Chapter 23 :- Shara the Saviour

The Merchant , asked again and again and again to that sage , still wiping his tears and holding his bag.

" Who are you " said the Merchant

" My name is Sharabha sama , and I have travelled here from the ancient land of India" said Sharabha

" Sharabha ??? " asked the merchant as he was confused and was on his knees due to fatigue.

" You can call me Shara , if that will be easy for you , now let's get moving" said Shara

" Uh yeah yeah " said the Merchant as he grabbed his bag and rice basket while his wife hold the other bag and his child.

" You can give me the child if you want to " asked Shara

" Yeah yeah sure " said Merchant wife as she gave the child to Shara

" What's his name " asked Shara as they started to move into a deep and dense jungle

" We haven't named him yet , he just like 2 days old " said Merchant

" You can name him , you are our guardian after all , you saved us from the soldiers " said Merchant wife

" Hmmm let's see what about Gorosuke"? asked Shara

The baby opened his eyes and tightly grasped Shara finger.

" I think he likes it " said Merchant wife and merchant together.

" We will be safe here " said Shara as he kept his bag on the ground.

" Woah where are we " asked merchant

" Idk maybe the end , maybe the beginning , shall we get rested , you guys make a house while I find a fresh water source " asked Shara

" Yeah sure , sure we will start right now " said Merchant

Shara took his bag and shook it once , as soon as he shook the bag , a small container of water rolled down. It was very shiny and was made up of brass.

" What are you going to do with it " asked Merchant

Shara smiled as he took a Damru , a small two headed drum used in Tibet and Hindu culture to praise lord. He started to beat the Damru in a rythm that caused a utter silence in the environment. All birds , animal , snakes , small ogres started to get attracted by the sound of the drum. Shara started to beat it again and again until the whole jungle was infront of the Merchant.

" I request you all to help them " said Shara.

The birds used their beak to bring them twigs and branches. Ants helped them digging the hole. Monkey brought them food like fruits, nuts , etc. Fishes brought them seaweed, and ogre brought large emptied and hollow tree trunks. Woodpecker helped them to knock the woods into each other. The snake tied the branches, while the deer brought them grasses for bed. After all the animals and ogre did their job, they touched Shara feets in their own ways , the deer licked it , the monkey touched it , the snakes coiled around them. Shara nodded and said " Thank you all your efforts will surely help them" as all the animal started to leave. Shara opened his heavy dreadlock and shook it once. The small brass container started to shake. A Small jet of water started flowing from Shara head and started to fill the container. The container however never filled. Suddenly another lake started to flow from a nearby source and it started to fill the lake till it became a river. Merchant and his wife bowed down to Shara and said :- " Oh lord , I am a fool , the one who couldn't identify , the almighty , behind that mortal body. The neck consecrated by the flow of the water that flows from his hair, and the Damru that emits the sound of rythm sensation that brought all the animals and monster work for a mortal. The one who brought her prosperity and saved our life blesses us by naming our son , I am sorry for not recognising you , my lord " said the Merchant as he started to cry. Shara smiled, grabbed and lifted Merchant from his feet and hugged him.

" Your devotion, in such times , your dedication to my service , your proper belief on me and your will that gave you hope that I would save you , impressed me " said Shara.

" You are my devotee from the time you started to walk and talk " he added

" I am Daikokuten , You are mine and I am yours " said Shara

" Oh lord , what happened that you are here on this mortal realm " asked the Merchant.

" The balance of the world , the balance of good and bad is being influenced and misunderstood" said Shara

" I shall , as being the destroyer of the realms and the caretaker of the universe , make this in balance" Shara added

Shara took a huge form , he started to grow big and big and big until the Merchant was the size of Shara toenail.

Shara shouted and started to float till he was the centre of the Horizon. He shouted as the weather changed and the air became dense.