HPMRS CH 25: Killing the troll.

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Just as Harry flushed with excitement as they succeeded, and began to run back down the passage, he heard a bang. Harry turned his head and saw that the door that had just been locked had been smashed open by the club.

A fragment of door flew directly towards Harry. Harry felt that he couldn't escape and closed his eyes, waiting for the hit, he suddenly felt someone pulled him down on the ground with a strong force, and the fragments flew directly over Harry's head. It turned out to be Ryan, as Ryan was actively anticipating the event, so he was continuously observing his surroundings and when he saw the incoming danger, he gave Harry a hand.

"Sure enough, the troll still has a certain amount of intelligence. If there is no one in the there, it will give priority to attacking the person closest to it, such as the two people who just locked it in. " Ryan looked at the situation and thought to himself.

"The door can't stop the troll." Ryan called to Harry. "The movement you locked the door, the clicking was so loud that the troll was alarmed. We must now find a way to trap it in, otherwise we won't be able to run away from the troll in such a place." After speaking, Ryan fired at the troll a offensive spell he has just learned.


It was a pity that this spell had no apparant effect on it, the troll just blocked it with his arm, and then tried to squeeze through the small door.

At this time, Ron and Harry also reacted, and they also released charms on the trolls one after another.


"Tarantallegra" (The Dancing Feet Spell)

The two charms hit the trolls body, the troll only paused for a second, and then irritably hit the door frame with the stick in his hand, trying to beak out. It seems that the troll has strong magic resistance.

Finally, Hermione had adjusted her mentality too. She used the Levitating Charm to direct the table that had just been hit by the troll. Let the table collide with the floor to make a loud noise.

The troll has a low IQ, so he ignored the four living people in front of him and turned his head to check the direction of the noise.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the four people crept back, trying to get out of the troll's attack range.

When they had just walked more than 20 meters, a huge roar came from the back, and it seemed that the troll had discovered that he had been deceived, and the little things that had just provoked him fled.

Ryan yelled: "Run!" As the four people galloped in the corridor.

The angry Troll smashed the walls on both sides of the door and squeezed himself out, chasing the four people. The edge of the damaged wall was sharp, penetrating the skin on the giant monster's palm.

The stench of blood wafted from the hands of the monster, leaving a red and black mark on the corridor.

"What do we do now?" Ron asked nervously, seeing the troll getting closer and closer.

"Turn around here a few times and find a place where the monster can't get through. We can't run to the Great hall. Maybe there are other students there. We can't take the monster there." Ryan replied.

Turning a corner, they saw a closed door. The door is very small, it is an old style wooden door covered with iron sheet. Only one meter wide and two meters high, it looks like a good place to hide.

After Hermione used The Unlocking Charm (Alohomora), they found that the space inside was not small, it was like a warehouse filled with series of sundries such as broken broomsticks and old iron buckets.

Four people squeezed in, then closed the door, and then retreated to the depths of the room.

Soon, they heard the heavy footsteps of the monster stop outside the door, and then the disgusting sniffing noise of the monster came from outside the door.

"Will it find us?" Hermione asked, and Ryan heard her talking with a trembling voice.

"Maybe, but it can't get in through such a small door." Ryan comforted Hermione.

As soon as he said that, the door slammed open, and the troll frantically tried to squeeze in, but the size of the door only allowed it to extend a head or an arm.

The monster tried to repeat the old trick, but this time the wall did not break. The manic giant can only use his extended hand, by waving the stick to smash everything it could, occasionally poking his head in and looking at the four people with bloodshot eyes. But this didn't hurt the four people hiding behind a few shelves at all.

Ryan looked at the troll who stuck his head in and looked at them from time to time, then looked at the environment in the utility room, and suddenly had a bold idea.

"Can you control the hanging ring of the iron chandelier above?" Ryan asked.

"The three of us should be able to do it together." Harry replied.

"Well, you are ready, on the count of three, you attack by dropping the ring, I have an idea."

" Ready."

"1-2-3 hands-on! Wingardium Leviosa."

Their magic broke free the hanging ring of the chandelier, but the chandelier was hung in the air by Ryan's spell.

Ryan slowly moved the chandelier towards the door with magic, and then ended the magic the moment the troll poked his head in to check.

The angular iron chandelier slammed the giant monster's head from a height of five or six meters, it successfully hit the giant monster's head directly on the ground, making an earth-shaking noise.

A corner of the chandelier hit the back of the troll's head, and a big hole was opened in that place, and some red, and white liquid flowed out. And the neck of the giant monster also formed a strange angle with the rest of its body, and it looked like it was broken.

Then the body of the troll behind the door fell down and completely blocking the door of the room.

"It's done, it's okay now." Ryan finished, and all four of them slid against the wall and sat on the ground and began to pant. They found that because of the tension and fear just now, their legs are now soft.

After sitting quietly in the dark for a few minutes, Hermione tremblingly asked , "This monster —is it dead?"

"Maybe" Ryan said, "I don't think this troll should be alive."

Suddenly they heard knocking on the doors and loud footsteps, and all four people in the room looked up. They didn't realize how much noise had been made just now, it must be the people downstairs who heard the violent collision and the roar of the monster.

After a while, Professor Flitwick used magic to remove the giant monster blocking the door.

Professor McGonagall lit the wand in her hand and rushed into the room, followed by Snape, Quirrell at the end.

Quirrell only glanced at the troll, then let out a weak sob, sat on a box, and held his chest tightly.

Snape bent over to check the troll. Professor McGonagall looked at the four people. Ryan had never seen her look so angry.

At this time Professor Snape stood up and showed an surprised look: "The troll is dead, was it done by using the Levitating Charm?" "Yes." Only then did Ryan see the brain splashing out of the giant monster through the light. A feeling of nausea spread to his mind, and he replied with an ugly face.

"You killed a Troll. This is a somewhat difficult thing even for an adult wizard. For the first-year students like you, I really want to praise you for your courage and smart spell use. But before that, I need you to go to the Headmaster Dumbledore with me. After all, this incident caused the death of a magical creature, and four students almost died. The headmaster must take care of this matter himself."

After speaking, Professor McGonagall held Hermione, who seemed to be trembling, to lead the way. Ryan and the others followed behind and walked to Headmaster Dumbledore's office.