HPMRS CH 58: Forgotten History!

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Ryan watched the giant wolf's open mouth grow bigger and bigger in his field of vision, but without evading, he raised the thing placed in his hand and threw it into the giant wolf's throat. At the same time, he successfully pushed himself out to the left with magic in an extremely strange manner.

The giant wolf bit air and its upper and lower teeth collided making a loud knocking sound. It turned its eyes towards his target and found that this human being was lying on the ground now, and it could bite him as long as it moved a little and tilted its head. But there was no panic on the man's face, but a strange smile. Just as the giant wolf was about to kill this person, suddenly there was a sharp pain in Wolf's chest, a huge hole appeared on its chest, and its whole body's strength seemed to flow away along the gaping wound.

It couldn't hold on anymore and fell to the ground. The human got up, pried open the giant wolf's mouth with a sword, and threw something in.

At this last moment, the giant wolf was freed from its chaotic state since its awakening. It recalled that it was once a human being. At this time, the contents in its mouth exploded, and its eyes went dark as it completely lost consciousness.

After seeing that half of the giant wolf's head was blown off and it l was completely dead, Ryan could finally catch a breath and sat on the ground.

He just risked his life to throw a jar full of sunlight crystals and cherry bombs into the giant wolf's throat, betting that the defense inside the giant wolf is not as strong as outside. Clearly, he won the bet. When the giant wolf swallowed the jar, the jar exploded in its esophagus and exploded into its chest. This was even better than what Ryan had expected, and it directly paralyzed the giant wolf.

After that, Ryan chose to use the last pot to completely wipe out the monster.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly. There are now less than 100 sunshine crystals in Ryan's possession. But if he hesitated for a while, he would have definitely been in a situation where he would have eventually run out of ammunition and food. If you hesitate, you will lose.

But how do I even leave this strange place? Ryan sat aside and began to think about this question, the bloody mist that enveloped the sky slowly dissipated, and the sun was shining down. Ryan turned his head and looked around, and found that the surrounding environment began to slowly come to life, and he no longer felt the same depressed feeling when he was enveloped by the bloody mist. But the body of the giant wolf changed under the sunlight too.

Pieces of fragments rose from the giant wolf's corpse, and then, under the sunlight, turned into golden spots of light scattering into the surrounding environment. The giant wolf corpse started slowly dissipating.

Such a big trophy, will it all be gone? Ryan felt a bit of pain, and he walked over to the giant wolf's corpse and carefully observed how the thing disappeared.

As a result, he found that the corpse of the giant wolf melted as fast as snow in the sun. Even if he grabbed a handful of wolf hairs, these wolf hairs quickly turned into a little golden light and spill out of his palm. To make matters worse, these things can't be stored in any space equipment at all.

"But is it just a dream? Why won't you let me enjoy the pleasure of doing awesome things in my dream." Ryan muttered, but he didn't realize that there was a little bloody light in the heart of the giant wolf and it didn't disappear in the sun, But gradually transformed into gold, looking like an eyeball.

When that thing finally turned into gold, it flew towards Ryan with a swish. Ryan could feel his brain turn cold, a mass of golden light exploded in his mind. Later he found himself as a bystander, watching the life of an ancient Viking wizard in the third person perspective.

This Viking wizard lived more than a thousand years ago and was one of the first humans to set foot on Iceland. In those days, wizards still lived together with ordinary people, acting as leaders and protectors of ordinary people. Because in that wild era, the distribution of magical creatures was much wider than it is now, and most of these used to be dangerous to all human beings. To an unfamiliar place, if there is no wizard, it is difficult for humans to gain a foothold in a harsh environment.

In such a bad environment, survival is the most important thing. So there was not much conflict between ordinary people and wizards at that time.

The Vikings wizard through a series of natural magic, rituals, and understanding, eased the relations with local magical creatures. The first altar on the island was also built at that time. It is called an altar now, but it is actually something similar to a mage tower. It allows wizards to perform ritual magic on it and amplify the effects of the curses, charms, and jinxes.

Thirty years have passed since this life of living in harmony with the surrounding nature. In these thirty years, the Viking wizard has also changed from a young man to an old man with white temples.

Due to the smooth weather in these three decades, the population of the tribe has doubled, which has also increased the demand for resources. There are more and more conflicts between humans and magical creatures, and they are even on the brink of war.

Even if the wizard and his apprentices repeatedly adjusted their relationship, the fragile local ecological environment destroyed these efforts. In a later little ice era due to global cooling, scarce resources lead to large-scale conflict.

Under the attack of magical creatures, human beings started retreating steadily. After seeing the death of his people, the Viking wizard chose to abandon the balancing of nature to fight back.

He used the magic of soothing the undead to summon resentful souls, and the magic of blood, flesh, and bone to cure diseases to strengthen the tribe and awaken the corpse.

In the beginning, the Viking wizard still maintained a peaceful mind, and only summoned the undead who were willing to fight for him, and strengthened the tribe.

However, as the war between the two sides escalated, the loss of the populace in the tribe made him paranoid step by step. At first, they just restrained some unwilling to serve and threw them into the battlefield. Later, even to gain vitality, they used sacrifice magic on a large scale, not only did they sacrifice the captives and animals but finally even began to sacrifice the old women and weak children in the tribe, as they were not capable of fighting.

The Viking wizard sometimes thought about whether his actions were correct or not, but the cruel war and the skyrocketing power distorted his thinking, and he turned into a power-hungry supreme wizard.

Although the Viking wizard made so many efforts, there were still too few humans in Iceland at that time. The magical creatures had an absolute advantage, and the human front is still shrinking day by day.

Finally, the entire human race from Iceland was forced out from the plains on the west coast, to this location in the middle of the mountains. Abandoning the rich fishing grounds and fertile land, to use the mountainous terrain to survive.

After another winter, there were only less than a hundred human beings left on the island, lacking food and clothing, and it was obvious that they were unable to fight anymore. And they have been surrounded by most of the magical creatures in Iceland. At this moment, they made a bold decision, even if they all have to sacrifice themselves, they would drag all the magical creatures on this island to hell together with them.



as soon as we reach 250$ on patreón I will give about 10-11 chapters a week instead of 7 chapters a week to the democraticly selected novel (only patrons can vote...)

currently at 242$

(different teirs have different voting power)


Every King tier patron will receive the illustration of Ryan [from HPMRS] after this payment cycle ends..

The illustration will be made completely free after a month or so....