Chapter 56 :- The Last push

Goki raged and soon his body formed a hard husk around itself. Hiro didn't let Goki reach his full potential and before anyone could do anything Hiro punched the husk turning the husk into ash instantaneously. However when the husk broke , Goki was no where to be seen. Confused , Kazuki checked the husk by kicking it.

" Maybe he is finally gone " said Kazuki

" Ummm maybe yes idk " said Mimiko

Ryo and Jetchi shat bricks when they saw what was behind Kazuki. It was if not thousand but millions of small cockroaches forming a exoskeleton that was similar to Goki full form.

" Umm Hiroshi sama " said Ryo

" What " said Hiroshi

Ryo was so scared that he didn't uttered a word rather pointed at Goki. Hiroshi also scared by the sight tried to talk to Kazuki

" Kazuki..... run " said Hiroshi

" Why would I , I just conquered Goki " said Kazuki as he boasted and took few steps back. He felt the cockroaches crawling up his back. He sighed and said

" He is behind me isn't he " asked Kazuki

Everyone nodded as everyone face turned blue. Kazuki tried to jump but a swarm of cockroach formed a hand and grabbed Kazuki.

" Leave me alone you dipshit" said Kazuki

" You conquered me ? You say " said Goki

A swarm of cockroaches formed a face. Goki real face appeared out of nowhere and looked dead into Kazuki's eyes. Goki's eyes were green and had whiskers similar to a cockroach. Instead of hair , he possessed two large antennas and his teeths were razor sharp in a zigzag pattern. His eyebrows were also in zig zag shape.

" Woah , you are a human " said Mimiko

" I was...until I knew what this mortal body comprises.. This body is weak....and useless" said Goki

" You were a human but still chose to be a demon why " asked Hiroshi

Goki threw Kazuki at Ryo and Jetchi and followed it by swinging an arm made of cockroach swarm at Hiroshi and Mimiko. They both dodged it and took a fighting stance.

" I don't know who I was but I know one thing I chose this body.... because I wanted to be powerful... Mortals die , are too considerate for killing... Emotion chokes them , they are to scared to take decision because they are confused about their own thinking capabilities. In short they get confused.. whether to listen to your mind or your heart...which make them weak... I know it because I once was in such dilemmas" said Goki

" We can help you .... don't you want your human mind , body all that love and compassion back?? " said Jetchi as he stood up

" Wow guys actually care for me. Let me think.... " said Goki as he lead his guard down

Hiroshi slowly approached Goki to look for an opening to attack. Goki suddenly grabbed Hiroshi.

" No... I don't think so " said Goki

"Ahhh leave me you bastard.. " said Hiroshi as he struggled to get free

Goki squeezed Hiroshi as tight as he could

" First I will break your spine , immobilizing you and then see you suffer... ahahahha " said Goki as started to laugh

" Noo... let me go.... " said Hiroshi as his voice fainted..

" No Hiroshi sama " said Ryo as he rushed at Goki however Goki grabbed Ryo using the swarm.

" Ryo.... No.. " said Hiroshi as blood spurts from his mouth and his eyes rolled out.

" Jetchi throw me you fatso " said Kazuki

" Ok... " said Jetchi as he threw Kazuki at Goki

" Wait I am coming too " shouted Jetchi as he also jumped at Goki

Kazuki punched Goki as hard as he could. The punch was so strong that the waves broke the nearby wall however Goki was unfazed.

" What the fuck it's like a jelly " said Kazuki as he tried to push his arm back

" No no no.... More like a swamp... " said Goki

" You know this was one of the worst idea " said Jetchi

" Wow so it's all on me now huh fatso " said Kazuki

" Silence" shouted Goki as grabbed all of them using his swarm of cockroaches.

" It's eating time my babies " said Goki as the arms started to suck all the energy from Hiroshi , Mimiko , Ryo , Jetchi and Kazuki. Each of their respective animal spirit also started to feel the pain.

" Wait a minute.. 1 2 3 ..4 .. 5 ..? . Weren't you 7 ? " said Goki

A Flame wheel charged at Goki slicing and cauterizing the arms that he used to catch Hiroshi and others.

" Ahhh bastard I knew something was wrong" said Goki as screamed in agony.

Hiroshi looked back and saw Kanako in a throwing position and predicted what have happened. Hiro did a summersault and stood on his two legs with his shirt torn and his back ripped.

" You did it " said Kanako as she trembled and sat on the ground.