Chapter 32 :- Memory unlocked

"You can't do a thing properly" said a woman.

" But ma I am tired , I can't do it anymore" said a boy.

" Where's the voice coming from " said Hiroshi

Scared , Hiroshi slowly opened his eyes and saw his younger self swinging a sword on a tree trunk. The boy nose was dripping and he was sweaty like he was training for many hours. His hands were completely blistered and his nails were broken too.

" This is me , but what , how " asked Hiroshi.

" This your memory son " said Toraje.

" Toraje sama , hello , is there any enemy out there " asked Hiroshi.

" Remember , when you jumped into the void and was directly granted my powers" said Toraje

" Yes , yes I do " said Hiroshi

" Why though " he added

" You see , that was the exit of the unconscious mind , where all the long term memory are collected. When you exited the space , your memory popped up like a bubble and were floating around my core. The dark and lighting aura , was turned into a warm and cozy place , the sky cleared and the sun rose.

I was going through your memory and I thought this one , you might wanna see " said Toraje.

" Can they see us or hear us "?asked Hiroshi

" No but you can " said Hiroshi.

Hiroshi saw that His younger self was crying and striking the tree trunk at the same time.

" Is that Mom " asked Hiroshi

" Yes " said Toraje.

Arisu was pregnant yet was training Hiroshi.

" I remember , we use to run a dojo which was our family buisness like grandpa Gorosuke do" said Hiroshi

" Mom used to train me to make me very best of all " said Hiroshi.

" Yes , wait a minute did you said your grandpa is Gorosuke Nohara " shouted Toraje as he started to stare at Hiroshi

" Yeah , that's why it's a family buisness " said Hiroshi

" Your grandpa isn't an ordinary man , he was one of the 7 sages who helped Sage Shara to defeat the army of Dai for the last 3 cycles" said Toraje

" Wait , what " said Hiroshi.

" Dad , help me " said Younger Hiroshi.

" Dad " said Hiroshi as he couldn't believe his eyes.

Hiroshi dad , Atsuo , was a retired army man , who lost one of his leg during the Vietnam war. After retirement , he invested his money in stocks which doubled and later opened the infamous Toy company :- " Gakuro haiden "

He was 6ft 3 inch tall but was handicapped.

He had a muscular body and blue eyes , reddish hair and mustache. He wore a montsuki which is like a black silk kimono for men. Despite his appearance , he was very kind and always saved Hiroshi from Arisu's beating. However , he was ill and had only a few years left in his life , aware he tried to spend all of his time with his family. Since , he was orphaned at a young age and took under an army school due to his skills , he uses Arisu surname " Nohara".

" That's Dad " said Hiroshi as he looked at Toraje but Toraje disappeared.

Hiroshi started to tear up as young Hiroshi rushed at his dad . Atsuo grabbed him and raised him in air and hugged him. Hiroshi also ran towards Atsuo , but due to being a memory he couldn't touch him but could feel the hug. He cried and cried.

" Hey don't make him too soft , you are spoiling him " said Arisu

" I know , he is a child and needs love too" said Atsuo

" Dad , I am tried can we go out today it's the summer festival " asked Hiroshi

" Yes , if your mom says so " said Atsuo.

" I don't know " said Arisu as her stomach started to growl.

" I will count that as a yes " said Atsuo.

" I miss those time " said Hiroshi.

Arisu went inside to change his clothes. Hiroshi looked at Atsuo and said :-

" Dad , why mom always make me do this it hurts" asked Hiroshi.

" You see , when you go the a pastry shop , which cake do you buy " asked Atsuo

" The one that looks delicious" said Hiroshi

" Exactly , she want you to be the best of all because , the best one are chosen" said Atsuo.

" But , I can't do it anymore , it hurts " said Hiroshi.

" Remember , you endured all of this and one day it will pay off definitely , no matter how much time it takes , how much pain you endure , never ever give up " said Atsuo.

" It's ok to cry or give up or feel down or run from you past present future , but what matters is how much you give and the way you never give up" he added.

" Yes , dad I get it " said Hiroshi

" Guess what , if you train better next time I will buy you your favourite chocolate cake " said Atsuo

" Ahah promise " asked Hiroshi as his eyes glittered and his cheeks turned red

" Pinky promise" said Atsuo as they made a promise. Suddenly , fireworks started to take place and Hiroshi together with Atsuo laughed at them in joy.

Hiroshi cried and said :- " Thank you dad "

" Hiroshi-kun , I love you " a voice echoed.

" Huh , what the hell " said Hiroshi as he wiped his face.