Chapter 21 :- Be your own weapon

" Who is it show yourself " shouted Enzo as he tried to stand still.

" Watch out " shouted Hiroshi as he rang the bell which caused a shooting pain in Enzo head.

" What the actual hell " shouted Mimiko

" You see animals in the wild are very sensitive to high frequency , to some extent which is even enough to confuse them " said Hiroshi

" You little piece of shit , I was gonna eat you but now I will stomp you and grind you " said Enzo as he rushed at Hiroshi

" Yeah take this " said Hiroshi as he slided between Enzo leg and swing a rope with full might.

" What you think you are doing" said Mimiko

" Hey Enzo heads up mate " shouted Hiroshi as a huge bronze bell fell on Enzo.

" What did you , how when you did all that " asked Ryo

" You see when Enzo threw me towards the pond I was able to hold a rope connected to the bell, and I was able to hold to it , how ever the rope was strong bell wasn't so the bell fell into the pond and I was able to hold on the crease between hall way " said Hiroshi

" Woah that's some Einstein level genius" said Ryo

" That's just some observational skills " said Hiroshi

Hiroshi quickly jumped on the bronze bell and called Jetchi

" Hey Jetchi throw your kali sticks here " said Hiroshi

Jetchi threw the sticks at Hiroshi and Hiroshi with all its might started to beat it on the bell

" Stopppp it.... !!" Enzo said

" It's hurting" he added in pain

" Ok bro " said Hiroshi as he started to beat it with more speed.

After a few shaking the bell stopped shaking and was at complete rest.

" Well that was easy " said Ryo

Suddenly the bell torn in half and Enzo grabbed Hiroshi by his throat.

" How , what ???!!" said Hiroshi but wasn't able to complete it

" LOOK , HIS EARS !! They are bleeding" shouted Mimiko.

" Oh shit , he must have bursted his ear drums to prevent the frequency hurting him " said Ryo

" Goro sensei do something pls " said Jetchi

Gorosuke ran towards Hiro and grabbed him.

" Boyo, what's preventing you from fighting this , isn't this provoking you to fight for righteousness and saving the lives of people" said Gorosuke

" But grandpa , I am weak , I can't fight I can't do anything , I don't know how to fight , I couldn't save my mom couldn't save the emblem , I am nothing but a disappointment"

said Hiro as he started to cry.

" No , you are not weak Hiro and I can sense your aura , it's strong and is of a fighter , you need to control your emotions" said Gorosuke

" Goro , show up or I will kill your grandson " shouted Enzo as he started to tighten his grip around Hiroshi throat.

" It's up to you " said Gorosuke as he jumped and attacked Enzo

" Hahaha , suppressed by emotion it seems " said Enzo

This caught Gorosuke off guard and Enzo retaliated with a head butt stunning Gorosuke

Ryo tried to attack Enzo but ,Enzo was unfazed as he started taking steps towards the stone. He slammed Hiroshi and started to move, Jetchi , Mimiko , Kanako tried to stop him but were getting defeated in one hit. Kazuki tried to stop Enzo but was too tired of exhaustion that he started to faint. All hope seems lost , however suddenly Hiro stood in front of Enzo and tried to stop him .

" What you want , you think you can beat me " asked Enzo

" I can't but I won't go without a fight " said Hiro

" Hiro hahaha try it " said Enzo

Hiro tried everything he could but Enzo was unfazed , every attack started to hurt Hiro , as a last ditch effort Hiro poked Enzo eyes.

"Ahahahhahaha , you brat ahahahahaha " shouted Enzo

Infuriated , Enzo stabbed Hiro with his horn.

" Ahhhhhhh , ahhh " shouted Hiro

" Hiro , no " said Hiroshi as he tried to get up but was injured

" Hiro" shouted Gorosuke

Everyone was in awe and couldn't believe what happened

" Now die you brat " said Enzo as he threw Hiro in the air and he landed behind Enzo.

Enzo took the stone and started to laugh hysterically

" This couldn't be that easy " said Enzo

As soon as he took the stone the aura changed

" What the hell " said Enzo

A huge burst of energy spread across the temple and Enzo was blown away at the entrance.