HPMRS CH 71: Ginny Weasley!

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When they arrived at the entrance of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, Ryan and the others discovered that the entrance of the bookstore was crowded with people. The banner on the store door says that today is Lockhart's new book sale.

"They are much more fanatical than my dad's fans." Ryan muttered to himself as he looked at the crowded middle-aged witches.

"We can meet him in person!" Hermione said to Ryan, "After all, he wrote almost all the books on the book list!"

"He may be really good, but this kind of act of using novels as textbooks is a bit too....."

"What you said makes sense. Mr. Lambert's novels are good, but they have never been used as textbooks." Hermione seemed to wake up.

Ryan saw Harry and Ron standing in front of the line holding the book waiting for the signature, while Mrs. Weasley was a little nervously tidying her hair to the end, and Ginny followed her.

Of course, when Ryan and Hermione walked to Mrs. Weasley, they heard Mrs. Weasley whisper to Ginny: "Oh, sorry dear, most things can only be bought second-hand for you, because Lockhart's books. Are not cheap."

"It doesn't matter, Mom, textbooks are still very important. I don't mind them being used." Ginny also replied quietly.

Then the store door was pushed open again and the twins walked in from outside, seeing the twins Ryan asked: "How are the things I've bought, hopefully, I didn't bring anything wrong?"

"No, the things are good." Fred said. "But can we pay you a bit later? We have been a bit tight lately." George continued.

"It's okay, you can give me money whenever you have money. But I think your family is also a bit too patriarchal. When Ron went to school last year, somehow he had a new robe. How come a girl, Ginny this year? Gets old robe."

"Hey, it's because of Lockhart's books. He forced us to buy five sets at one go, so we can only buy old robes for Ginny. That's why we asked if we can pay you a little later, we want to give Ginny some Quills and ink."

"Wait, why do you want five sets of books?" Ryan asked.

"Our family has five sets of five school course book cause we have five Hogwarts students in our family, duh." Fred said.

"No, I mean since the books you need this year are all the same. Plus you are not in the same grade, and you don't attend the Defense Against the Dark Arts class at the same time. Why don't you all switch books with each other? Just take notes and get a notebook. So, only one or two sets of books are enough." Ryan said, looking at the twins.

"Damn, why didn't we think of that." The twins looked at each other and squeezed into the store desperately, looking for their mother.

Standing at the door of the store, Ryan saw Lockhart taking pictures with Harry in his arms. This is exactly the same as how Ryan's father, Mr. Lambert, took photos with members of the U2 band at the signing event.

No wonder Lockhart has so many fans. The level of this kind of managerial establishment is close to that of the Internet hype team decades later. It can be said that he is decades ahead of the times. Not to mention that Lockhart is really handsome. If you don't know that he is a straw bag, it is really easy to be fascinated by him.

Ryan could hardly squeeze into the shop and saw Harry's famous scene from the movie: He put a whole set of Lockhart's new novels in Ginny's cauldron.

Then came the fight caused by the personal grievances between Mr. Malfoy and Mr. Weasley.

Ryan took the Grangers to a safe corner of the bookstore amidst this chaos.

Standing on the corner, Mr. Granger asked a little worried: "Has the wizard's world always been so chaotic, and is that kind of discrimination also common?"

Ryan knew that they were worried about their daughter's life here: "These kind of people are not the norm, and knowledge in the wizard's world equals power. Hermione is really hardworking and learns very well, so usually, no one messes with her."

After listening to Ryan's explanation, Mr. Granger seemed to be relieved. At this time, the fight between Weasley and Malfoy was stopped by Hagrid, who had rushed over. Ryan and the Grangers also walked out of the bookstore with the flow of people. Mrs. Granger still looked a little scared, and Mr. Granger had been beside her to comfort her.

At the door, Ryan met the Weasleys and Hermione, Hermione quickly ran up to her parents and thanked Ryan: "Thanks for comforting my parents, I was really scared, I was afraid I'd have to leave Hogwarts if they thought that the wizarding world is racist against the muggle folks and I was being bullied there."

"No need to thank me, we are friends." Ryan replied. After the group of people walked to the location of the Leaky Cauldron Pub, Ryan deliberately stayed at the end and walked with Ginny. Then pretended to have just discovered the old book in Ginny's cauldron and said to her: "Do you also appreciate the knowledge contained in old books?"

Ginny was taken aback and turned to look at Ryan. She recognized Ryan as a friend of his brothers.

"Hello, my name is Ryan Liang, you can call me Ryan. Every time I come to Diagon Alley, I try my best to find a variety of interesting books or useful notes in second-hand goods stores, I get a lot of useful knowledge from the inside. Alas, such behavior is not generally understood by others, so when I saw that you are buying similar books, I came forward to greet a fellow enthusiast. Aah, sorry for startling you."

"I know you." Ginny raised her head and said: "Ron said that you are in the same year as him and one of his best friends. He also told me that he didn't understand that even if you obviously had money to buy new books, yet you bought old ones, why go to the second-hand bookstore if you can buy new ones?"

Then Ryan and Ginny talked for a while, and when they were about to reach the Leaky Cauldron Pub, Ryan patted his forehead and said: "You are going to Hogwarts this year. As a friend of your brother, I should give you a gift." After speaking, he took out the old notebook that he had prepared in advance from last year and handed it to Ginny.

"These are the notes I organized, I hope I can help you." Ginny happily accepted the gift and put it in the cauldron.

At this time, Ryan saw the black notebook in Ginny's Cauldron. He pointed to the notebook and pretended to be surprised and said: "Oh my God, you started to take notes before you even went to school. You're amazing."

Ginny took out the notebook and looked at it, then shook her head and said, "This doesn't seem to be my notebook." Then she opened it, and there was nothing in it.

Ryan looked at the faded date on the cover of the book, indicating that it was at least fifty years old. On the first page, only one name written in illegible inscription can be recognized: T.M. Riddle. The back cover is printed with the name of the bookstore: Winstanley's Bookstore & Stationers, Vauxhall Road, London. It looked like an antique notebook.

"Riddle Who?" Ginny was somewhat curious when she saw it. "Probably the people in the thrift store mistakenly gave it to me."

Seeing Ryan staring at this notebook, Ginny took the notebook and handed it to Ryan: "Since you like it, you can have it, take it as a return gift from me."

Ryan expressed his gratitude and put the book in his schoolbag, and told Ginny that it is rare for fifty years old ordinary notebooks like this to be so well preserved, and he could just give this to his father who likes antiques.


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