Chapter 28 :- Time flies

" You can do it " said Hiroshi

" What a drag " said Kazuki

Hiro tried to push a rock as hard as he could but the boulder didn't moved a bit. He tried everything but he failed every time. Hiroshi sighed and asked Grandpa

" What , how will he do it " .

" He will , son , he will " said Gorosuke.

Hiro tried to push hard and hard but he failed again and again.

" Okay break , everyone " said Gorosuke.

Everyone went to the pond to take a moment and drink water, Hiro was angry on himself and sat at the porch with a grumpy look on his face.

" I can't do it , anything , I am a liability when will be an asset to the group , I can't do anything , its been a month and I tried every single thing , but it just won't work" said Hiro.

" No dear Hiro, you did everything you possibly could, You broke the pots with your fist , you learnt to control your reflexes , you learnt how to use different weapons to utilise yourself" said Gorosuke.

" Stand up and come with me " said Gorosuke.

Kazuki , Hiroshi and Hiro followed Gorosuke to the arsenal room.

" You all stay here " said Gorosuke.

" Okay sensei" said Kazuki.

Gorosuke went inside the room which was dark and full of spider web.Gorosuke took a sword kept in the middle of the room and brought it back at the entrance.

" Here , you see this sword " asked Gorosuke.

" Yeah , we aren't blind you know grandpa" said Hiro.

" To see what I am trying to dictate you need the eyes of the mind and eyes of the heart" said Gorosuke.

Gorosuke opened the sword and saw it to Kazuki , Hiro and Hiroshi.

" This is a double edged sword. It had went through a year of constant beating , grinding and heating. They constantly beat it , mould it just to get rid of it impurities. This is you " said Gorosuke.

" This sword is me "??? asked Hiro

" You endured the hellish training for the last 30 days. You went through the process of beating , heating and moulding. Yet you survived and still ask foolish questions like " Can I do it , I can't do it " , but the truth is you can. Remember no matter what happens , training and knowledge never go in vain. It's fine to rant about your problems , its alright to cry but never ever give up in yourself. Gods also help those who have faith in themselves.

Hope is the biggest key" said Gorosuke.

" Wow isn't this the same monologue of Zenitsu flashback from Demon slayer" asked Hiro.

" Yeah it's pretty much the same , I mean all the old people have same knowledge" said Hiroshi.

" Yeah yeah I have heard this like the 9th time now " said Kazuki.

Gorosuke blushed and then shouted

" Your adventurer team is ready for your first Mission , The Demon mountain " shouted Gorosuke.

" Wow ok let me check with Mimiko and Others" said Hiroshi.

" Hey stay away from my sister " said Kazuki.

" It won't be necessary " said Mimiko

Mimiko along side Kanako Ryo and Jetchi was standing behind them. Scared Kazuki jumped and hid behind Gorosuke.

" How long have you been here " asked Hiro.

" Since Goro sensei went to get the sword" said Kanako.

" Wow , your training seemed to have improved you by a lot " said Hiroshi.

" Yeah , hey it's already evening , I say we must get ready for dinner , after all we have to go the mountain tomorrow " said Kanako.

" Yeah let's go " said Gorosuke as the students returned.

" Students , that's it for today , go take a bath and get ready for dinner " said Gorosuke.

Everyone bowed and they all ran towards the hot springs.

Kanako , Mimiko and other girls went to the lady hot springs. They were soaking in when Kanako hit the topic.

" Hey , I just wanted to ask , do you like Hiroshi" asked Kanako.

Mimiko blushed and said " No , no not all " .

" C'mon , don't hide it from me " said Kanako

" I mean , He might be ripped , tall , handsome , polite , good nature , and can cook , I mean he is beautiful and I want to spend my life with him" said Mimiko

" Oh my god , you love him " said Kanako.

Mimiko went under water half way while blushing, while bubbles kept bursting.

" Kanako , that's rude , you also love Hiro " said Mimiko

Kanako blushed then shouted " No I don't he is weak ".

" Oh really , Hiro-kun " said Mimiko

" No you don't " said Kanako as she jumped at Mimiko.

Meanwhile , Kazuki was playing wrestling with Ryo Hiroshi and Jetchi at the hot spring.

" Hiroshi sama , I will beat you " said Kazuki

" Wow , sama , why all of a sudden " asked Hiro.

" For your information , Hiroshi earned my respect during the training , you didn't brag " said Kazuki.

" Oh don't do this again " said Hiroshi.

They started to fight again but this time Gorosuke interepted.

" At the table in 10 min " said Gorosuke.