HPMRS CH 82: The plot starts.

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After the first two days, in the morning Ryan went to town to buy a pack of incense offerings. After breakfast, Uncle nine tidied up the ancestral hall and put the tablets of Sanqing and Zushiye in the small room, and then began the apprenticeship ceremony.

After offering incense and kowtowing to Sanqing and the ancestors, Ryan kowtowed to Uncle nine three times and offered a cup of tea to him with both hands. The Uncle nine took a sip of the tea, and then said: "From today on, you are a registered disciple of my Maoshan school."

Then he handed over a thick book to Ryan and said: "This is my Maoshan Taoist scripture, which contains the Purifying Mind Talisman. You can take it to see for yourself. Although you don't cultivate your physical body if you have some superficial knowledge about it. You can avoid the enemy's footwork. I think you seem to have some kind of external skills, so I don't need to instruct you anymore. You can practice by yourself as written in the book."

Ryan hastily turned a few pages, and said with some doubts to Uncle nine: "Master, isn't it too early for you to give me such precious things? I didn't come to the Middle-earth before, but the elders in the family said. Precious stuff like this will be given to a disciple only after repeated tests."

Uncle nine smiled bitterly and said in a low voice: "What you have said would have been correct a few hundred years ago. It was like that a long time ago. It's just that the end of the Dharma is here, so it's not easy to cultivate it. We just pass them now when we feel the disciples are qualified enough to understand them. Those who have talent will find new ways."

"Thank you, Master. In this case, I have something I want to give you. Thank you for your trust and tolerance." After speaking, Ryan took out the Lantern Cherry, sunshine sunflower, and Sun-shroom from the space bag, which can deal with the dark energy. Handed over the plants and their cultivation manual to Uncle nine. At the same time, he told Uncle nine the effect of these plants.

Uncle nine took these things with a trembling hand and sighed: "Is this because we don't worship the proclaimed only God and have been punished by God? We didn't even know that there was such a thing in the world. If we send someone to get these things no one would even tell us about it. As for this, why is this..."

Ryan had to comfort Uncle nine by his side, and it took a while before Uncle nine recovered, Uncle Nine thought that these are the hidden specialties of the Abrahamic religion and thought that they have won the war of faith and dao, Ryan tried to say some words but they fell to deaf ears. Then he decided to try to plant these things first, and after planting the plants, he would take them to Maoshan to see the master. Maybe the hope of Zhongtu Dao lies in Ryan.

In the next few days, while practicing Maoshan Taoist scriptures, Ryan and his master Uncle nine opened a field behind the Yizhuang to plant these plants. During the planting process, they found a pleasant surprise, where the plants were sowed and were growing up, the Yin Qi aura was gradually dispersing. It is impossible to conceive evil things like Vampires, skeletons, and even ghosts, in such land.

Finally, after three days, Ryan finally cultivated his sense of aura in his cultivation. (Uncle nine was surprised at Ryan's speed, but Ryan knew that it was because of the system enhancements which made cultivation as easier as cutting nails, plus a lot of merits and sunshine crystals were used, so the speed of cultivation is faster. Ryan This aptitude can be considered upper-middle at best.)

The Uncle nine still murmured to Ryan, before the end of the Dharma era, the entire cultivation world would be eager for Shangqing(purifying) Mind Dharma.

And only the core disciples of the Maoshan School can learn it.

It is a pity that when the end of the Dharma era arrives, this kind of mental method that requires a long time and effort is not worth much. Now the most popular ones are those side-doors that worked quickly in the past. Even though Uncle nine himself practiced this kind of mentality, he still has to rely on the demons and ghosts in Maoshan and watch the small tricks of Fengshui to fix the Yin and Yang house to make a living.

As soon as I arrived here, a servant of a wealthy family at the door sent an invitation to Uncle nine to drink coffee in the town cafe tomorrow. As soon as Uncle nine saw that it was an invitation from the Ren family in the town, he decided to see what was going on.

Although Ryan has given a lot of apprenticeships to his teacher to help Yizhuang temporarily get rid of the property crisis, the Ren family is the largest in the town and it is not easy to refute free money.

When Ryan saw this invitation, he knew that the plot had begun. Uncle Nine took the invitation and said to Ryan: "Tomorrow, Master Ren has invited me to drink western tea, but I have never drunk this western tea. You happen to come from over there, so you will come with me tomorrow. After a while after dinner, you tell about the process and virtue of drinking this western tea, so as not to let your master show ignorance in front of Master Ren tomorrow." Ryan nodded to him and said yes.


Master Simu knew that Ryan was the new apprentice of Uncle nine, so he gave Ryan a booklet related to the corpse as a meeting gift of the elders. It's just that Uncle nine told Ryan that the stuff in it was a side door, a shortcut, not to be addicted. Otherwise, it is easy to get confused.

Early the next morning, Ryan followed Uncle nine to the town for an appointment. People in the town met Uncle nine with a warm greeting, it seems Uncle nine is loved by the town's people.

When we arrived at the cafe, Master Ren had already booked a seat. Sure enough, Master Ren wanted to ask Uncle nine about moving his ancestral grave, and Uncle nine repeatedly persuaded Master Ren that this matter should not be done. However, at the insistence of Master Ren, Uncle nine decided to help him move his ancestral grave.

Soon, Master Ren's daughter also came, looking more beautiful than in the movie. However, as a wealthy daughter who has stayed abroad, her heart reveals a sense of arrogance towards hilly Billy people like Uncle nine.

After seeing this, Ryan used a standard London accent to talk to Miss Ren for a while, and it is safe to say that she's both impressed and confused.

Master Ren also looked surprised, because he couldn't figure out why a student studying abroad would learn these things with Uncle nine. After coffee and snacks were served. Because Ryan was present, Uncle nine also avoided embarrassment.

After that, Uncle nine once again persuaded Master Ren to be cautious about moving the grave. In desperation, Master Ren said that some Feng Shui master has told him that it is necessary to do so. As a result, when Uncle nine saw the fact that Master Ren is so persistent that he'll do it anyway, he pondered on what will be the right course of action to act upon.

Seeing this opportunity, Ryan pretended to put his hands together and prayed, attracting the attention of everyone at the table. Then he said to Master Ren: "Can I take a look at your cup for you? Because I have lived in the West for a long time and learned a lot of foreign spells. Maybe I can give you a good suggestion."

(Foreigner and foreign thing worship was prevalent in China in his previous life and in his present life too, as people were fed up with local, low-quality standards in his previous life and here because now all the foreigners have better technology and hygiene than theirs.)

At this time, Miss Ren also interjected and said: "When I was studying abroad, I heard that there were tea and coffee cafes in the Western world that used tea and coffee remnants to divinate the future. I heard it was pretty good, but unfortunately, I haven't experienced it myself."

Uncle nine also said: "I received the child as a new disciple, he's steady and skilled."

Hearing how Uncle nine and his daughter said so, Master Ren stretched out his hand and motioned to Ryan to look at his coffee cup. He hoped that he can hear what Ryan can see about the future through Western magic so that he can make further decisions.


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