Chapter 55 :- Vessel unleashed

Kazuki clenched his fist and rushed at Goki , however Goki stronger than before , grabbed Kazuki and tossed him. He kept tossing Kazuki up and down until Kazuki started to feel dizzy.

" Stop it , I am gonna like " said Kazuki

" Ok as you say " said Goki as he tossed Kazuki up in the sky but didn't catch him.

" Owww " said Kazuki

" Anyone else wanna try their luck " said Goki as he started to move towards Hiro

" Grandpa , what do we do " asked Ryo

" The only weakness to Arthropods , is fire and lightning elements. Plan A failed and without fire element we don't have a plan B " said Gorosuke as he started to take steps backward.

" What's the matter old hag , the mind of the ministry of Jungle master is out of ideas? How ironic " said Goki

" Wait , how do you know about Ministry of Jungle masters " said Gorosuke as he stopped walking and looked at Goki.

Goki ran towards Gorosuke grabbing him and staring right into his eyes.

" Because it's me " said Goki

" No you are not Goki , who are you " asked Gorosuke

" Hey , who the hell is inside my mind " asked Goki

" Shut up Goki " a voice echoed as a green pulse ran through Goki's body. Goki's eyes turned blank as he was unconscious, however his body was still functioning.

" Where was I , yes , Master Goro , was it " voice echoed

" Just who the hell are you " asked Gorosuke as he used all his strength to rip of Goki's arm and jump away from his grip. Gorosuke crushed the ripped hands for precaution.

" Well well well , Don't you remember me " said the voice through Goki's body as his arms regrow.

" No way " said Gorosuke as he looked into Goki's eyes. A figure who was wearing a black over coat hoodie with lion fur attached to it's shoulder reflected in Goki's eyes. The figure appeared to hold an marble eye attached to chain and was moving it. It appeared that the figure was controlling Goki's body.

" Kuroshi " asked Gorosuke as his eyes teared up.

" Finally , now let the battle commence " said the figure as Goki's eyes turned normal and he was back into his senses.

" What the fuck just happened " asked Hiroshi

" I don't know " said Ryo

" Grandpa ? " asked Ryo

" Grandpa what's wrong " said Hiroshi

Gorosuke started to cry as he stood still. It was the first time anyone saw Gorosuke cry like this.

" Grandpa watch out " shouted Hiroshi as he ran towards him

" This isn't worth it , is it Daikokuten sama " said Gorosuke in mind

Goki punched Gorosuke as he flew and crashed into a nearby wall. Hiroshi ran towards Gorosuke and started to clear the rubble.

" Grandpa , answer me , are you alright "

" Yes I am but " said Gorosuke as he tried to stand

" But what grandpa " asked Hiroshi

" I am out of energy , you gotta fight alone now my child " said Gorosuke as he collapsed on the floor

" No Grandpa stay with me " shouted Hiroshi

" These kids shall never know about my curse .... the pain is acting up again.... I need to rest..... Hiro.....Hiroshi...Ryo Jetchi Kanako Mimiko Kazuki... don't die...I am sorry " said Gorosuke as he fainted.

" Damn you , you filthy cockroach " shouted Hiroshi

" Kanako stay here with Grandma Yuzi... they need my help " said Mimiko as he ran towards Gorosuke

" What the hell is going on... no one can save us now " said Kanako

Jetchi grabbed Kazuki and ran towards Gorosuke. Goki charged up his fury and threw it at Jetchi. Ryo came in between of Jetchi and Goki blocking and taking damage.

" He can do what now " said Hiroshi

" This is my ki , you charge them and throw them like projectiles" said Goki

Jetchi , injured Ryo and Kazuki , Gorosuke , Mimiko and Hiroshi were cornered. Goki cracked his fists and charged his Fury.

" Any last words " asked Goki

" I failed..... Sorry mom.... I can't believe it" said Hiroshi

" Bye bye " shouted Goki as he blasted a large fury beam at Hiroshi and others.

" Nooo....." shouted Kanako

It created a large flash blinding everyone even Goki.

" Demon fury:- Sludge wave " shouted Goki as the sky turned black as multiple evil laughter could be heard.

" Never thought a cockroach will kill me with cheap kamehameha " said Hiroshi as he led his guard down accepting his fate.

After the attack the ground was destroyed. The marble floor was ripped off and the nearby tree were burning and the wall behind Hiroshi and others was destroyed. Hiroshi opened his eyes and was amazed to see that he wasn't dead.

" Wtf ... I am alive " said Hiroshi

" Yeah me too " said Mimiko

" But who the hell saved us " asked Kazuki

Hiro stood infront of everyone as he was able to block Goki's attack. Hiro was standing still as the ground around him started to shake.

" Hiro... but how the hell he .... what... " said Kazuki

" I don't know " said Ryo

" Let's Gooo Hiro " shouted Jetchi

" Wait how is that possible " said Kanako

Kanako looked around and saw the empty sake bottle.

" Guys , Hiro drank the sake " shouted Kanako

" I knew it " said Mimiko

" Hiro are you fine " asked Hiroshi

" Hiro " asked Ryo

Hiro eyes turned blank. His hair rose as his body started to bulk up a little. He started to emit a red firey aura that kept growing. His teeth turned sharp as of a wolf and his nails turned into sharp claws. Hiro ripped his shit off the reveal a lean muscular body.

" Wait ... but he never trained that is he so ripped " said Hiroshi

" Oye... Hiro... stop playing these games " said Kazuki as he kept his hand of Hiro's shoulder.

" Owwww " shouted Kazuki as he quickly removed his hand

" What happened " asked Kanako

" It's Hot as fire " said Kazuki

Hiro shouted on top of his lungs emitting firey waves across the battlefield

" What , fire , but that's the rarest elements to exist " shouted Goki

" You are dead " shouted Hiro as he rushed at Goki

" Kanako , Mimiko pls look after Grandma Yuzi and Grandpa Gorosuke , Hiro might need our help " said Hiroshi

" But you guys are in no shape to fight " said Kanako

" We will fight till our last breath even with multiple broken bones " said Jetchi

Jetchi motivation encouraged and created a positive impact on Hiroshi and others.

" Take this " shouted Goki as he punched at Hiro

Hiro twisted mid air grabbing Goki's arms and ripping it off his body. Hiro crushed the arm , burning it instantaneously.

" That's fine , it will regrow " said Goki

Goki shouted in immense pain. The area of the ripped arm was burning and cauterized instantly.

" It's not growing what the fuck " said Goki

Goki turned around but as soon as he turned around , Hiro rushed at Goki and ripped Goki's head off. Goki immediately fell on the ground as his head cauterized.

" Wait what that's it " said Hiroshi

" Maybe that's the end " said Ryo

Hiro threw the head in the air. Before it could land a wolf spirit emerged from Hiro and ate the head dispersing ash from his mouth.

" But Hiro lacked the animal spirit " said Jetchi

" I don't understand " said Mimiko

" Hiro.... so you really are the vessel " said Gorosuke in his mind.

Goki stood up as his body was emitting smoke from his head.

" Cockroaches can live without head you fool and now.... You will pay for it .... my last trick is .... this.... " shouted Goki as he started to focus his energy.

" Last trick " said everyone together.