HPMRS CH 23: Yes, we are friends!

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Currently on chapter: 28 on Patreön...

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During class, Ryan was surprised to find that Hermione, who was a good student, did not come to class. This made Ryan a little nervous, thinking about that troll, it was definitely not something a first-year student could deal with.

Fortunately, it may be because of the class, Quirrellmort was probably unable to pull out for now, as there was no way to release the trolls. There is a quiet and peaceful atmosphere in the castle. Ryan asked the students around in the common room about Hermione's whereabouts. The Indian witch Parvati Patil told Ryan that she saw Hermione crying sadly in the women's bathroom and refused to let others comfort her.

After thanking Parvati Patil, Ryan ran downstairs, through the hall decorated with colorful Halloween decorations, and went straight to the public bathroom on the first floor.

At the door of the bathroom, Ryan saw senior Angelina walking out of it, so he stopped her.

"Good afternoon, Senior Angelina. Have you seen Hermione inside ? " "Hermione? Is that the first-year girl in our house? " Angelina nodded. She was crying in a compartment with the door locked. Some of us tried to comfort her, but she refused. Are you her friend?"

"I think so, would you please call her out for me? Just tell her that Ryan is waiting for her at the door."

"Okay." Angelina smiled, turned, and walked into the bathroom.

After a few minutes, Angelina came out with Hermione. Hermione's hair was a bit messy, her eyes were red, and she twitched her nose from time to time.

"Friends are one of everyone's most important treasures, I wish you a pleasant chat." Senior Sister Angelina waved to them and then left.

After seeing the acquaintance leaving, Hermione's tears began to swirl in her eyes.

Ryan hurriedly took out a napkin and handed it to Hermione: "It's okay, don't cry. Let's find a place to talk, it's not appropriate to stand in the hallway. " After that, he took Hermione to the nearest empty classroom.

After all, although there are not many people at the bathroom entrance, there are always people coming and going. It is bad to be seen crying here.

Turning a corner is an empty classroom, Ryan opened the door to let Hermione go in. After that, followed in to find two chairs, wiped them with napkins, and sat down face-to-face. (can't use Scouring Charm 'scourgify' for now).

Then Ryan looked at Hermione's red and swollen eyes, not knowing what to say. After all, he has been a single dog for both his life, and he really doesn't have much experience in coaxing girls.

The two people stared at each other for a minute or two, perhaps finding Ryan's embarrassment.

Hermione's lips twitched upwards and she started laughing.

With this laugh, the solemn atmosphere was broken, and Ryan also laughed inexplicably.

After a few minutes, the two stopped laughing.

Ryan finally sorted out his thoughts, and he said to Hermione: "You don't need to feel so sad because it's not your mistake. Weasley and Potter didn't intentionally want to hurt you or your feelings, but sometimes they get emotional and say or do stuff without thinking. Nothing goes through their brain. For example, the hurtful things they said today, I believe they didn't even mean to say it. "

"Then what did I do wrong, why do they detest me?" Hermione wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes with a napkin, raised her head, and said stubbornly.

"I actively speak in every class and try my best to add points to the house. But the two of them don't cherish my efforts at all, and often get our points deducted."

"Hermione, to tell the truth, most of the points they lose, are lost in Professor Snape's class, Professor is just biased, it is not entirely their fault. If you ignore the points deducted by Professor Snape, you will find that their deduction level is the same as the average of the whole house." Ryan said.

"Then why does it seem like our classmates don't pay attention to the house cup. " Hermione said in confusion. "A lot of students in this house will get some points deducted for discipline or academic errors. When and where I find out that they are wrong, I point it out to them, but they don't care at all, and even hate me because I try to help them."

Hermione shook her head slightly, and then continued: " The Sorting Hat wanted to assign me to Ravenclaw, but I thought that the greatest white wizard of this century, headmaster Dumbledore, graduated from Gryffindor, so I chose that instead, now that I think about it, is it because I do not fit the house."

"No, of course not." Ryan used to comfort his little niece in his previous life. He wanted to reach out and touch Hermione's head, but Hermione glared back.

"Actually, the sorting hat assorts a person into houses according to the personality, and then taking into account the wishes of the students themselves, since you are assigned to Gryffindor, there must be a side that suits this house."

"When assigning students to Gryffindor, the sorting hat speaks of bravery, in fact, I think brave ones should be more prone to become emotional. Harry and Ron are the more typical ones, that's why I said to not be angry about what they said in the heat of the moment, sometimes they are really not using their brains at all, in fact, what you say is correct."

"Since what I said is correct, why do I think everyone in the academy rejects me a little bit?" Hermione asked strangely.

"It's very simple. What you said is right, but there is something wrong with your way of expressing it." Ryan said all the things he thought and learnt in the novels in his previous life.

"As far as I know, you haven't been very good at communicating with people since elementary school, so you tend to help others out of kindness, but in the eyes of others, it is a condescending instruction. When heard about you in elementary school, It was often prefixed with arrogance. If the person listening to you is Ravenclaw, they will talk about it to you in private maybe, and ask your true intention, but you can't expect the habitually passionate Gryffindor to put so much effort in thinking and talking."

"Whether it's Harry or Ron, they are basically good people, but Harry suddenly changed from a helpless orphan to a savior. This psychological gap is likely to magnify his emotional side. In Ron's case, well, his brothers are too many and he is the least valued one in the family. Understandably, everything he does in this environment is a bit extreme. "

"So, the evaluation from a radical person and an emotional person when they are being emotional is not necessarily correct. You don't need to take them to the heart."

After an afternoon of persuasion, Hermione was finally relieved. She knows that she shouldn't use other people's mistakes to torture herself, and she also knows what needs to be done in the future.

As it got dark, Hermione adjusted her mind and stood up. She stretched out a hand "Thank you for spending an afternoon comforting me. I think you are my first friend at Hogwarts, right?"

Sure enough, he was just an acquaintance before. Ryan stood up and reached out to shake Hermione's hand: "Yes, we are friends."