HPMRS CH 72: Back to school time!

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At the Leaky Cauldron Pub, everyone waved goodbye and made an appointment to see them on the platform on September 1. Mr. Weasley looked eager to ask Mr. Granger questions about muggle dentistry, but Mrs. Weasley dragged him back.

The Weasleys and Harry left through the fireplace, while Ryan and Grangers went back home driving. On the way back, the car was filled with silence.

When the car stopped in front of Hermione's house, Ryan took the things out of the trunk and said goodbye to the Grangers, and was about to walk to his home. Hermione caught up with him as he just walked a few steps and she stopped Ryan.

After confirming that Mr. Granger was helping Mrs. Granger into the house, Hermione whispered to Ryan:

"After going back to school, can you teach me how to fight with magic? I have a feeling that you have been learning this all holiday."

"Why? I remember that you had been a bit repellent to fight before, and told me the other day that it is not the time to learn how to fight." Ryan said in surprise after hearing Hermione's request.

"Because in the bookstore today, when Mr. Weasley was fighting with Malfoy, only you thought of pulling my parents to a safe place. I realized that there are not many good people like Mr. Weasley, and most of them tend to ignore the things that don't affect them personally. People who know magic have a certain degree of prejudice against common folks.

Not to mention that both the Malfoy family and the Weasley family have a more or less similarly high status in the magical world.

Therefore, the general conflict between them will not expand, and there will be no major harm done. But people like us who were born in Muggle families can only rely on their own strength to avoid accidents, at least I don't think Malfoy will hesitate when he casts evil spells on my parents.

So you are right, we need to protect ourselves, protect our relatives and friends. I believe you have learned something about fighting during the summer vacation. Would you like to share this knowledge with me?"

"No problem." Ryan promised, "I can share this knowledge with you after we get back to school."

After bidding farewell to Hermione, Ryan dragged his suitcase back, thinking about what Hermione said.

"Sure enough, Hermione is a smart person!" Ryan thought. If I hadn't read a lot of novels in my previous life, and my psychological age wasn't more than 30 years old, I couldn't have thought of this little incident in this direction at all.

At least the overall situation in the British magical world, Muggles and wizards are not considered equal. For example, Hagrid violated the rules to grow a pigtail on Dudley's butt but has never been punished for it, and laws were lax even when some people with low standing in the ministry broke some laws too, such as Mr. Weasley.

But the magic world treats people with different backgrounds differently. So if a Muggle-born wizard wants to live a normal life in the magical world, they have to work more to improve their strength and gain resources. Hermione can think of this at this age, you can only say that she is talented.

After returning home, Ryan took out the diary that was Voldemort's Horcrux. Life Magic could clearly feel that there was an evil and twisted soul in it.

Ryan thought for a while, packed the diary in an iron box, and threw it into the Myriad Realms General Store. In this way, he would be sure of his own safety and the safety of others as he would be able to take this notebook to school without giving it any chance to vanish or mesmerize other people.

Originally, Ryan planned to use the newly learned life magic to try to destroy this book, but when he found that the danger of this level was far beyond his own limit, he could only take a tactical retreat for a while.

Here he had to admire Voldemort. Through self-study, he could make such a dangerous item in his student years, which can only be described as too damn powerful.

Here Ryan felt the gap between the final boss and himself, it seems that I can not be complacent here, for now, I have to use the General Store more to get more power.

The rest of the holiday was very peaceful, and his father, Mr. Lambert, had been in retreat. He declared that he would write a great novel without a break or anything.

Hermione expressed her appreciation for Lockhart's abilities in several meetings and felt that she could ask the professor some questions about defense against the dark arts in the school.

But this time Hermione was not obsessed with Lockhart like in the original. Because when she shared the content of Lockhart's novel with Ryan, Ryan explained to her that their adventures last year were no worse than Lockhart's adventures. At least the three-headed dogs are more dangerous than vampires in classification. Not to mention the one who shouldn't be named voldepants.

So Lockhart can be regarded as an adventurous senior worthy of respect, but looking up to him is completely unnecessary. (In the absence of real proof, Lockhart must not be called a liar, otherwise, it would definitely arouse Hermione's anger.)

Hermione thought for a while and admitted that she was somewhat influenced by the novel. In addition, Lockhart is really attractive, so she is a little fascinated by Lockhart. Now that she has apparently figured it out, she just considers Lockhart a very good professor.

Time flies by, September 1 arrived. Mr. Lambert finally ended his seclusion and finally got out of his house and drove Ryan to King's Cross Station.

Along the way, Mr. Lambert in the excited state, incessant kept talking about his new novel to Ryan. As a result, due to excessive excitement, he failed to stop the car in time when passing a traffic light and unfortunately ran into another car.

Although it was a small collision and no one was injured, it still took a lot of time to deal with it. When the father and son hurried to the station with the luggage cart, they happened to run into Harry and the Weasley family who were also late.

After saying hello, the Weasleys began to pass through the wall one by one, while Ryan bid farewell to his father. Watching Mr. Lambert walkout, Ryan heard a bang from behind before he could turn back to go through the pillar.

Turning around, Ryan saw Harry and Ron lying on the ground, and the two luggage carts turned over and the luggage on the cart was scattered all over the floor.

Surrounded by a circle of people pointing at them both, Ryan took advantage of this opportunity to tease them a little: "What happened to you?"

"I don't know what happened, the passage seems to be blocked. "Harry said to Ryan, clutching his ribs.

Ryan walked towards the wall and touched it. Sure enough, the wall was rock solid. This should be the masterpiece of Dobby the house-elf.

Watching the big clock in the station move towards the departure time second by second, Harry tried again to push his cart against the wall, but the wall did not budge.

It seems that now because of the enthusiastic help of the house-elf Dobby, Harry has been successfully trapped in the train station and cannot go to Hogwarts. Ryan and Ron were also trapped here as collateral damage.

Ryan had to say that the rescue method of Dobby the house-elf is really unbearable, but this is good news for Ryan because it shows that there is an opportunity to earn some offset points. Ryan felt a lot happier when he thought of this.

(note: So what will our heroes do? Let us find out in the next episode of poke... JK)


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