Chapter 29 :- Journey to the mountain

Early in the morning , Hiro, Hiroshi, Mimiko, Kanako , Kazuki , Ryo , Jetchi and Gorosuke went to the temple for praying.

" Oh lord Daikokuten sama , have your mercy and grace upon us , please protect us from any danger we may face in our journey and remove all the obstacles" said Gorosuke.

The old monk blessed them and said :- " I think they are gonna do fine ".

" Yes sensei , your skills and techniques have improved us , we are highly obliged" said Jetchi.

" Yes , now you shall go , your journey is big" said The monk.

" But we are only going to the mountain few 100 km from here " said Hiroshi.

The old monk stared at Hiro and Hiroshi for while and then burst in laughter.

" You kids no nothing ahahahhahaha" said The monk.

" Grandpa , I think it's time " said Hiro.

" Yes , yes " said Gorosuke ,

" Let's go " he added.

As soon they were about to reach the entrance of the school , all the villagers and the monk were blocking their way as they arrived to wish them for good luck.

" Thank you all from saving us from the demon attacks , I heard you all are going to a tough journey, so we decided to give something that will help you for your journey" said Yuzi.

Yuzi was an old widow woman, her hair were tied into a big puff , but were completely white. She wore a kimono that appeared to be bigger than her size. She wore thick glasses and used a stick to walk. She was wearing a pair of white socks over a japanese sandal.

" Oh grandma , Yuzi , that wasn't necessary" said Kanako.

" No , no it's fine " said Yuzi as she gave them a bag with a bento box in it.

" I cooked some meal for you , it will last for 2 days for 7 people" said Yuzi.

" something...too " said Niko

Niko was Yuzi's granddaughter. Unfortunately her parents died during the Great Edo war. She was around 12 years old. She had a pony tail instead it was on top of his head. She wore a kimono and had glittering eyes. She gave them a clay model of a cat. It wasn't perfect but it was best a 12 year old could do.

" This neko chan , pls she wanted to go the mountain " said Niko

" Can you , can take her with you " said Niko

" Yeah sure we can " said Hiro.

" Promise " asked Niko

" Yeah , I promise" said Hiro as he tied it around his backpack.

Everyone started to give and wish them best for their journey. The monks gave them herbs , bottle of water , sake , candles and matchstick.

The villagers gave them , rice , basket , vegetables , and cooked food.

Students of the school gave them , clothes , slippers and futon mattresses.

" Hiro, Hiroshi , Kanako , Mimiko, Ryo , Jetchi , Kazuki , pleases be safe and sound , I will pray for your well being" said Gorosuke.

" Thank you grandpa " everyone said.

As Hiro and his friends started to move , all of the monks and villagers, were waving them and shouting :-

" Bye , bye have a great journey , come back soon and stay safe ".

" Bye bye nekochan " said Niko

" Eat well and don't forget to change your clothes every day " said Yuzi.

They all laughed at started to descend the mountain.

" Well , how we gonna reach there " asked Kanako.

" We can't walk 700km " said Hiro

" Scared punk " asked Kazuki.

" No , we might be able to walk 100km but 700km is insane " said Hiro.

" Don't worry" said Hiroshi

" How "? asked Kanako

Hiroshi started to laugh hysterically as his eyes glowed , he took his glasses and raised it. He laughed and laughed and then said :-

" I have a thing which we call money , Here this is our sole and saviour , Credit card sama " said Hiroshi

" How , How he got glasses " asked Kazuki.

The Card was a premium edition , modified Super Saiyan Goku , credit card of the company. Due to being golden , it shined bright above Hiroshi head.

" How you have that " asked Hiroshi.

" Well , if you know idiot , company was sold , not it's stock , we still have enough money from stocks and company to last 6 months lavishly, but I saved and invested it in stocks before coming here" said Hiroshi

Everyone face except Hiro was blank and question marks were floating over their head.

" Credit , stocks.....what" asked Everyone.

" Oh my you guys didn't know about it " asked Hiroshi.

" I know about money and bank , but bruh this above my head " said Mimiko.

" In short , we have money , and we can go to the mountain with train " shouted Hiroshi in excitement.

" Oh train , yeah yeah train " said everyone as they agreed.

" Let's go , last one to the station is an rotten egg " shouted Kazuki as he started to run.

Everyone ran as fast as they could to the station , as soon as they were about to reach the station , they all took a pause and started to take breath like animals. They all were out of breath except Kazuki.

" Huh fools , I am gonna be the winner " said Kazuki as he took a step but paused.

" What.... happened " asked Kanako.

Kazuki fell down flat on the ground mumbling:-

" I am .... out ... of breath" said Kazuki.

Everyone fell down in a comical way.