HPMRS CH 79: Ren Town.

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Uncaring about how the guards divided the money, entering the county, Ryan silently observed the town.

This county town is still quite prosperous. Many small vendors are selling on the main street. There are dozens of shops lined up along the street. The shops even sell foreign things like matches and kerosene.

After all, this is only a relatively remote county, and there are not many people dressed up like Ryan. So when he walked on the street, he attracted the attention of many local residents.

Ryan can even hear them whispering to each other.

"Who's this young master, I haven't seen him before?"

"Look, isn't he just a bogus foreign devil? Look at his evil Qi."

"But he's really rich. Looking at the fabric of that suit, I guess it would take a lot to buy it."


Ryan didn't want to stand on the street and let people look at them like he's some sort of zoo animal, so after a round, he walked into the biggest hotel restaurant on the street.

The shop servants invited Ryan into the shop very enthusiastically and asked Ryan to sit in the elegant room upstairs. Because he just ate dinner, he wasn't feeling like having another meal now. So he took out five or six silver coins and put them on the table. Then he instructed Xiao Er: "Go, get this young master a pot of tea, and choose three or four refreshments. If you tell me about any strange things around here. This silver is yours."

"Okay, Young Master."

Xiao Er sang happily, then bowed and walked out.

After Xiao Er left, Ryan began to look at the furnishings in the house, the objects inside were antique, the large pieces of furniture were made of solid wood, and the workmanship was exquisite. It seems that the handicrafts in this era of this world aren't half bad.

But as the largest hotel in the county, there are still some things that can reflect the changes of the times. For example, there is a thermos in the corner. And there are many old gramophones on top of a few cases. Of course, this is ancient for Ryan, but in this era, it is a really fashionable and popular item.

But the county seems to have no electricity, so the cabinet also had some candlesticks.

By looking at this, he can conclude that big cities of this era are using electric lights, but this small county is not rich enough to get such luxury. Of course, the infrastructure is not enough, and there is no power plant at all. This is also a very important reason.

After about a quarter of an hour, Xiao Er came up with a plate. A porcelain jug and a teacup were placed in the center of the plate, and four plates are placed around the porcelain jug.

"This is the latest Lu'an melon slice spring tea. It is a private item left by the boss. It is made with the best local spring water. These four are lotus cake, sweet-scented Guangxi cake, almond tofu, and sweet-scented osmanthus cake. Master, please tale your time."

Ryan looked at these things and nodded, then threw some silver coins at him. Then he asked: "Are there any wonders around here? I like to listen to this the most, and there is a reward if I find anything interesting."

Because of difference in era and location, people tend to live well off in post green revolution world and in places where you can own land, while owning land may not seem to be a big deal but it provides a mental fulfillment that Ryan could never have in his previous life as Land of China can only be leased or rented and is perpetually owned by CCP only.

Due to good physical and mental health, the twelve-year-old Ryan looks like fourteen or fifteen years old, and he can already be considered an adult according to the customs of this era. Also, Ryan's Mandarin accent is very close to the Beijing accent of this era. The shop Xiao Er mistakenly thought that Ryan was a big man from the capital, so he put the silver coin in his pocket, nodded, and said:

"If you want to talk about strange things, I'm the right guy to ask from..."

When talking, Xiao Er also reached into his pocket to touch the silver coins.

With so many years of experience in welcoming and serving them, Xiao Er can judge that these silver coins are real and purer than the ones he has seen here.

Motivated by money, Xiao Er happily told a few rumors that he didn't know whether they were true or not, such as, things were all stolen by some daughter-in-law, or a man who was caught by his wife from the brothel and was left with a bruised nose and swollen face. Pansy Things.

Ryan was not interested in this kind of gossip, so he interrupted Xiao Er and said: "I want to know what strange things are around here, and I don't want to listen to these short stories."

After hearing this, Xiao Er gently slapped his mouth with his hand: "Look at my mouth. Young Master is a noble person. Naturally, he doesn't want to hear these pickled things. But if you want to talk about strange things, there are really many strange things around here. Nearby. There is a town, where there is a Taoist who can kill demons and ghosts. He has been invited to our county several times by wealthy households, so I know him."

This should be the world of "Mr. Vampire", or the mixture of the whole series. The laws of this world are odd, as it was a comedy horror, power of belief is strong here.

But in order to confirm, Ryan asked Xiao Er carefully about the town's situation.

It turned out that this town was about 48 kilometers away from the town called Ren town and its real name was Fuzhen. Just by calling out its name, you'll hear that many wealthy people are living in it. The richest family in the town was the Ren family for several consecutive terms till today. So after the founding of the Republic of China, it was renamed Renzhen.

Speaking of this, Xiao Er thought of something and said: "Miss Ren's family seems to have also returned from overseas. A while ago, she was wearing a dress and riding a horse."

It seems that it should be the world of "Mr. Vampire", Ryan took out a few more silver sickles and handed them to Xiao Er, and asked him to go down and help him find a carriage to Ren Town. Xiao Er took the money and left with a smile on his face.

After slowly eating refreshments at the restaurant hotel, Ryan boarded the carriage, the carriage went all the way north along the dirt road. Due to his western dress, his way was unimpeded other than the several inspections on the road in this era.

An hour later, the carriage arrived in the Ren Town. This is indeed a big and prosperous town, and it seems that there are tens of thousands of people living here. After getting off the carriage, Ryan went from the street vendor to ask about the Taoist's specific situation. The Taoist was indeed a local celebrity. The first hawker who made and sold sugar paintings that Ryan met knew a lot about Taoist Lin.

After Ryan took the sugar paintings he made and distributed them to the children playing on the street. The hawker was overjoyed with Ryan's kind behavior and said everything.

For example, everyone calls the Taoist 'Uncle', and he lives in a righteous village outside the town.

The Taoist master has two apprentices. One clumsy and the other is, let's say less clumsy.

Uncle nine is a very decent and good person, he wears an old gown all day, even if he eats meat, he buys as little as he can, never more than half a catty.

"Hong Kong comedy horror film, this is also a legend, and this story is the beginning of the legend. This should be the Lâm Chánh Anh timeline according to the technology." Ryan muttered silently in his heart.

Although this is possibly the plot of many Mr. Vampire movies mixed together, Ryan still felt extremely excited to experiences it personally.

After all, for a person born in the 90s in his previous life, the Vampire horror comedy movie is a lingering memory of his childhood.

After inquiring about the situation in the town from the hawker, Ryan, who was sure that the plot had not started yet, started eating a sugar painting while wandering the quaint streets.

After shopping around, Ryan walked outside the town, ready to meet Uncle nine, the protagonist of this world.


Sugar painting is a form of traditional Chinese folk art using hot, liquid sugar to create two-dimensional objects on a marble or metal surface. Melted sugar is carried by a small ladle made of bronze or copper. After it cools, it will be stuck to a bamboo stick and removed using a spatula Three-dimensional objects can be created by laying solidified sugar.


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