HPMRS CH 39: Centaur.

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Ryan was surprised when he heard this sentence, because it like the voice of an adult woman, but it was different from the voice of any professor in the school.

Fortunately, being able to speak means being able to negotiate, and there is hope to avoid a meaningless battle. So Ryan plucked up the courage to shout: "I don't have any malice, nor do I intend to hurt anyone. Can I exit the forest now. "

"Na, no, don't be so nervous, I just want to thank you for helping the unicorns." As soon as the voice fell, a figure walked out of the jungle.

"Centaur!" Ryan exclaimed in a low voice, and this was a female Centaur who had never appeared in the movie. But think about it, Centaur didn't grow out of the ground, so how could it be that there are only men?

The female Centaur looked like she was in her 30s, wearing delicate brown leather armor, and a black hammer hung around her waist. Her horse part is white, with a round shield and her bow and arrow hanging on the left and right sides of the horse body.

Ryan saw that she was not holding a weapon, and then he put away the plants to show similar friendliness.

She walked in front of Ryan with graceful steps, then bent down and said to Ryan: "Mars is slowly becoming brighter. Everyone thinks that this is a bad omen, and stubbornly believe that God's will cannot be violated. But, I think that sometimes we must help the innocent, and it's also part of God's will. That's why I came out today, thus I saw you cure the unicorn right here."

"This is what I should do. After all, for those unicorns, as long as a capable normal person sees them in danger, it will help." Ryan raised his head and said.

"Yeah, what kind of monster do you think will attack the unicorn?" the female Centaur asked.

"I'm not sure, but I found that the injured unicorn seems to have lost a lot of blood."

"Gee, too bad. Is the prophecy real? But the prophecy of Centaurs have already gone in the wrong ...ah, I hope that we are mistaken." Female Centaur raised her head, talking to herself.

Ryan looked at the centaur who seems to be there in a daze, so he spoke: "ah yes, I have yet to introduce myself, my name is Ryan; Ryan Liang... First-year student, Gryffindor House, I was just doing some night walking in the forest and found some silver liquid, so I chased it out of curiosity. The unicorn was cured by chance."

"This is not just a coincidence. Unicorns don't trust humans so easily." The female Centaur said, "My name is Betty, and I come from a nearby tribe of Centaurs. I'm here to protect this group of unicorns from dark forces from outside. Because unicorns don't trust men, I was appointed to protect them."

"Then why did that unicorn allow me to heal it?" Ryan asked puzzledly.

"It's very simple. On the one hand, you are still a pony, since you have not reached puberty they reluctantly accepted your presence. On the other hand— " Betty looked up at the sky at this point.

"I can see from you the gratitude of a large number of lives on you. You have saved thousands of innocent lives. I can even feel the natural gratitude you have received from fighting a large number of destructive unnatural monsters. Although this natural gratitude is a little bit different from the one I am familiar with. My reason tells me that all this is impossible. But I firmly believe that the secret on you that the stars show to me are true, so can unicorns. And accepting the treatment from a person like you is also understandable."

Having said that, Betty the centaur brought her face closer. While looking at Ryan up and down, she continued: "I am very curious about how a little guy like you did it? After all, our leader has been fighting for nature all his life, and he has not received as much natural gratitude as you, let alone you also have by your side. Some weird plant helpers that have been blessed by nature."

"Well, it's a big secret, so I can't tell you what I have done, I can only say that what you saw is true." Ryan said in embarrassment.

"Really, I can completely trust those who are blessed by nature, so rest assured, what I see will not be told to anyone, after all, everyone has their secrets." Betty said seriously. "But I think as a student, you shouldn't come out so late at night, let alone be so close to the dangerous inner region of the Forbidden Forest. I will send you out now."

After that, Betty took out a big basket from behind the tree and put Ryan in it (rest assured, It is very clean). Then hung all the weapons on one side and the basket on the other side.

Ryan discovered that the Centaurs are indeed a race close to nature. Even if Betty is trotting, she can avoid the dense branches blocking the road and walk almost straight in the woods.

"By the way, I just heard you say something about prophecy? Of course, if it involves the secrets of your ethnic group, just treat it as if I didn't ask." After sitting in the basket and adjusting his posture, Ryan asked the question that was lingering in his mind.

"Of course it's not a secret, let me think about where to start. Well, do you know the use of unicorn blood? " Betty asked.

"I do not know," Ryan thought the question is a bit strange and said, "I know of Potions that only use its horn and tail hair, I also felt a little curious, but the book said the only use of the blood of a Unicorn is in evil ways."

"This is because attacking a unicorn to obtain its blood is a cruel thing to do." Betty said. " Only the cruelest and evil people will commit this hideous crime. They want to escape the laws of nature and continue their lives that should no longer exist."

At this point, Betty shuddered, as if something terrible had happened.

After slowing down a bit, Betty goes on to say, "As long as there is a breath left in you, Unicorn blood can save your life. It will also naturally curse the drinker of the blood, to be not dead nor alive, and live a cursed life."

"This choice of cursed living, it is only for those who are in urgent or short need to continue their life for a while, and have alternatives to fix it in the future, as far as I know the Philosopher's Stone seems to be hidden in Hogwarts castle, then -"

When Ryan was about to finish speaking, Betty put her finger in front of her mouth and made a quiet gesture.

"We saw it, and Mars became bright again. I think you also know what will happen, but please don't say it, because we don't want to be involved in your wizard affairs for the time being. Besides, you are still a pony, and you shouldn't worry about these things."

At this time, Betty walked to the small road less than 20 meters away from the forbidden forest. She picked up Ryan from the basket and put him on the ground.

"I don't want to meet anyone. You can continue after this on your own easily." After speaking, she took out a small silver ring from his quiver and threw it to Ryan. "You helped the unicorns, and I want to thank you for it. Whenever you have time to go to Greece, there is a Chiron temple on the island of Crete. This ring will tell you the specific location of the temple. You take this ring with you, and my teacher will give you the gift you deserve."

After speaking, Betty turned around, walked into the jungle, and left.