HPMRS CH 43: checkpoint!

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Harry whispered. "Snape has passed Fluffy." Seeing the half-open door, they seemed to realize what they were about to face.

"Now whoever wants to leave, I won't blame them." Harry said, "You can take the invisibility cloak away. I don't need it anymore."

"Since I'm already here, I won't back down." Ryan said.

"Don't be stupid." Ron said.

"Let's go together." Hermione said. Harry pushed the door open.

With the creaking of the door opening, a low growl sounded in their ears. Although the big dog couldn't see them, all of its three noses twitched. "What's at its feet?" Hermione asked in a low voice.

"It looks like a harp," Ron said. "Snape must have used it."

"Obviously it will wake up as soon as the music stops."

Harry was about to blow out Hagrid's clarinet, Ryan took out something from the small bag on this belt, it started playing percussion sound of music.

As soon as the music sounded, the big dog's eyes began to droop down. Slowly, the growling of the big dog stopped - it swayed a few times, knelt down with a soft knee, and then threw itself on the floor and fell asleep.

The sound is coming from a music box, which was made by Ryan to practice in order to master the "Winterhome Industial Manual".

"After this music box is wound, it can last for three and a half minutes." Ryan said to Harry and the others. "This way we can be calmer and have more hands to do things conveniently.

"It's incredible." Hermione said, looking at the big dog falling down in front of her. "The book says that the three-headed dog can even compete with the dragon. Now it's been knocked down by a small music box, this is better than using a dragon. Will it be possible to do something similar with the dragon?"

"Well, now is not the time to ponder on these issues. The dog will wake up in a while. Let's take this opportunity."

After speaking, Ryan walked to the trap door and opened the trap door.

Below the door is a mass of pitch black darkness, there is no place to step on, and there is no imaginary ladder.

Ryan used Lumos and looked down, but unfortunately, he still couldn't see anything. Fortunately, he who has read the original knows what's below.

Ryan turned around and crawled into the hole, then he said to Harry and the others with his hands on the edge: "I use the Levitation Charm best, so I will go down first. If there is any problem or I don't reply, you should go to a professor as soon as possible and come and save me."

After speaking, he let go of his hands and fell to the bottom of this pit. The distance was not small by any means, and Ryan felt that it was at least four or five stories high. In the middle, Ryan released a levitation charm on himself to slow down the speed of his fall, and finally, he felt that he had fallen on a soft object, which should be the devil's snare.

Before Harry and the others came down, Ryan smeared a knife with a potion that had an inhibitory effect on this miraculous plant (a little bit was was observed while helping Professor Sprout with his work.) Later, with the faint light of the entrance, the chopstick-sized twigs were quickly cut off and put into the crystal medicine bottle that he carried with him. Due to the effect of the medicine, the devil net did not react excessively.

After doing all this quickly, Ryan found that his ankle had been entangled by the devil's net. He immediately yelled to the top: "There is a large devil's snare net here, which can absorb the shock when jumping down, but you must prepare a charm that can release a lot of light, otherwise it will be troublesome to be entangled."

As soon as the voice fell, Ryan saw three black dots falling down almost at the same time, and he leaned hard to the side hoping that he would not be hit. But there was still a black shadow smashing towards Ryan, and he quickly aimed at the black shadow and released the Levitation Charm, his arm was still hit slightly though.

Then there were two collisions, and everyone had landed safely.

At this time, a voice came from the shadow that had just almost hit him. "Sorry Ryan, are you all right?"

This should be Hermione. After Ryan made it's alright sound, Hermione's wand began to release a string of blue flames. The vines were shrinking to avoid the light and warmth of these flames. The plants twisted and twitched, automatically loosening the tendrils wrapped around them.

"Also, Ryan, we should find the way first, otherwise it would be a headache to encounter these things suddenly." Ron said to Ryan while looking at the retreating vines. "And why did you catch Hermione?"

"Surely if someone is close to me, I'll help." Before Ryan had finished speaking, Harry pointed in a direction and said, "This way."

Ryan looked in the direction he was pointing and found that it was a stone corridor and the only way here.

In this case, there's no confusion or anything. The four people walked out of the place where the devil's snare was entrenched and began to walk all the way down this corridor. The corridor was very quiet, and they heard the sound of water drops slowly dripping down the wall in addition to their own footsteps.

Ryan even suspected that they might have reached the bottom of the lake, and as they went further and further, a new sound was heard. At the other end of the corridor, there seemed to be soft rustling and clanging sounds.

It felt like the sound of a group of gold coins flying around with wings, so the team continued to move forward following the sound. And finally came to a brightly lit room with a high vaulted ceiling. Countless little birds (or big insects) that are as dazzling as gems, flap their wings and fly around the room and there is a heavy wooden door on the opposite side of the room. In full compliance with the original.

"These things won't attack us?" Ron said.

"Let me see." Harry stopped everyone and then ran towards the wooden door across the room with his hands covering his head.

Until Harry reached the wooden door, the birds didn't respond, and it seemed that they would not take the initiative to attack the people below.

Seeing this, Ryan and the others also walked out of the tunnel, walked through the room, and came under the wooden door frame.

When they reached the wooden door, they tried to open the door, but it was useless to push or pull it. Hermione tried her lock-opening Charm, but it still didn't work.

Ryan took a steel rod with a palm-length and flat end from his pocket and pried the hinges and locks against the seam of this door, but unfortunately, it had no effect.

Finally, he used this steel rod to smash the wooden door and the surrounding walls. Then he turned around and said to Harry: "This door and the surrounding wall should have protective magic, otherwise it won't hit the wooden door and the wall without leaving a trace."

Harry took a close look at the birds above his head, and then said: "It seems we can only open this door according to the requirements of the designer of this level."