HPMRS CH 44: Chess!

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After hearing Harry's words, the others also looked up at the birds on the ceiling. After careful observation, they found that the shiny things flying up and down were not birds at all, but some keys with wings.

Suddenly Harry cheered, "Yes, look m! Flying broomstick! We must go up and catch the key of the door!"

Looking at the flying broomstick and the keyhole on the wooden door, they knew at once what the secret to this level was.

When Ryan was looking for the flying broomstick, he took out a small bottle of acid from the Grave Buster to pour on the stones beside the door frame, but the stones remained intact.

Sure enough, this level is not that simple. Breaking through the door and the magic on the wall requires strong magic power and rich knowledge. Otherwise, you can only ride the broom to chase the keys.

Thinking about it Voldemort should not be a good broom rider according to the person who arranged this level, probably Madam Hooch. Because of Voldemort's suspicious psychology, he absolutely refused to follow the method given by the enemy, he would rather worry whether it was a trap of the enemy.

So he probably used magic to get the key. This must-have also consumed Voldemort's little magic power.

Harry and Ron were already riding broomsticks by this time, but Ryan and Hermione, these two people who were not good at flying, did not go up to make trouble. They stood back to back in the middle of the hall, observing the needed keys among the group of keys in the sky.

"Our goal is a big antique key - maybe silver, shaped like a doorknob," Ron yelled before takeoff, "it should be close to the style and color of the door lock."

Ryan saw the two of them rushing into the dense key array. They grabbed and fished desperately, but the enchanted keys dodge so fast that it was impossible to catch them.

When everyone was getting more and more anxious, Ryan felt that he had found the goal. He yelled to Harry: " I found the key. It's on the upper right side of your front. The key is silver, has sky blue wings, and it is injured on one side, looks like it was injured when it was caught before we came here."

Ron saw the key before Harry, and he rushed towards it. As a result, the key took a sharp turn and didn't stop, almost hitting the ceiling directly.

"Let's hurry down the key, Ryan, are you ready." Harry and Ron both after speaking and drove the key down.

The key flew down quickly trying to avoid their pursuit but did not realise that it had flown too low and left the main group.

Finally, the key was forced to a place very close to the ground, and Ryan jumped up and reached out and grabbed the key. (Ryan: "Thanks to my recent mechanical and medical knowledge, which greatly improved the stability and accuracy of my hands. Otherwise, I would have definitely not been able to catch it.")

Ryan held the key tightly because the key was struggling like a living creature. Harry and Ron after landing, came together to the door, Ryan put the key into the lock, turned the key, click, bang the door opened, which showed that they choose the right key.

After releasing the key and watching it fly away, Ryan unscrewed the doorknob and the four people advanced into the next level.

When they walked in, the room was completely dark. Ryan was worried about tripping and falling. But the moment everyone stepped into the place, the whole place immediately became brightly lit and the door behind was also locked with a click.

This reminded Ryan of the birthday of the heroine in the soap opera, but the hero did not pay attention to it. The heroine felt a little sad. Finally, after she arrived home with a tired face after a day of work, she just walked into the house and closed the door, and the light was turned on. She realised that the hero and her friends had prepared a whole birthday party to surprise her.

It is a pity that Ryan and the others were greeted here not by the cake of the surprise party, but the giant chessboard of Professor McGonagall.

Ryan felt that if Professor McGonagall was replaced by a celestial person, maybe giant mahjong or something would be created. But to be honest, he felt that these levels were purely to mock Voldemort, mocking him that he was now at the same level as the first-year students.

After all, there are only a few ways of entertainment in the wizarding world. Wizard chess should be the most popular one besides Quidditch, and at least the people who know how to play it should account for more than half of the adult wizard population. Professor McGonagall's style should have been probably very similar to Hermione's when she was young. Then the level of wizard chess is tested here, even if the stone pawns are more powerful, the level of the chess player is the biggest deal in this level.

The chess pieces on the chessboard are about the same size as real people and don't even think about trying to try to break them, this stuff definitely has high magic resistance and no ordinary wizard can break them directly or indirectly.

More importantly, these things have no facial features. With brightly lit chessboards and darkroom elsewhere, a strong horror movie like feeling is seeping out.

Ryan couldn't help but think of the monsters in the horror movies of his past life who had no mouths and no faces and felt a little bit cold (slenderman?). But he turned his head and saw that Harry and the others were trembling, obviously, they were more frightened.

A door on the opposite side of the board shows that only by winning the game can we pass. To make matters worse, everyone has to play a pawn. The more people there are, the more they suffer.

In the end, Ryan and Ron played the knights, Hermione played the queen, and Harry played the bishop. This chess game was played by Ron, the wizard chess player in the group.

After the chess game started, Ryan found that these chess pieces looked fierce when they captured other pieces, but they were mostly stunned and did not use the weapon in their hand to make any random blow.

It seems that Professor McGonagall's level is just for time consumption, and at the same time, it takes measures to avoid accidentally injuring Harry who came to pass the level. And if Voldemort used magic to forcibly break through the levels, then these chess pieces will not act as peaceful as they are now. For Voldemort who is now possessing Quirrell, if these levels are to be forcibly broken through one by one, it's highly likely there will be no more Magic left in his body.

Since it is not life-threatening, Ryan's heart calmed down, he began to have the leisure to see Ron play chess.

Ron's level of chess looks good, but because he needs to take care of Ryan and the others, he can't use his chess pieces freely. Sometimes you have to take the hard decision.

Ryan saw this and shouted to Ron: "I learned the Shield Charm recently, it should be fine when it hits me, so you don't have to worry about me."

"Really?" Ron said. After getting Ryan's repeated confirmation, he said to Ryan: "You slant forward to the right to eat their most threatening piece queen. Then you will be eaten by the opponent's knight. This way down 'S chess is easy to go,"

It seems that the more people there are, the more he will be restrained. Ryan thought that if he will be the sacrifice here, things should get much better.