HPMRS CH 22: Halloween is coming!

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During this class, Ryan was busy learning all kinds of knowledge to strengthen himself.

What made him most happy was that he found the correct way to use the knowledge in the "Winterhome Industrial Manual". As industrial knowledge, this book records a lot of content of various materials.

And this obviously provides a lot of help to Ryan in the Transfiguration class. As we all know, the three elements of Transfiguration are magic, the understanding of magic itself, and the understanding of various materials and their properties. This also allowed Ryan to add a lot of points to Gryffindor in the Transfiguration class.

Maybe, because he's been too busy these days, in addition to the homework for each subject, he's been spending time to practice the new knowledge gained from the Myriad Realms General Store. So, when Ryan suddenly realized that he wrote a letter to his home every Saturday and has already written the letter nine times, he felt incredulous.

When he got up one morning, Ryan smelled the fragrance of roasted pumpkin wafting throughout the castle. He knew that Halloween was coming soon.

"It seems that the troll will show up soon?" While thinking desperately about how to deal with the possible troll incident, Ryan walked to the charms classroom with a textbook in his hand.

Today Professor Flitwick looked very happy, probably because of the festival.

After the class, the professor announced that he thought they could start flying objects. The students have been eagerly hoping to try this skill since they saw Professor Flitwick making Neville's toad fly around in the classroom.

Professor Flitwick divided the class into two groups to start training. Harry's partner is Seamus Finnigan. And Ron has to work with Hermione Granger.

Harry looked quite happy, but Neville was set as Ryan's partner. So Ryan stared at Harry, not knowing whether he should swap Neville with Seamus or not, feeling a bit depressed. After all, no one likes to have a partner who is prone to causing accidents. Ron and Hermione Granger looked very annoyed, also Hermione hadn't spoken to them since the day Harry's flying broom arrived. It should be said that at most they couldn't understand each other before, and would just nod their heads when they met. But now the two sides basically treat each other as air, completely ignoring each other.

This situation also made Ryan and Hermione feel a bit embarrassed when they met Harry or Ron after they return to the common room after studying in the library.

"Well, don't forget the subtle wrist movements we have been training!" Professor Flitwick stood on his pile of books as usual and said sharply. "Wingardium Leviosa, remember, Wingardium Leviosa, Reciting the incantation correctly is very important. - Do not forget the example of Ballou Fiault wizard, his 'd' became 't' as he spoke, and found himself lying On the floor. On his chest was a bison."

Magic cannot transform a feather into food, but it can transform it into a bison. Couldn't the wizard make a bison first, and then turn the bison into roasted beef? I should ask Professor Flitwick after the class. Ryan took out his wand, ready to cast the spell.

And because he has been practicing for a long time in private, Ryan made the feather fly in one go.

"Oh, look, Mr. Ryan has succeeded. By the way, for that nice floating spell in your last flight lesson. I give five points to Gryffindor. " Professor Flitwick yelled sharply.

In the following time, Ryan began to help Neville master the spell. In fact, as long as he doesn't panic and gains a little confidence, Neville's magic talent is not that bad. After reciting the mantra repeatedly and watching Ryan's demonstration many times, he practiced empty-handed.

Without the correct learning method, most of the little wizards are still struggling to learn this magic.

Harry and Seamus waved their wands, wave again, and did it over and over again, but the feathers they should have sent up in the air were still lying motionless on the table. Finally, anxious Seamus stroke his wand harshly towards the feather and the feather crackled and lit up into flames directly.

Fortunately, Harry was quick to put out the small fire, but it also made the students around him have to wave their hands to get rid of the burnt smell of burnt feather.

On the other side of the classroom, Ron's progress was not any better.

"Wingardium Leviosa ! " he yelled, waving his two long arms like a windmill.

"You are pronouncing it wrong." Ryan heard Hermione said rudely the same famous line he'd heard in his previous life " it's leviOsa, not levosa" - as Hermione saw Ryan practice this spell, she followed Ryan and practiced it in advance too, she had already mastered this spell before class too.

"Since you are so clever, you can give it a try." Ron snarled.

Hermione rolled up her sleeves, waved her wand, and said, "Wingardium Leviosa!" The feather rose from the table and hung four feet above their heads.

"Oh, well done!" Professor Flitwick shouted, pinching his hands, "Look, everyone, Miss Granger has also succeeded! This spell is not as difficult as you think. Be careful, and you can do it too."

After class, Ryan ran up to the podium and asked the question about the bison.

Professor Flitwick replied: " The wizard did not conjure a bison out of thin air, he just summoned bison from other places. Gamp's law of elemental transfiguration just says that food cannot be "made from thin air," but has to be summoned from elsewhere "

After thanking Professor Flitwick for clearing his confusion, Ryan ran out of the classroom.

The corridor was very crowded, the students after class were jumbled up together, and everyone could only move forward slowly.

Ryan heard Ron's voice: "No wonder, no one can stand her, indeed, she was like a nightmare."

As soon as he finished speaking, Ryan saw a brown-haired girl walking past Ron and Harry holding a book and bowing her head, and bumped Harry when she passed them.

That girl should be Hermione, but she lowered her head as if crying.

Ryan rushed forward towards, Harry and Ron and heard Ron say to Harry: "She must have heard. Apart from Ryan, who came from the same place as her, she has no friends."

Ryan shook his head, then patted the shoulders of the two people.

"Why did you suddenly do that, you scared me to death." Ron said. "I think you lack the spirit of a gentleman when you talk about a girl behind her back." Ryan said.

Harry lowered his head, looking a little ashamed.

Ron asked: "What is the spirit of a gentleman?"

Only then did Ryan think that magic had evened the physical gap between men and women. Therefore, in the UK, the wizarding world is the place where genders are most equal. This also leads to many common British customs, such as the spirit of a gentleman, not being well known in the wizarding world.

"Well, what I want to say is that the talking behind someone's back is always immoral, and I think you need to apologize to Hermione."

Harry and Ron nodded. Ryan heard Ron whispered, "I can apologize to give you some face. I'm really curious that you can endure Hermione's friendship?"

Then the three of them went to the next class together.


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