HPMRS CH 80: Uncle nine.

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After asking the residents of the town about Taoist nine, he walked for only five minutes to reach to his door.

Standing outside the door, Ryan knocked on the door, and then shouted: "Is Taoist Nine here?"

"Go check the door." A voice full of harmony sounded from the yard. Soon the door was opened, and a man in a patched coarse cloth opened the door. The man looked almost thirty years old.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for my master?"

Because Ryan was wearing this very valuable suit, the honest clumsy person was a little surprised. Because in his impression, people wearing clothes like Ryan would not come to this place.

"Who is at the door?" The yard resounded.

"Master, he looks like a young master, maybe he's lost."

At this time, a middle-aged man who was not tall, slightly thin, dressed in gray shorts and a pair of old cloth shoes walked out of the yard. It's unremarkable at a glance, but one can feel the calm temperament of this person when looked closely.

Although he did not look exactly the same as in the movie, but 90% similar and the unibrow made Ryan sure that this is Uncle nine.

So Ryan acted like those 3D anime of immortal genre acted and said to Taoist nine and then said: "In the far west, I have learned Western magic since childhood, and now I have gained a little. So I returned to my parent's homeland. First, I came here to find my roots and see my ancestors... The second is that I have heard from my elders that there are endless streams of knowledge but all lead to the same destination. I hope I can learn a thing or two from you. As I heard from others that you're a master of Taoism, I took the liberty to come and see you. "

It seems that this world indeed is the mix-up of different Mr. Vampire movies, Ryan thought in his heart.

Uncle nine bent over with one hand in a half-ceremony and said modestly: "Taoism is the love of the folks around you and the way of living a virtuous life. I don't dare to call myself the master of it. Please come in little friend."

"Disciple, make tea."

Uncle nine saw that Ryan was not old, but his cultivation was obviously biased towards the physical aspect while showing strong and strange mental cultivation power.  At the same time, he has thin skin and tender flesh, with rich and noble air on his body.  Although it is very different from the practitioners of Middle-earth, it is not crooked in any way. So he also wanted to communicate with Ryan.

Although Uncle Nine is upright and hateful, he is not unreasonable. He will not reject him because he is not practicing in the Middle-earth Dharma.

As soon as he walked into the courtyard, he saw a handsome, white-faced young man walking from behind, shirtless, and seeing the sweat on his body, it was likely that he had just finished practicing.

"Qiu Sheng, a visitor is here, so quickly put on your clothes." Then Uncle nine said to Ryan: "This is my eldest disciple Qiu Sheng, and the one just now is my second disciple Wencai."

The guest and host were seated in the room. Wencai walked in and offered tea to everyone. Ryan quickly stood up and thanked Wencai.

After seeing this, Uncle nine nodded secretly. It is a good thing for a junior to be humble and kind to others. Especially during this and previous era, as Daoism was the prime way, virtues in China were placed at utmost importance.

Then Ryan and Uncle nine started to exchange spiritual things, and the exchanges between the two were very pleasant, especially when Ryan communicated with him the knowledge of the Viking wizard, and the magic aimed at maintaining the balance of life and death resonated with Uncle nine.

As the exchange continued, the time flew quickly, and the sky got dark before Ryan knew it.

Seeing that it was getting late, Ryan and Uncle nine temporarily ended their conversation. Ryan told Uncle nine that he might continue to disturb him for a while, and Uncle nine said that if Ryan doesn't feel bad about this place, he can live here as long as he wants.

Then Ryan gave Wencai some silver and asked him to go to the town to buy more food. After all, he had to live here for a while. After Uncle nine refused, Wencai accepted it slyly.

For the next two days, Ryan stayed in Yizhuang to discuss magic and Taoism with Uncle nine. Ryan knew that this world was in the Age of the End of Dharma, and the gate of the avenue was closed. However, even though there is no way to perfect human beings now, but there is still the merit of practicing.

To practice in this world, one needs to do more good deeds accumulate good karma. Then use the karma to refine the surrounding energy. Otherwise, because the world is biased towards a gloomy energy environment, it would be easy to get confused trying to directly absorb the energy from the surroundings.

No wonder the warlords of this world are fighting and demons are rampant.

 It turns out that the world as a whole is going through a cataclysm. Finally, the extraordinary power of the world will disappear cleanly.

At the same time, this era of the end of the world also caused serious degradation of the extraordinary powers.

It's not as easy for Ryan to chant and cast magic directly.

After some exchanges, both parties gained a lot, and the relationship between them further improved. Ryan told Taoist nine one of his reasons for coming here just after dinner one day.

"Taoist Nine, when I started this trip, I found an evil thing in Europe, can you help me see it?"

"Oh? What is it?" Uncle nine asked curiously.

Ryan took out an iron box from his pocket. Inside is the diary of Voldemort that was taken out from the Myriad Realms General Store in advance.

Uncle nine saw the iron box taken out of a small pocket, and immediately reminded Ryan: "It should be a space artifact like the Universe Bag. Now Middle-earth is in the Age of Doom, so these treasures are very rare. Try not to use it in front of anyone in the future. Expose this kind of treasure to people and troubles will follow"

"Thank you for reminding, but I believe that you are a gentleman, Taoist nine." After speaking, Ryan opened the tin box. Taoist nine's attention was immediately attracted by the contents of the tin box.

"This..." Ryan saw that Taoist nine was about to reach for it, and quickly handed the dragon leather gloves to Uncle nine.

"Taoist Nine, this thing is very evil. It's best not to touch it directly."

Taoist Nine put on his gloves, picked up the diary, read it over and over, and said to Ryan: "I can feel that there is an extremely evil and twisted soul in it. Are you trying to destroy this thing?"

"Not only destroy, I can destroy it. The problem is that the person who made this thing has made several copies of similar things, and this thing was sent to my friend's door to taint him. A forgotten seal in the door released a monster that hurt my brother. My master can destroy it, but he can't find information about the seal and the monster. Even if this thing is destroyed, the danger still exists. So I thought about asking someone from a different Dao to see if they can get some information from it."

After pondering for a while, Taoist nine raised his head and said to Ryan: "I have a way, but it requires some preparation."

After talking about this, Taoist nine put the diary back in the iron box, then took out the pen and paper to write a long list of things, and then said to Ryan: "I need to open the altar to do it, so you have to go to town tomorrow to prepare these things. If you move fast, we can start the altar at three o'clock in the afternoon."

"Thank you, Taoist nine." Ryan took the piece of paper with both hands and put it in his arms. After packing up their things, the two discussed some questions about spiritual practice before going to bed.


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