hiro

" How can you judge the outcome before even trying , can you tell the taste of food without eating eat ? no that's why you taste , here you have to do something because it not for you it's for them , me , Kazuki , the peole at the village , Hiroshi and most importantly for your mom " said Kanako.

" I can't , I can't do it !!!" shouted Hiro

" Fine then go to hell " said Kanako as she stood up and ran towards Enzo

" No wait , you are gonna die " Hiro shouted

" Atleast, I will give it a shot " said Kanako

" Easy meal for the day " said Enzo

Kanako jumped and kicked him as hard as she could but Enzo was unfazed

" Wow that tickled " said Enzo

" Oh yeah this will too " said Kanako as she used her other kick to get free from Enzo grip

" Animal technique , style 1 , Thunder kick " said Kanako

She repeatedly kicked Enzo on his face but Enzo stood still. After a few seconds the speed increased and Enzo started to slide backwards.

" What the " said Enzo as quickly used his other arm to punch her away

Kanako went flying to the place where Kazuki was , Kazuki stood up and rushed at Enzo but was immediately blown away by incoming Kanako

" Now that's a point" Enzo shouted

" Next " he added

Mimiko tried to attack her but was caught by Enzo

" I am gonna ripp your clothes and eat you raw " Enzo said

Mimiko tried to kick him but Enzo unfazed , started to grab Mimiko kimono

As soon as he touched the kimono a big bronze bell hit him on his head making him lost his balance and giving time for Mimiko to escape.

" Who the fuck " said Enzo as he was stunned again with the bell.