Chapter 31 :- Train of Hell

" What did you say old man " asked Kazuki.

"This might be your last meal" said The TC.

Ticket collector was in a proper dress and his face was covered by his cap. Only his mouth and cheeks were visible that were sunken, like he hasn't eaten in days.

" Why, why you say this " said Ryo

" For the last 4 months , the train carries hundred of passengers weekly , but the passengers never return. I have seen the massacre beyond my mind. You might be an open book who is unaware of the situation but the mechanistic of mind have turned into an Enigma" said The TC

" What do , ... what do you mean " asked Hiro as he took a big gulp.

" The train reaches a specific tunnel , with a lot of passengers , but when the train exits the tunnel. The demons , the monster kills and eat the passengers. Those who survives are killed at the station , the Mountain was hidden for the past few years but it has remerged again". said TC

" How are you here " asked Hiroshi

" Yeah , why they didn't you kill " asked Mimiko.

" I was once a martial artist , with the spirit of the gorilla , however , when I tried to fight them , they took my wife and daughter hostage and ordered me to give them my soul and spirit. I , foolishly , refused and attacked, but I realised , I was in a spell , they already killed them" said TC as he started to cry....

" I... I ... was cursed , they make me watch all the deaths and horror they do to the passengers , and then kill me , but resurrect me again to do the thing all over again" said The TC

Everyone heart fell , as a sense of fear and horror ran across the group. This time Ryo and Jetchi were also scared.

" Not again man " said Hiro as he started to form up tears in his eyes.

" I don't wanna die , I don't wanna die " shouted Kazuki.

Suddenly a tunnel passed by and a person grabbed Hiro shouting " Die "

Hiro screamed like a baby girl. After that everyone started to scream.

"Hahahahaha hahah " laughed the TC

" what ,... what , what the fuck" said Hiroshi.

" Hahaha you ahahahhahaha shout like a girl" said the TC

TC was laughing so much that he started to cough.

" We are just messing with you all " said The Assistant

" You booked the train , on 1st of April , and our train offers a special , prank just for the fun of passengers " said TC

Hiro , Kazuki blushed as they all laughed at them.

" Sorry for the inconveniences , you may now sleep in your compartment" said The assistant.

" Why , why , uss " asked Kazuki

" Only children , just for, fun plus , you stole from the vending machine didn't you " asked The TC

" No , I mean yeah " said Kazuki

" Great , that will compensate" said The TC.

Everyone went to their rooms and used the bunker bed . Kanako and Mimiko shared on room. Kazuki and Hiroshi used on room and Hiro used another.

Everyone went to sleep except Hiro and Hiroshi.

" Man , what is happening with me , I don't remember anything , do I have Alzheimer, maybe I should Google it " said Hiro in his mind.

" Google , symptoms , loss of memory" Hiro said

" These were the search results:-

Google :- Normal in teenagers due to lack of sleep , trauma or depression

Bingo :- You may wanna , write your will " said Google assistant.

" This is trash " said Hiro as he switched his phone off.

Knock , knock , it happened twice.

" Are you awake " asked Hiro

" Yeah , I am c'mon in bruh " said Hiroshi.

"I couldn't sleep " said Hiro

" Yeah I know , you have been a lot " said Hiroshi.

" Time sure do fly fast " said Hiro.

" Yeah ,man a lot have happened over the past few months. I mean it feels like yesterday when mom made us breakfast... oh yeah she is not with us anymore" said Hiro as the smile he had on his face disappeared. Hiroshi also grief and then said :-

" Mom will always be with us , if you ever miss her , just keep a hand on your chest and call her " said Hiroshi as he started to tear up.

" She is not going to " said Hiro

" She is Hiro , she is , she will be in our memories , our mind , everywhere all you need is faith" said Hiroshi.

" If dad was till around , maybe all of this never took place at the first place " said Hiro

" Yes , well now go to sleep as we have to leave train early in the morning" said Hiroshi.

" Good night Hiroshi " said Hiro

" Good night Hiro " said Hiroshi.

Hiroshi laid out on his back , facing the bunker above him and said :-

" Dad , I really think , Hiro might be right" said Hiroshi as he started to go into a flashback.

" You can't do anything right , perfect it " a woman shouted.