HPMRS CH 38: Unicorn.

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Just as Ryan was staring at the beautiful scenery, suddenly the unicorn in the lead neighed as if he had noticed something.

With this neigh, all the unicorns turned their heads in the direction where Ryan was hiding.

Ryan swallowed nervously because he knew that even werewolves aren't strong enough to beat an adult unicorn in a one-on-one fight. Not to mention such a group of five or six can probably take on a dragon head-on and maybe even win.

Such being the case, running away is definitely not a good idea. In the woods, humans can't outrun this kind of natural magically boosted horse anyway. So Ryan decided to go out and face the unicorns. After all, unicorns belong to the kind-hearted camp and should not have the habit of killing innocent people. Thinking of this, Ryan pulled away from the branches and walked in open towards where the unicorns were. Looking at the unicorn group across.

Tension made Ryan feel time dilation. It may have been a long time, or it may have been only a few seconds, he's not sure. The leading unicorn finally looked away, and the remaining unicorns also relaxed. They still remained in this open area. Ryan took a deep breath, sat down on the grass watching the Unicorns. After all, even for wizards, the opportunity to face a group of unicorns in the wild is very rare.

When the unicorns were rubbing each other, Ryan found that the right leg of a unicorn seemed to have been injured. A trace of black mist was exuding around the wound, and silver blood was constantly dripping down.

Seeing this scene, Ryan stood up and walked over slowly like a group of unicorns. The unicorns were startled a little and then looked at him with alert eyes.

Ryan walked towards them, keeping a distance of four or five meters from the unicorn, he stopped and said: "I saw one of you has a leg injury and is probably attacked by some kind of dark magic. This kind of would is very difficult to heal on its own. I think I have something that can help him."

The legendary unicorn is a very clever and pure magical creature, so Ryan tried to explain his purpose to them, hoping that the unicorn could understand and respond.

Ten seconds later, the leading unicorn neighed at Ryan in a friendly manner. It could be understood that it had accepted his kindness, but he refused Ryan's approach.

It's true that unicorns only accept women's approach, and Ryan thought they would let him approach the said unicorn due to the current special circumstances. I really don't understand what is the difference between human women and men for unicorns? Obviously they are not the same species as humans.

Since he couldn't get close, Ryan took out a new Lantern Cherry and placed it on the ground. There are dozens of sun crystals in a leaf next to it. With Ryan's mastery of planting and Chinese medicine capabilities, he discovered that these sun crystals produced by Sunshine Sunflowers contain the power of light and life. And this kind of power can just drive out and neutralize the dark power damage.

After putting these things in place, Ryan stepped back seven or eight steps before spreading his hands to show that he was not malicious.

Obviously, unicorns as magical creatures can also feel the light and life force inside the crystals. The leading unicorn held the Lantern Cherry and placed it on the injured unicorn's hind leg. Then sent all the sun crystals on that leaf to the injured unicorn's mouth.

The injured unicorn stretched out his tongue, licked the sunlight crystals into his mouth, and swallowed it. Afterward, the unicorn who ate the sunlight crystals was glowing with white light.

As the light brightened, some black mist emerged from the wound on the unicorn's hind leg.

The mist seemed to try to go back into the wound consciously, but was quickly attracted by the Lantern Cherry and turned into light in the lantern. As stated in the introduction of Lantern Cherry, other plants absorb light for photosynthesis, but Cherry absorbs darkness and emits light. And this is neither scientific nor magical.

The reason why the unicorn's wound did not heal was because of the hindrance caused by black magic. When the remnants of black magic were cleared away, a soft silver light flashed and the wound on its leg completely healed.

The leading unicorn saw this scene and uttered a grateful tweet at Ryan, then took the small group of unicorns into the forest and slowly disappeared.

In Ryan's view, when the unicorns left the open area, the silver light on their bodies slowly faded. When they ran under the tree where the moonlight was not available, the silver light on them also disappeared. It turns out that those unicorns were just using the moonlight to stimulate their body's magic power to get rid of the black magic attached to the wound.

Following this clue, he quickly guessed the entire incident. Today VoldeQuirrell should have come out to increase its survivability by relying on the blood of unicorns. On one hand, it may be that the VoldeQuirrell combo has not deteriorated to the most serious level, so it has not killed and drained all of the blood of the unicorn, so as not to attract Dumbledore's attention.

On the other hand, it is also possible that Quirrellmort wounded the unicorn but the group of unicorns joined in. The mix-up felt that it might not be possible to do all this in a short time, so it chose to leave and the unicorns choose to go to a safe place to treat their companion.

After confirming that the unicorn group had left, Ryan found seven or eight unicorn tail hairs where the unicorn group was standing. This thing can cost Galleons, so it must not be wasted. After stuffing these shiny silver tail hairs into the pockets of his robe, Ryan felt that today's harvest was simply unexpected. So he thought it was best to go back to the bed in the dormitory as soon as possible.

But when Ryan had just turned around, he heard a big animal approaching. Before he could hide, a white shadow flashed past the forest in front of him. Could it be that the group of unicorns have not left yet, or are there other animals? After all, the forbidden forest is so big that even Hagrid can't tell how many kinds of magical creatures there are.

Since there is no way to judge whether the coming creature is malicious or not, To avoid being hurt, Ryan chose to lean against a stone and pulled out his wand keeping his guard up and looking around.

At the same time, he took out two pots of Lantern Cherry, two pots of Snapdragon, and two pots of Gatling Pea to set up a line of defense in front of him.

Just as he was staring nervously at the darkness in the forest, suddenly a soft laugh came from the forest.

The nervous Ryan almost ordered the plants to attack the place where the sound was made, but in the end, he suppressed his impulse. Because it is not a good idea to attack rashly without knowing whether it is a friend or an enemy. What's more, by launching an attack at the place where the sound came from, he may not be able to hit the target, but it will certainly expose his strength and location, leading to a disadvantage when the real battle begins.

The atmosphere became more and more depressing, when Ryan was about to run just like that. Finally, the voice sounded again, actually speaking in English: "Hey, don't get excited little guy, I won't hurt you."
