HPMRS CH 48: Start Of Summer Vacation!

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Ryan was holding the toilet seat and vomiting, and Sally's voice came from outside:

"Ryan, are you okay?"

"Mom, I'm fine, I'll come out right away, I already am done vomitti—blerghhhh---"

The reason why Ryan is vomiting is because he is on a cruise ship, that unfortunately encountered a small storm, and then he became seasick...

As for why he was on a cruise ship, the reason is simple. After returning home from Hogwarts during the summer vacation, Ryan and Hermione made appointments in the community library every day to do homework. Hermione, the real bookworm, probably wants to revise everything after finishing homework, but Ryan was thinking that after finishing his homework, he can find a new world in the Myriad Realms General Store to find if there is any inheritance that can improve his strength, if he gained one he can use the rest of the holiday to master those abilities. After all, the knowledge gained from school is really too little.

Know that in the magic world, knowledge is power. Last semester, because of the lack of strength, he was only a soy b...sauce for most of the time, and there were not many offset points gained. So Ryan made up his mind to improve his abilities.

Though this summer vacation was spent working overtime and studying, things suddenly changed. Just a week after the holiday, Ryan's father, Mr. Lambert, received an invitation. A classmate from his younger days finally met his destined partner and decided to get married and invited them as guests at the wedding.

Since Mr. Lambert had a very good relationship with this classmate, after graduation, this classmate worked for National Geographic magazine, traveling the world while taking pictures. But his friendship with Mr. Lambert has never been interrupted, and he always sends postcards to Mr. Lambert every time he goes to a new place.

Ryan had seen many postcards sent by this uncle from all over the world at home. So in the end, Mr. Lambert decided to take this opportunity to take the family on a cruise to Iceland, to attend the wedding of his best friend.

The only thing he did not expect was that, after a burst of small waves, their son actually became seasick.

Fortunately, Ryan went to the deck with his parents to get some fresh air after vomiting, and he felt better. Fortunately, they boarded the ship from Scotland and only needed to stay on the ship for two days to get to Iceland.

After the waves died down a bit, Ryan finally regained some energy to plan his journey in Iceland. When his parents saw that Ryan had recovered and began to look around, they decided not to disturb him and left him alone as they went to enjoy the traditional Nordic sauna on the cruise.

After learning that he was going to Iceland before, Ryan went to Globus Mundi Travel Agency, the only wizard travel agency in Diagon Alley, and asked for a bunch of travel brochures about Iceland.

Unlike the United Kingdom, the entire Nordic Ministry of Magic is almost all of the wizards and witches there. After all, considering the population of Iceland, the wizards there simply cannot support a Ministry of Magic. (Even if all the intelligent creatures in the magic world are counted, and the population is calculated at an exaggerated ratio of 1 ‰. There may be only 250 mages in the magic world of entire Iceland (the population of Iceland was more than 250,000 in 1991 ).

It is very easy to enter Iceland as a wizard, especially a little wizard like Ryan who is still going to school, as he doesn't even need to go to the local wizard agency to report.

Because the biggest income of the wizarding community in Iceland comes from tourism and the sale of some special products, therefore the entry of foreign wizards is controlled very loosely. In Iceland, there is the largest wild magical bird sanctuary in all of Europe. In addition to magical birds, there are some wild giant monsters and fairy tribes in the reserve.

At the same time, there are also giant North Sea monsters and mysterious lifeforms in the waters near Iceland. The International Wizarding Federation has several observation points here. Used to observe these rare and magical creatures to ensure that they do not appear in the eyes of ordinary people.

Not to mention that there are some relics left by ancient Nordic wizards in Iceland. To this day, there are still some wizards searching for treasures that may be inherited or found down here.

After reading the information about Iceland, Ryan found that he was feeling better, so he took out a stack of parchment from his luggage and continued to work on his homework.

Fortunately, when he went to Diagon Alley to search for information, Ryan found a cloth bag in a thrift store that had been cast with a spatial rune or so, which allowed him to travel with a lot of textbooks and learning tools.

The style of the cloth bag is a bit old, with some beautiful lace, which is now placed in the corner of Ryan's suitcase. From the outside, the cloth bag looks only as big as two adult male palms spread out, but in fact, it can hold two large suitcases inside.

Ryan felt that he was very lucky for this purchase as he bought the bag for five Galleons only. The shopkeeper thought it was just an ordinary bag with an ordinary area expansion feature. But when Ryan returned home to use it, he found that no matter how many things were loaded in it.

Even if the weight exceeds 5 kg, the weight of the bag will remain fixed at 5 kg, so this should be a more advanced magic item.

Of course, this time he mainly came out to relax, as it was a bit horrible to keep himself in a room writing homework. What's more, this is a cruise ship. There are many interesting things to do onboard. For example, Ryan once saw the introduction of this ship before, there are yoga lectures on the ship, you can also visit the small theater where short stage plays are performed, watch movies in the cinema, and shop in duty-free shops.

In his previous life, because he lived in an inland city, Ryan had never tried this way of traveling. So after finishing today's homework, Ryan began to wander around on the boat.

In this era, there are very few Asian tourists going abroad. After seeing Ryan, several waiters greeted Ryan in Japanese, which made him a little uncomfortable.

After going around on the cruise ship, Ryan realized that because he was a child now, many services on the cruise ship were not open to him, and he didn't bring much pocket money, so he couldn't buy any souvenirs. So he returned to his room, propped up in the bed, and started watching TV.

Suddenly a piece of news caught his attention. It was said on TV that a volcano in eastern Iceland was about to erupt. The information Ryan obtained from Diagon Alley indicated that there was a relic of a wizard from ancient Northern Europe near the said volcano, and it seemed that the relic had some connection with the volcano. So Ryan decided to check it out if possible.

After a while, Ryan's parents came back from the sauna, looking in good spirits. After entering the door, they were a little angry at Ryan as he was lying in bed watching TV, thinking that he was wasting this travel holiday. So Ryan was dragged away by Mr. Lambert and they started jogging around the sightseeing route on the boat.

Fortunately, Ryan felt much better after jogging. And finally got rid of the seasickness.