HPMRS CH 40: Social bullying.

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Ryan walked out of the woods and looked at his pocket watch by the moonlight, and was surprised to find that the time had passed 12 o'clock. He hurried back to the castle.

When passing Hagrid's hut, he found that the lights were already out, it seems that Hagrid from the pain of losing the dragon is now crying in his dreams.

Entering the gate of the castle, Ryan was really nervous. He cast an immature notice me not Charm on himself and then walked through a few large staircases. Slowly returned to the Gryffindor Tower through several small winding staircases.

But till he walked to the portrait of the fat lady, he didn't see any patrolling teachers at all.

Ryan was surprised at his luck. After returning to the dormitory, he briefly washed himself, then went to bed without making much noise and fell asleep.

At breakfast the next day, Ryan sat at the long table in the Great hall with dark circles under his eyes. Sure enough, if a 20 -year-old can stay up late does not mean that an 11 -year-old can.

At dinner today, the people around him seemed to be more noisy than usual, and Ryan heard them say Harry Potter several times.

"What happened?" Ryan asked Percy who was sitting next to him.

"You don't seem to be in good shape, no wonder you don't know. Last night, Ron and Harry made the house lose 100 points in one go. It's a bit disappointing." Percy shook his head helplessly.

Obviously, there was no Malfoy informant this time, how did Harry and Ron get the points deducted this time? Ryan thought in confusion.

He couldn't guess by himself, Ryan wanted to ask Harry and Ron. It's just that Harry and Ron kept avoiding others during class.

It was not until the end of the afternoon class that Ryan found Harry and the others in an empty classroom. Hermione was already here, and she was constantly scolding Harry and Ron.

Ryan sat on the side listening to Hermione's scolding and finally figured out how Harry and the others were caught.

After breaking up in the hall, Harry and Ron went directly to Hagrid and received the dragon in the wooden box. Then went all the way to the Astronomy Tower, everything went smoothly. Calculated by time, when they got the dragon into the castle, Ryan was still going around with Peeves.

No wonder Ryan didn't see Harry and the others when he rushed to the hall later. At that time they had already gone upstairs.

It's just that after sending the dragon away, the two were too excited and forgot to use the invisibility cloak. As a result, they were caught by Filch.

No wonder Ryan didn't meet the inspectors when he came back last night, because at that time Filch had taken Harry and Ron to find Professor McGonagall, and no one was patrolling in the corridor.

After Hermione finished criticizing Harry and Ron, she turned her head and said to Ryan: "You are just lucky. Don't be so reckless next time. If you were to be caught yesterday, we would not have to deal with the deduction of 100 points, But 150 points."

Ryan originally thought that the storm caused by Harry and their deductions would soon pass, but he didn't expect the situation to get worse.

Harry was once one of the most popular characters in the school, but now he suddenly became the target of public criticism. Even the students of Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff didn't give him a good face, because everyone wanted to see Slytherin lose the house Cup.

No matter where Harry went, people were pointing at him, and they didn't lower their voices when they said some insults. On the other hand, whenever he walked past the Slytherins, they clapped, whistled, and cheered. "Thank you, Potter, you helped us a lot!"

Ron was also in pain, because now, except for his brother, no one wanted to talk to him anymore.

Ryan believes that this situation is called campus bullying, which is very bad. But he couldn't change the malice against Harry and Ron in the academy.

In Ryan's view, this was purely due to the jealousy of the classmates caused by Harry's fame in magical Britain. Besides, the Gryffindor students were emotionally inclined, which made the atmosphere in the house very bad.

But for Ryan, whose mental age is close to 30, when he sees a group of children bullying a child, he wants to step in and take care of it, not to mention that this kind of campus bullying is completely incompatible with Ryan's moral values.

So in the evening homework discussion time, he suggested to the participating students that Harry should be given a chance to correct the problem. After all, as a Gryffindor student, deduction of points is a relatively common thing. Today everyone treats them like this because of the deductions of points, then how will you be treated when you lose points tomorrow?

After saying this, it had some effect. Although the classmates still didn't talk to Harry, at least they wouldn't hurl an insult at him in front of him.

Besides, Ryan and Hermione also worked hard to answer questions in every class, trying to recover some of the deducted points.

But Harry still seemed to be in a bad mood. He is now in Ryan's study group, sitting in an invisible corner with Ron, and revising silently until late at night. Trying to remember the complex formulas of potions, remember those magics and charms, remember the dates of major magic inventions and goblin rebellions.

One day Ryan and Hermione comparing their knowledge in the library. Ron was quietly reading something. After all, it was only a short week before the exam.

Harry suddenly walked in from outside at this time and said that he heard Quirrell has succumbed to Snape, and he heard Quirrell surrendering to the evil forces.

Ron said after listening: "This means that the road to the Philosopher's Stone is clear in front of Snape. After all, he is a professor and has applied for the position of Defense Against the Dark Arts several times. This shows that he should have enough ways to deal with that three-headed Fluffy. What should we do now?"

"Speak to Headmaster Dumbledore." Ryan rubbed his forehead and said: "After all, Dumbledore placed the Philosopher's Stone in the school, and he is the greatest white wizard who has the power to fight against all those who want to steal the Philosopher's Stone, The forces of evil."

Hermione also added: "If you act alone again this time, Harry, you may be expelled."

But Harry still objected from telling Dumbledore about it. Because he thought that the cowardly Quirrell would not come to their side to testify for them. ("If Quirrell was the culprit behind the scenes, it would be even more impossible to testify." Ryan whispered, but everyone ignored him) And everyone knew that they had a vendetta with Snape, and there was no way without enough evidence would anyone believe them.

Most importantly, Harry felt that in theory students shouldn't know the Philosopher's Stone and Fluffy. It would be difficult to explain everything clearly if they go to Dumbledore.

Sure enough, this is the thinking of a child, who can't tell the importance of things. Dumbledore should have known what everyone did during the night tour. However, Ryan did not point this out in order to not destroy Dumbledore's warrior training scheme, and come under scrutiny.