HPMRS CH 47: End Of Term.

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The next night, the grand banquet began. Ryan and the others rushed to the Great hall with their classmates earlier and reserved a place for Harry at the long table.

"You said Harry will come today?" Hermione asked Ryan, who was sitting next to her.

"I think he will definitely come. After all, we saw him recover well yesterday. There should be no problem leaving the hospital today." Ryan replied.

At this time, Ron, who was sitting across from Ryan, also said: "Yeah, I think Harry will definitely come. How could anyone miss such a big party? I think I will crawl over even if my leg is broken."

Hermione gave Ron an angry look, then looked at the special decorations in the Great hall tonight: the entire Great hall was refurbished with green and silver decorations representing Slytherin to celebrate their seven consecutive years of winning the House Cup. On the wall behind the main guest seat, a huge banner painted with Slytherin snake is hung.

"If we had gotten a little more time, maybe we could have added the points back," Hermione said unconvincedly.

Ryan looked straight. On the one hand, he was determined that Dumbledore will add points to their house in a while for 'bravery', 'courage' and all, on the other hand, he said, "At least we are not the last one. We are more than 30 points higher than Hufflepuff." (After all, the night tour deducted 50 points per person, and Hermione could not focus enough to add a lot of points with Ryan because of guilt.)

And after listening to Ryan's chicken soup for the soul, Hermione looked even more depressed.

With almost everyone in the hall, Harry hurried in from outside the gate of the Great hall and suddenly there was a pause in the entire Great hall, and then it became noisy again.

Ryan waved to Harry, and Harry ran over and sat next to Ron in the space reserved for him. Everyone around turned their eyes to Harry. This made Harry a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Dumbledore arrived soon, the noise in the Great hall gradually subsided, and everyone turned their eyes to the headmaster while avoiding looking him in the eyes.

Dumbledore happily made a simple summary, and then began the House Cup award ceremony. The scores of each house this time are as follows: Hufflepuff, 352 points;

Gryffindor, 384 points;

Ravenclaw, 426 points;

Slytherin 510 points;

A thunderous cheering and stomping erupted from the Slytherin table. Ryan saw Draco Malfoy bang a tall glass on the table. "I feel that this is not in line with the style of the so-called Pure-Blood. I really don't understand what is considered etiquette in those pure-blood families." Ryan said in his heart.

Dumbledore cleared his throat and said, "However, several recent events must also be counted."

The Great hall became very quiet, and the smiles of the Slytherins narrowed. Ryan knew that Dumbledore was going to add points at this time, although Ryan was a bit disgusted with such unfair bonuses when reading books in his previous life. However, as the saying goes, Winning takes precedence overall. There's no gray area. Since he was assigned to Gryffindor for the rest of his life, so naturally he would not protest, but ask, 'A little more.'

When Ryan recovered from his thoughts, Dumbledore had already started to announce the bonus points. First, he added fifty points for the wisdom, courage, and sacrifice that Ryan and Ron showed on the chessboard. This caused cheers on the Gryffindor table. Ryan felt that his excited face was turning red, and Percy's said next to him: "My brother, He won on Professor McGonagall's chessboard."

Then Dumbledore added another thirty points to Hermione's reasoning ability, and Hermione laid her head on the table and cried excitedly.

In the end, Dumbledore added sixty points to Gryffindor for Harry's dauntless guts and extraordinary courage.

Hearing this, the cheers on the Gryffindor table went up and down. Because now Gryffindor's score is 524 points, 14 points higher than Slytherin. Headmaster Dumbledore changed the decorations in the Great hall by waving his wand. The green hanging ribbons turned bright red, and the silver ones turned to gold; the huge Slytherin snake disappeared and was replaced by a majestic Gryffin. Ryan saw Snape shaking hands with Professor McGonagall, and forced an awkward smile on his face. Alas, we have no camera with enough zoom to capture this cringe smile.

After that was a sumptuous dinner, it is really a wonderful evening.

A few days later, the final grades were announced, and Ryan got second place in the exam, probably due to bad handwriting. Naturally, at the first place was Hermione. He saw Hermione come to him specifically to show off her report card, in vengeance of him getting first sometimes in the last elementary year, this girl seems to be holding grudge against me.

But Hogwarts exam is not very difficult at least not for first-year students, and everyone passed it. But Harry and Ron expressed regret that some dumb Slytherin students were able to pass the exam.

The term was over, everything was stuffed into the suitcase. The notice that the use of magic is not allowed outside the Magic community, or during the holidays was also sent to every student. (Ryan: "Anyway, I have a place to practice magic.")

Hagrid was responsible for leading them onto the fleet that crossed the lake. They boarded the Hogwarts Express, talking and laughing all the way, watching the countryside outside the window become greener and cleaner. They took off their wizard robes and put on normal clothes; finally, the train stopped at the King's Cross station.

It took a long time before they all walked out of the platform. A shriveled old guard guarded the ticket gate, allowing only two or three people to pass through the wall at a time, so that they would not have a large number of people coming in and out of the solid wall at the same time, attracting the attention of the Muggles. (Shouldn't it be protected by Notice me not charm or such)

"You must come to my house this summer vacation," Ron said. "You three, all must come - I will send an owl to invite you." " Thank you," Harry said, Harry's life at the Dursley's was not good and he could have a little better holiday this way.

Ryan and the others passed through the exit together, and he saw a little red-haired girl — it should be Ron's sister Ginny, the future Mrs. Potter. Pointing to Harry Potter and saying: "He is there, mother, he is there, look!"

Afterward, Mrs. Weasley and Harry greeted each other, but the Dursleys roughly interrupted the conversation. "Hurry up, boy, we can't afford to waste the whole day here." Mr. Dursley said, then turned and walked away.

"You live with them?" Ryan showed an unbelievable expression. It's rare to see such a rude person. And Hermione showed the same expression: "I wish you a - uh - happy holiday."

Fortunately, Harry seemed to be in good spirits: "Oh, I will be happy. They don't know that we are not allowed to use magic at home. This summer, I want to have a good time with Dudley."



as soon as we reach 250$ on patreón I will give about 10-11 chapters a week instead of 7 chapters a week to the democraticly selected novel (only patrons can vote...)

(different teirs have different voting power)

currently at 144$
