HPMRS CH 46: Trivial matters!

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After everyone was placed down on their bed, Madam Pomfrey went to Ryan's bed to check him first. After all, Ryan seemed to be hurt the most.

After releasing some charm on Ryan, Madam Pomfrey let out an angry voice: "I don't know why the headmaster put so many dangerous things in the school, and as a result, some students were injured. For example, Ryan, right? Your two ribs are broken, two other bones are cracked too, and even your lung is damaged too. This is not a minor injury."

"But you can heal me, right?" Ryan said flatly to Madam Pomfrey.

"Of course, what you have are just some fleshy wounds. Physical injury can be treated in a short time. It's just that you may need to stay here for the whole night. " After saying that she released a spell to fix Ryan's ribs, and said. "But to be honest, for your age, your First-aid technique is very good, avoiding more serious injuries. Can I ask where you learned this? "

"You see I am a man from Imperial China. My grandfather had been selling medicinal food in London's Chinatown before, and he also knew some Chinese medicine. I learned this from him."

"Ah, I know. When I was in St Mungo's, I heard some healers say that many traditional Muggle treatments in the Far East were taught to them by local wizards. It used to be a good place, for thousands of years, The wizards used to live in harmony with ordinary people." While speaking, Madam Pomfrey brought a big bottle with 'bone spirit' written on it.

She poured a cup full and handed it to Ryan. Ryan took the cup and drank it and it felt like there is a flame burning from his mouth to his stomach, accompanied by some strange smell that could not be described in words. It felt similar to the bodybuilding potions described in novels.

Madam Pomfrey looked at Ryan drinking medicine and said: "I used a charm to fix your bones in seconds, but doing that put some strain on your whole body, this potion will help you to gain back the vitality lost in mending the damage. Now you just need to rest in the school hospital for the night."

After that, Madam Pomfrey went to 'bandage' Ron. Soon, Dumbledore entered the school hospital with a stretcher floating around him, with Harry Potter lying on it.

"Headmaster, is Harry all right? " Ryan and the others asked Dumbledore. Professor Dumbledore told them not to worry, As, Harry had just suffered some magical damage and passed out, and he would fine after he rests for a while.

Ryan said goodbye to Hermione who was about to return to the dormitory. Then chatted with Ron who was hospitalized for observation (Because Madam Pomfrey suspected Ron may have concussion sequelae, she insisted that he be hospitalized for overnight observation.) Then they said goodnight to each other, turned over, and fell asleep.

Early next morning, Ryan visited Harry, who was still lying on the bed next to him, prayed for him in his heart, and left the hospital with Ron.

The days after that were boring, and it is worth mentioning that the last Quidditch match was held. Gryffindor failed to defeat Ravenclaw because there was no backup seeker. But everyone didn't seem to be so frustrated, after all, the players had tried their best.

Every day at noon, the three of them would go to the school hospital to ask about Harry's condition.

On the third day after the end of the adventure, which is the day before the end-of-term banquet, Ryan and the others went to the door of the school hospital to ask about Harry and they came to know that Harry had finally woken up.

Madam Pomfrey gave them five minutes to talk. They came to Harry's bed and saw him lying on the bed against the pillows.

"Harry, how are you feeling now." Ryan asked after stopping Hermione who was trying to hug Harry excitedly.

"It's much better now, and I'll probably be discharged in the afternoon." Harry replied with a smile.

"Oh, Harry, we all thought you were going to — Dumbledore was extremely worried—" "The whole school was talking about this," Ron said. "What happened?"

Sometimes the truth of the story was more bizarre than the rumors, and Harry told them everything as it was: Quirrell, the Mirror, the Philosopher's Stone, and Voldemort. Ryan and the others listened very attentively, and they gasped nervously whenever they reached a thrilling place. When Harry talked about the face under Quirrell's turban, Hermione screamed out.

"It seems that people still come back from the grave here too, we can not relax too much or lose our vigilance." Ryan concluded. People present there nodded feeling weird.

"So, the Philosopher's Stone is gone?" Finally, Ron asked, "Flamel is about to die?"

"I said the same, but Dumbledore said - something like ... For very clear-headed people, death is just another great adventure or something."

"I say he will take back the stone," Ron said. The concept of giving up immortality and unlimited wealth in his mind is so unreasonable, that he couldn't believe anyone will be willing to give it up.

"No, I don't think this will be the case, it's just we are too young to understand," Ryan said. Then he turned to Hermione: "Remember the story of the Tithonus from Greek mythology?"

Hermione patted her forehead: "In Greek mythology, Tithonus was a handsome mortal who fell in love with Eos, the goddess of the dawn. Eos realised that her beloved Tithonus was destined to age and die. She begged Zeus to grant her lover immortal life."

"Zeus was a jealous God, prone to acts of deception to seduce beautiful gods and mortals, and he was not pleased with Eos's infatuation with a rival. In a classic Devil's Bargain, he granted Eos's wish -- literally. He made Tithonus immortal but did not grant him eternal youth.

As Tithonus aged, he became increasingly debilitated and demented, eventually driving Eos to distraction with his constant babbling."

"In despair, she turned Tithonus into a grasshopper. In Greek mythology, the grasshopper is immortal. (In a close cultural parallel, the Chinese believed that locusts live forever.) This myth also explains why grasshoppers chirrup ceaselessly, like demented old men."

"I also know that at least 'only' eternal life is not necessarily a completely good thing."

Harry and Ron had a bewildered look, in order to cover up the embarrassment of not knowing a single thing she was babbling about, so Ron quickly turned away from the subject and began to tell what they did when Harry challenged the last level that day. Finally, Ron said: "Do you think Dumbledore deliberately let you do this? Giving you your father's invisibility cloak and guide you to do all of this?"

"Oh," Hermione couldn't help saying, "If he really is like this - I mean - it's terrible - you could have died."

Ryan put forward an objection: "I think Dumbledore might just want to guide and train Harry, but I bet he didn't expect Quirrell would turn out to be Quirrellmort. After all, the headmaster is just a powerful wizard, but he is not a god. It's impossible for him to know everything."

"I think Ryan is right," Harry said. "I think Dumbledore knows what we are doing, and constantly guides us and teaches us many things in secret. After all, I have to grow up to face Voldemort. I'm no longer a child who is ignorant of everything."

"Dumbledore is the greatest wizard of this century." Ryan said: "But what you need to do now is to recover quickly because tomorrow is the end-of-term banquet. I heard seniors say this is Hogwarts's best. This banquet is absolutely not to be missed."

Just then, Madam Pomfrey broke in.

"You have spent nearly fifteen minutes in here, get out and let my patient rest." She said firmly.

Ryan and the others had to bid farewell to Harry and leave the school hospital.



as soon as we reach 250$ on patreón I will give about 10-11 chapters a week instead of 7 chapters a week to the democraticly selected novel (only patrons can vote...)

(different teirs have different voting power)

currently at 144$
