HPMRS CH 37: Farewell little Dragon!

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In a few minutes, Ryan came back with a little box in his hand.

Opening the box. The inside of the box is divided into two parts. On the left is some medical equipment. On the right are one after another thumb-sized little bottles, which are filled with various liquids.

This box was made after he got the inheritance of plant cultivation and traditional Chinese medicine. The equipment was bought by his parents. And some of the liquid in the bottle is the essence of plant extracts from the world of Plants vs. Zombies, and the others were made while practicing potions on weekdays.

After opening the box, Ryan took out an acupuncture needle and picked out a little thread-like tooth about the size of a grain of rice from Ron's wound.

"What is this?" several people asked in surprise. Ryan put the fine-tooth in an empty bottle, and then explained: "I read from a book that many fire dragons grow a special kind of tooth to secrete venom when they are young. This is what they use to defend themselves. This will stick into the bitten opponent causing pain, festering wounds, infections and with the release of toxins it also makes the healing process of the wound slower."

Ryan then used tweezers to hold cotton and dipped it in alcohol and soapy water to clean the wound. Finally, Ryan's medicine was applied to the wound, mainly a white powder.

"Okay, it's done. It's just that I'm not sure that it'll completely heal or stop the infection only, but it'll do fine for the night. After all, there is no cure for dragon bites in my medical skills."

"It's okay. " Ron looked at the wound that was re-wrapped with clean gauze. "At least it doesn't hurt as much now."

When Ryan finished his treatment and packed his things, there was a flapping sound from the pitch-black window. Hedwig came back with a letter from Charlie.

In the letter, Charlie said he would be happy to adopt this Norwegian Ridgeback, but he told that they need get the Ridgeback sent to the tallest tower on midnight of Saturday. He has a few reliable friends there who can use a flying broom to take the dragon away while it is dark. After all, this dragon should not be seen by others, technically they're smuggling an illegal XXXXX grade magical creature.

Ryan and the others looked at each other, after all, it was a very dangerous thing to take a dragon through the entire castle late at night. It was too easy to be spotted by the teachers or ghosts who wandered and patrolled during the night.

But Harry finally suggested that he had an invisibility cloak, enough to cover the two people and Norbert.

Things were settled, Ron's hand was only slightly red and swollen early the next morning, and it looked like it was about to heal. His fingers will be completely healed in one day. This made Ron admire Ryan's medical skills, and Ryan was a little embarrassed.

Ryan had some free time at noon so he went to Hagrid to tell him about the exact time and process to send the dragon away. When he reached the door of Hagrid's hut, he found the hound was sitting outside the door with a bandage on his tail.

Hagrid opened the window to talk to him. "I can't let you in," he said, panting. "Norbert is very difficult to deal with now - It won't listen to its mommy."

So, Ryan told him about Charlie's letter, Hagrid's eyes were immediately filled with tears, but It could also be because Norbert just bit his leg.

"Haha! It's okay, it just bit my boots - it's playing - after all, it's still a little kid." Norbert knocked on the wall with her tail, and it certainly wasn't peaceful inside.

Ryan said goodbye to Hagrid. On the way back to the castle, he felt more and more assured that it would be in everyone's best interest to send the dragon away as soon as possible.

Saturday arrived. It was dark at night and the sky was densely covered with dark clouds. Ryan and others went out to Hagrid's hut. Originally Harry and Ron said that the two of them were enough, but Ryan told them that if something got in the way, they would be delayed and he will be responsible for distracting those who get in the way, so they can go directly, without any detours.

The final result was that the three set off together wearing the invisibility cloak.

Sure enough, Peeves was playing tennis against the wall in the hall. Ryan walked out of the invisibility cloak, sneaked in the other direction, and made a sound to attract Peeves away.

After circling around and shaking off Peeves from tailing him, Ryan came to the hall and found that Harry and Ron had already left.

Standing in the hall, Ryan suddenly felt that it would be a bit boring to go directly back to the dormitory now. I've been here for so long, but I haven't visited the Forbidden Forest for so long. It's almost the end of the semester now, and there will be no chance to go there this semester again.

I think I still have a bunch of magical plants to find. If I don't go deep into the core area of the forbidden forest, there should be no danger. Ryan made up his mind and walked out of the hallway secretly in the direction of the Forbidden Forest.

As he passed Hagrid's cabin, he could still hear a loud sob from inside. It seemed that for Hagrid, sending the dragon away was a big heart breaker.

On the edge of the forbidden forest, Ryan saw a small road gradually concealing into the depths of the black jungle. Walking along this road, the plants slowly became dense, and the sky was slowly gone. Only occasionally a moonlight shone through the clouds from the branches above, illuminating the path.

It's just that this light does not bring a sense of security, but this dim light makes the branches of the surrounding trees appear even more flabby. Ryan took out a Lantern Cherry from the shop, and the surrounding darkness was quickly turned into light by the Lantern Cherry. He felt that some of the eyes that were prying in the dark had also disappeared, and it seemed that the Lantern Cherry had some additional effects of dispelling evil.

After walking down the path for a while, Ryan suddenly found some silver-blue light on the ground. He leaned forward and found that it was not reflected moonlight, but some liquid.

The time when Voldemort killed the unicorn shouldn't be now, so what's the matter with the blood that looks like from a unicorn?

Ryan thought, weighing whether he wanted to catch up and see or run away. Finally, curiosity overwhelmed fear, and he began to follow the bloodstains.

These suspected bloodstains reflected obvious bright light under the light of Lantern Cherry. This is not simply a reflection of light, but also a luminous effect that reacts with the magic in the Lantern Cherry.

Ryan walked past a moss-covered tree stump, and he could hear the gurgling water. Obviously, there was a stream somewhere nearby. On the winding road, there are still traces of blood scattered. The only good news is that the bleeding does not seem to be large, and this unicorn should not be in life-threatening condition, probably.

After walking for ten minutes and approaching the edge of the core area of the Forbidden Forest, Ryan still didn't see anything.

Thinking that it was getting late, he was about to give up tracking when he heard some strange noises coming from behind the bushes.

He arched forward and quietly pushed aside the bushes. The sight afterward made him open his mouth in surprise.

Ryan thought this was the most beautiful picture he had seen in his two lifetimes. Several unicorns were standing next to each other, rubbing their necks affectionately, and the moonlight shone silver on their water-soft fur. This serene and sacred scene left Ryan dumbfounded.
