HPMRS CH 73: Successful return to school!

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Finally, the hour hand of the big clock on the train station reached the departure time. It looks like they will not be able to catch up with the train.

"It's over," Ron said blankly. "The train is leaving. What if Mom and Dad had already left, who'll pick us up? Do you have Muggle money with you?"

Harry gave a dry smile. "The Dursleys haven't given me pocket money in six years."

"I Do!" Ryan said, "I still have more than 30 pounds on me."

Ron relaxed a little after hearing Ryan's answer, and then pressed his ear to the cold supposedly traversable wall.

"There is no sound," he said nervously. "What shall we do? I don't know how long it will take for my parents to come back to us."

As Harry's owl kept yelling, it was too attractive for the nearby people. So Harry suggested to look for the car outside and wait for the Weasleys.

At this time Ron seemed to have thought of something because of the word car, and excitedly said to Ryan and Harry:

"We can drive to Hogwarts!"

"We are trapped, right? We must rush back to school, right? In a real emergency, young wizards can also use magic." the Statute of secrecy "in the nineteenth paragraph or so states that we have provisions..."

"Stop!" Ryan waved his hand to Ron. "Don't forget that we are only 12 years old. Do you think it is really appropriate to drive a flying car across the UK, also no one among us has learned to drive? If we fall, it is not guaranteed that my floating spell will save us all."

Harry shook his head after listening to Ryan's words. He found that Ron's method was inappropriate. After all, even in the Muggle world, a driving licence has to be obtained after studying in a driving school and passing the strict test. According to what he observed at Weasley's home, Mrs. Weasley would never allow Ron to fly around in a car. Harry also didn't want to put his life in the hands of this novice driver.

"Then what do you suggest? How can we go to Hogwarts now." Ron saw that Harry didn't support his reckless and exciting idea, so he said anxiously.

"We should hurry out, I think my father hasn't left yet. He can help us to get to the Leaky Cauldron Pub. When we get there, we should be able to find someone who can help us there." Ryan said to Harry and Ron.

"You are really a genius, you deserve to be the one with the highest exam score among us." Ron patted Ryan on the shoulder, and then the three of them pushed their carts to the parking lot.

When he arrived in the parking lot, Ryan found that his father, Mr. Lambert, hadn't left yet. Mr. Lambert was certainly surprised to see his child and two other classmates pushing the trolleys towards him.

"Aren't you supposed to take the train to school? Why did you come back? " Mr. Lambert asked somewhat puzzled.

"Well, there was something wrong with the entrance and we can't get in now. So I hope you can send us to the Leaky Cauldron Pub quickly, the place where we did the shopping for school last time, and hopefully, we will go back to school from there."

After Mr. Lambert heard this, he asked the three of them to load all the luggage into his car, since there is a lot of luggage, they had to place some on seats too. Then he took a taxi and asked the three of them to sit in the taxi, and then told the taxi driver to follow him.

After ten minutes, they finally arrived at the Leaky Cauldron Pub. After bidding farewell to Mr. Lambert, Ryan and the others walked into the Leaky Cauldron Pub with their luggage. Today the bar's business is not very good, only a few guests are here.

Owner Tom was sitting behind the bar wiping the glasses and was surprised when they found them coming in: "Children, today should be the beginning of school. Why are you here instead?"

"The separation wall at platform nine and three-quarters seems to have a problem, it blocked us outside, so we can only come here to see who can help us."

"Alright sit here for a while, and I will send a letter to your professor." After saying that Tom took out a quill pen and wrote something on the parchment, and then passed the parchment away through the Floo Network.

Ryan walked to the counter and bought three bottles of pumpkin juice, and then He, Harry and Ron, drank it while sitting at the table waiting for news. As soon as they finished drinking the pumpkin juice, they saw a flash of green flames in the fireplace of the Leaky Cauldron Pub. Professor McGonagall walked out of the fireplace wearing a dark green robe, and let out a sigh of relief when she saw Ryan and the gang.

"Thank God! you are okay. The Ministry of Magic said there was a problem with the partition wall. I was really worried that you might do something stupid and end up hurting yourself because you couldn't keep up with the Hogwarts Express. Fortunately, you know how to get help from the Leaky Cauldron Pub."

"Now that the train has already left for the school, how will we get to school?" Harry asked Professor McGonagall.

"Do not worry about that kids, we are doing the floo to Hogsmeade station directly. Ryan, you have not used the Floo Network before right, just look at how I use it and go with it. Okay!"

After speaking, Professor McGonagall threw a pinch of Floo powder into the fire, and the flame turned green. She walked in and said "Hogsmeade Station." Then she disappeared.

"You go first, don't panic, just say the destination out loud, it's not dangerous." Ron said to Ryan.

Ryan picked up a pinch of powder from the basin and threw it into the fire, then dragged his luggage into the fireplace. It felt a bit hot, and Ryan read out his destination: "Hogsmeade Station."

He felt as if he had been thrown into the washing machine and turned around, and the vortex formed by the green flame made him feel a little dizzy. There was no way to resist it, he could only close his eyes and listen to the wind blowing through his ears.

Finally, with a snap, he fell on the marble floor with his luggage. Ryan was dizzy and propped himself up with his arms. At this time, Professor McGonagall used her magic wand to clean him up and get rid of the soot from his body.

Harry and Ron who arrived afterward were also cleaned by Professor McGonagall. Professor McGonagall asked them to leave their luggage here (rest assured, someone will help you deliver the luggage to your dormitory later). After that, they took them to the school's carriage. There was nothing in front of the carriage, but Ryan knew that it was a carriage drawn by Thestral, and only those who saw the death up close could see them.

Along the rough dirt road, the carriage passed through a magnificent cast-iron gate. There are stone pillars on both sides of the road, with wild boars with wings at the top.

Finally, the carriage stopped at the gate of the castle after passing a long ramp.

At this time, the system issued a prompt in Ryan's mind:

-Harry Potter and flying across the UK has been changed, got 6 offset points.

The number of points he gained was more than expected. It is likely that the subsequent series of events have been changed by his action, thus so many offset points have been obtained.

After getting off the carriage, Professor McGonagall said to the three of them: "Since your classmates will arrive in the afternoon, the school is quite empty. So I hope you can stay quiet in the common room until the school banquet, before coming down. The password of the common room is Honey-eater, I will ask someone to bring lunch to you."


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