Chapter 22 :- Defying death

Enzo was blow away , right to the entrance of the temple and was stunned. He couldn't believe what happened and how he lost his balance.

" Atleast , I have the stone " said Enzo

Enzo eyes were wide opened as he saw that the stone was missing from his right hand.

" What the who ??? " said Enzo

Angered Enzo threw a spear right at Kanako.

" Die...!!!!! " he shouted.

Kanako was to weak to move so she just closed her eyes and accepted that she would die.

She realised that's neither she was dead nor she was injured by the spear. She slowly opened her eyes and tear fall down her face.

Hiro was standing in front of the spear. Holding it with only one hand right before his chest. A red aura emerged from his body rejuvenating everyone inside the temple. Hiro's wound were healed as his body started emitting a weird but a red energy. However he wasn't conscious , his eyes were closed .

" Hiro-kun" said Kanako as she started to cry.

Kazuki and Mimiko were surprised as this was the first time she called Hiro , Hiro-kun and not a drag.

" Hiro , Hiro " shouted Hiroshi as he stood up .

" This brat , he is changed " said Kazuki

Ryo and Jetchi had their eyes locked on Hiro.

" Woah , woah" they said together

" That's not possible is sensed his aura but couldn't find any animal spirit" said Gorosuke.

Hiro took a step back , to be precise moved his leg back and jumped towards Enzo. Before Enzo could do anything , there was a loud slashing noise , similar to two swords clashing each other. Enzo opened his eyes and saw Hiro was behind him and was standing still. Enzo shouted in agony and pain

" My horn , my beautiful horn noooooo...!!!"

Enzo clenched his fist and punched Hiro as hard as he could. Hiro stood still and his clothes were ripped of by the impact. Enzo was surprised.

" But I killed you how , can you , how can you still fight " said Enzo

Hiro grabbed Enzo arm and shouted with all his power.

" Animal technique style 1 , Ember slash "

Hiro used his other hand to slash furiously at Enzo and then pushed him away with his kicks.

" That didn't even hurt " said Enzo. However as soon Enzo completed his sentence, his right hand fall off.

" What the fuckkkkkk"!!!! shouted Enzo ,

" That brat , how he even did that " said Kazuki

" Hiro-kun " said Kanako

Mimiko abruptly spoke " Wow " while healing Hiroshi.

" Should we help him " asked Jetchi and Ryo

" No , he won't need help " said Gorosuke.

" I am gonna kill you " said Enzo as he rushed at Hiro.

A Black figure came in between Hiro and grabbed Enzo.

" Kuro...Kuroshi sama "?? said Enzo

" You imbecile fool " said Kuroshi as he enveloped himself and Enzo in a bubble of flame and disappeared.

Hiro stood still , however by the time everyone reached Hiro , he collapsed on the floor with the stone rolling out his pants.

" What grandpa , you knew about this " asked Hiroshi.

" You all are injured , let's get back to the school and we will discuss about it " said Gorosuke.

By the time they reached home all of Gorosuke students and Monks were waiting for them.

" Ryo told us what happened so we rushed at the school and protected it with spell " said Dao

" Thank you Dao " said Gorosuke.

" The food is ready , I request all of you to rest and get back to the dining room" said Dao

" Grandpa , Hiro is still unconscious" said Kanako

" Mimiko Kanako go with Hiroshi and Hiro to medical room , Ryo Jetchi And Kazuki you all go and take a bath , we all shall meet at the dining table " said Gorosuke.

" Everyone bow " said Dao.

They all bow down to Gorosuke and went to their respective places. Monks to the temple and students to the school.

" Wait , let's have dinner together " said Ryo.

" Ok , I think we can " said Dao

" Yes yes you all are invited " said Gorosuke.

Everyone went to their respective places and were getting ready.