HPMRS CH 57: The Giant Beast in the Empty Ground!

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No matter what happens, it's useless to panic. Ryan took a few deep breaths to calm his mood, and then his brain started to work quickly.

Suddenly he noticed a lot of rocks near the surrounding mountain wall, which should be rubble that was eroded by the glacial movement here. There are a lot of these stones, of different sizes, and all of them have edges and corners. Seeing these stones, an idea quickly formed in his heart.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Ryan chanted the Levitating Charm at a stone that was bigger than the little teenager. Then he levitated the stone to the top of the altar and cancelled the spell.

The stone quickly hit a mummy from the height of the three-story building, and the mummy was crushed, and the strange howling from his mouth also stopped. This also made the rhythm of the blinking light like a beating heart on the altar to suddenly turn chaotic.

Seeing that this trick worked, Ryan used his wand to find more stones from various places and threw them on the altar. It is possible that the altar has no extra energy to resist, and the monsters can only stand up and be smashed. This also caused the blood cells to first become brighter and brighter with the flashing light, but the color began to slowly return to dim.

The mummy on the altar discovered this situation, but because the ceremony was in progress, it could not direct other monsters to attack Ryan.

Seeing that the ceremony was about to fail, the four mummies on the altar suddenly inserted their claws into their chests, and traces of black and red smoke floated from their chests to the baseball-sized blood ball in the air.

As the mummy moved, the monsters under the altar also changed. Soon they disintegrated and turned into a torrent of flesh and blood flowing down the steps around the altar onto the altar.

At first glance, this situation looked like an extremely evil sacrificial ritual, that's why Ryan tried to interrupt the process. But at the beginning of this sacrifice. A transparent blood-colored barrier rose on the altar and it repelled away all the stones thrown at it.

Ryan couldn't think of anything but to retreat to the mountain road at the entrance of the open area, holding the wand in one hand and the spare grappling hook in the other. After all, the mobs just now won't be as hard to kite, let alone if all of them turn into a single big thing like those Bosses in RPG games.

Therefore, the only option for Ryan was to use the mountain road to his advantage.

As time passed slowly, the blood-colored mist around him became thicker and thicker. But the monsters on the altar changed: the flesh and blood of the combined monster wrapped the blood ball in a huge bloody cocoon, and the mist floating from the mummy's chest drifted to this bloody cocoon.

As the mist slowly flew from the mummy's chest to the blood cocoon, the mummy also quickly weathered, and finally, all the mummies turned into ashes. At the same time, the blood cocoon released a dazzling light, forcing Ryan to close his eyes. After the light passed, Ryan saw that almost everything on the altar had disappeared, leaving only the blood-red giant wolf standing up, it was almost two stories high. The saliva dripping from its sharp teeth was corroding the stone of the altar. One after another small pits were made by its saliva.

The giant wolf gave a long howl towards the sky, and then cast an undisguised malicious gaze towards the place where Ryan was hiding. Ryan's pupils shrank, and with the newly acquired sixth sense, he could easily feel the strong killing intent of the giant wolf that was directed towards him.

This is absurd. Ryan smiled bitterly, it was obvious that he had now figured out what had happened today. Some behavior or things near the altar might have awakened this long-sleeping altar, and this altar was prepared to awaken a certain monster according to the original plan. As a result, Ryan intervened and destroyed part of the awakening ceremony. It is very possible that this monster has not planned to revive in such a condition originally, by messing with the plan, Ryan is now considered as its life and death enemy.

"I just took a vacation. How could I encounter such a bad thing." Seeing the giant wolf making a pounce, Ryan swiftly used ropes and claw hooks to swing around on the surrounding mountain walls, avoiding the giant wolf. Attack on Titan...wolf?

This giant wolf has agility that is completely inconsistent with its size and can even use its claws to hook the rock wall and move on the nearly vertical cliffs.

While dodging, Ryan also used various methods to counterattack, but it all had little to no effect on the wolf. The magic hit the wolf-like a pebble thrown into the sea, causing only a negligible effect.

Only the Snapdragon flame and sunlight crystal can cause it some wounds, but each time it successfully hits the wolf, it only leads to a shallow scorch mark on the wolf's fur, which also recovers in a few breaths. (High Magic resistance, some marvel mutant level regeneration... What more?)

Fortunately, in addition to its amazing defense and strength, this wolf does not even seem to have a basic IQ. In some places, it was obvious that it could avoid obstacles, but the wolf slammed directly against the stone and rushed over. This also allows Ryan to get rid of the wolf's attack by simply changing his direction multiple times while fleeing.

Seeing the wolf hit at least seven or eight stone walls, but was still chasing after him, Ryan felt that everything in this world had the same idea in the face of the sudden changes to the original plot. Kill the oddity.

Whether it was Tom in the Triwizard Tournament or some monster that was born out of this altar. Their priority will be given to killing the guy who suddenly popped out.

Even though the giant wolf had obviously lost his intelligence due to the accident in the ritual, it was still reluctant to give up on killing Ryan, as if its only goal since its birth was to kill Ryan.

And the giant wolf that has lost its IQ also made all of Ryan's disruptive methods useless; it is indifferent to everything, chasing Ryan and attacking him with all his heart.

Ryan felt that he can't keep on doing this forever, after all, he was a human being, not a robot or a game character that'll stay tireless all the time. And looking at the muscles of the giant wolf, you can tell that in the physical endurance department, Ryan is definitely not its opponent.

At this time, he can only take a risk. Ryan discovered through just observation that although the giant wolf is constantly waving his front paws, it does not go all out with every claw swing. On average, only once every five times it will do a high-power attack. There were only scratches on stones other four times. Ryan felt that with his Shield Charm, he might be able to endure it.

At this time, he has to take a gamble, because Ryan can't afford to go on like this. Also, the success rate of the plan is not too low, even if he made a false deduction, he will probably not lose his life trying it out. He can only try it.

Although, by now Ryan is almost certain that this is a dream, but in the magical world there's no guarantee, if someone kills you in a dream like this you'll probably end up dead in real life. He did not want to risk his life in hope of waking up after he dies in the dream.

Thinking of this, Ryan slowed down, something slipped into his right hand and he launched an attack on the wolf without any hesitation.

Ryan was hanging in the air by a rope at this time, in a narrow and long passage where the giant wolf couldn't avoid the attack. So he simply added a Shield Charm on his body and unhooked the rope to begin a free-fall.

The instinctive reaction of the giant wolf is not slow, after seeing a shot missed, it didn't stop at all, but slid its claws down.

Because of this stroke, the giant wolf also exhausted the kinetic energy it had just accumulated. This move was blocked by Ryan with the Shield Charm, but as it was closer to Ryan now, the giant wolf opened its big mouth to bite Ryan.



as soon as we reach 250$ on patreón I will give about 10-11 chapters a week instead of 7 chapters a week to the democraticly selected novel (only patrons can vote...)

currently at 229$

(different teirs have different voting power)


Every King tier patron will receive the illustration of Ryan [from HPMRS] after this payment cycle ends..

The illustration will be made completely free after a month or so....