HPMRS CH 24: Halloween Boss!

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After persuading Hermione, Ryan suggested going to the library to study together. But Hermione thought that her eyes were red and swollen, and she saw herself in the mirror finding out that she was really not okay with appearing like this in front of her classmates to make a fool of herself. She felt that it would do fine to study in this empty classroom together as well.

There was no way Ryan would deny that, so he went upstairs to the dormitory to get his schoolbag, and then returned to this empty classroom. Hermione had washed her face and cleaned up the two desks.

Hermione took out the notes that Ryan had copied for the lesson that she missed in the morning, and started to make up for the lesson she didn't attend in the morning. While thinking out loud: "My God, I can not believe because of this thing I actually missed a lesson, also Levitation Charm is a very important spell, perhaps it will be in the final examination too."

Time passed slowly while studying. After finishing all the homework assigned today, Ryan raised his head and looked out the window, and found that it was already dark.

"Oh, I think it's already time for dinner. Today, there is a Halloween themed dinner. I heard that the Halloween Feast at Hogwarts will be amazing and the decorations in the Great hall will be very beautiful. I think this is our first Halloween Feast in Hogwarts and definitely, we should not miss it. Let's run faster, maybe we can catch up with the banquet."

The two gathered their books and were about to push the door to go out when they suddenly heard crackling footsteps from the other end of the corridor. Ryan seemed to have thought of something, and grabbed Hermione who was about to open the door, then opened the door a little and peered out.

When he saw Harry and Ron running over, Ryan opened the door and walked out.

... After the morning class, Harry and Ron discovered that Hermione hadn't been there all afternoon, and Ryan had just gone upstairs to get a schoolbag and disappeared in a hurry.

When it was time for dinner, they went downstairs and went to the Halloween Feast. They overheard Patil telling her friend Lavender that Hermione was doing homework with Ryan in the empty classroom on the first floor. She was crying in the washroom all afternoon. I really envy Hermione, to have such a caring friend.

Ron looked a little uncomfortable when he heard this. He said to Harry: "Only because Ryan is also a bit nerdy, he can be friends with Hermione."

Harry said: "I know you are saying that because Ryan asked you to apologize to Hermione, you don't want to do that, but if he hadn't organized discussion of the homework in the common room, I might really not be able to finish the homework recently, you know, Quidditch training takes up time."

A moment later, when they walked into the Great Hall and saw the colorful Halloween decorations, they immediately forgot Hermione.

A thousand bats flew sharply on the walls and ceiling, and another thousand like a group of low dark clouds hovered and danced above the dining table, causing the candle flames in the pumpkin belly to flicker. The delicious food suddenly appeared on the golden plate, just like at the banquet at the beginning of school.

While Harry and the others were eating happily, Professor Quirrell suddenly sprinted into the Great Hall frantically, with a terrified expression. Everyone stared at him and saw him sprint up towards Dumbledore's chair in the middle, before the table, panted, and said, " Troll -- in the dungeons -- thought you ought to know. "

After speaking, he fell on the floor and passed out.

The whole student body then began to panic in an uproar, Headmaster Dumbledore having to first silence them all with Purple Firecrackers, before telling the Prefects to take the students back to their dormitories and for all teachers to follow him to the dungeon, to deal with the loose troll.

Naturally, Percy was familiar with taking the students from his house Gryffindor.

On the way, they met some people rushing in different directions. Many people had nervousness written on their faces, and even some timid girls were sobbing.

When they walked for a while and squeezed through a bunch of confused Hufflepuff house students, Harry seemed to have thought of something, grabbed Ron by the arm, and said, "I remember that Hermione and Ryan still don't know about the troll. I think we should inform them."

Ron bit his lip.

"Oh, all right." he said decisively. "but it's better not to let Percy see us leaving." They buried themselves, mixed in the crowd of Hufflepuff, and walked in the other direction. They walked through the empty side corridor and just turned the corner when they heard rapid footsteps behind them.

"Percy!" Ron said in a low voice, pulling Harry to hide behind a large stone lion with an eagle head.

They looked from behind the stone carving, only to find that it was not Percy, but Snape. He walked through the corridor and disappeared from their sight.

"What is he doing?" Harry asked in a low voice. "Why didn't he stay with the other teachers and go to the dungeon below?"

"How should I know!"

Following Snape's fading footsteps, they walked quietly along the corridor, making as low noise as possible.

Nothing happened during the rest of the journey. Harry and Ron had just turned a corner and came to the corridor in front of Ryan and Hermione's self-study classroom. They saw Ryan coming out from the door of the classroom: "Isn't it dinner time, what are you two doing here?"

Harry opened his mouth, just about to say something. Suddenly a smell of stinky socks mixed with public toilets that had never been cleaned hit their faces, and then the four people heard a low grunt and the sound of something huge being dragged on the ground.

Ryan's face changed drastically, and he immediately told Harry and Ron to hide in the classroom, after which they hid their breath in the shadow of the classroom.

Through the glass on the classroom door, they saw a behemoth walking past the classroom, through the moonlight shining through the corridor windows.

They found that this was a giant monster.

It was twelve feet tall, its skin was dull and gray as granite, and its large and stupid body was like a huge pile of mud, with a cocoa bean-like head on top. Its short legs stump like thick. The smell from it was disgusting. It was holding a thick wooden stick in its hand, and because of its long arms, the stick was being dragged on the ground.

Behind her, Hermione covered her mouth and let out a suppressed exclamation. After listening to the troll's footsteps, the four of them came to the door and looked towards the corridor.

They saw the troll stop by a door, peeking inside. It wiggled its long ears, made a decision with its small head, then lowered its head and slowly entered the room.

"The key is in the keyhole." Harry murmured. "We can lock it in so that it won't hurt people."

"Good idea." Ron said nervously.

They walked sideways to the open door, feeling dry in their mouths, hoping that the troll wouldn't suddenly run out. Harry strode, grabbed the key in, slammed the door, and locked it firmly.

"We did it!"
