HPMRS CH 92: Assemble!

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It was Saturday, and Ryan practiced a spell sparring session with Hermione in the morning. After lunch, he found an excuse to sneak into the forbidden forest.

After walking down the path for less than five minutes, Ryan saw a Centaur standing there. However, it is easily noticeable that this is not the Betty he knows, but a male Centaur that he has never seen before.

The male Centaur looks a bit bigger than Betty, and its horse body is creamy yellowish. He had pale blonde hair on his head, and his eyes were sky blue like Headmaster Dumbledore. He looks much younger than Betty, should be a young man.

"Were you sent by Betty to pick me up?" Ryan asked the Centaur.

"Yes, you are Ryan. My name is Firenze, and I am glad to meet you."

The Centaur introduced himself as he bent down and stretched out his hand.

This should be the Centaur who'll come to the school as a divination teacher in the future, and it should be the one closest to humans among the Centaur.

Betty was being very considerate by sending him to pick Ryan up, Ryan. Ryan thought as he stretched out his hand and shook hands with Firenze.

After that, the two people walked along a forked path to a place Ryan hadn't been before, but judging from the direction, they were walking in the direction of the dead jungle that they had previously seen in the Emerald Dreamland.

Sure enough, Firenze next to him explained: "We are going to gather near the valley where the eight-eyed giant spiders are entrenched, so that we can directly reach the battlefield after gathering. The shaman in the village has already set up natural barriers, so you don't have to worry about the spiders finding out our traces in advance."

Along the way, Firenze has been curiously asking about Ryan's life in Hogwarts Castle. It seems that he is a little curious about human society.

At the same time, he also told Ryan that there was a dispute in the Centaur tribe because of Ryan's participation in the war.

The conservatives headed by Ronan firmly believe that this is just a matter of intelligent creatures in the Forbidden Forest, and does not require the help of humans.

But Betty argued that this human being was recognized by the Emerald Dreamland, so as the children of nature, we horses should not refuse his help for eliminating the darkness side by side, as such a person is blessed by nature.

"You don't know, half of the populace immediately supported inviting you to participate in this hunt, and half of them are against your participation in this matter related to the forbidden forest. Quiet a bipartisan scenario we have here." Firenze said to Ryan who followed. "But you came, it means that they eventually agreed to Betty's proposal. How did Betty convince the other people?" Ryan asked in a puzzled manner.

"Convince? Ronan and their lot are as stubborn as a donkey, how could we convince them. They couldn't even ensure the safety of unicorns, even the unicorns vouched for you. In yesterday's meeting when it was made known that you helped unicorn, they halfheartedly allowed your participation in operations. When others saw Ronan and his allies on Betty's side, they could only agree to your participation."

It seems that the last time because I kindly rescued the injured unicorn, the unicorns remembered me. As the saying goes 'no good deed goes unpunished... no no no... Do good, have good.'

Ryan thought silently in his heart.

Speaking of this, Firenze said solemnly: "Although we Centaurs are very upright, once we promise, we will never secretly trick you, but Ronan and the team will not be polite to you. Don't be angry because of this."

"Don't worry, I definitely won't." Ryan said. "After all, it is absolutely dumb for us to fight each other instead of the enemy."

"It's okay if you think so, and I promise that they might provoke you or say something random, but they will never make any small movements to hinder or harm you when we are actually fighting." Ryan looked relaxed after listening to Firenze's reassurance.

After walking for more than half an hour, Ryan and Firenze finally reached their destination: an open area in the forest with a few large rocks on the sides.

After Firenze informed that they have arrived, Ryan immediately stopped and started slapping his clothes, then found a fine rock to sit on. Have to say that the road in this jungle is not easy. In addition, Firenze's four-horse legs can walk faster than Ryan even if he walks slowly, which keeps Ryan in a state of fast walking and trotting. Even walking for only half an hour was exhausting.

Fortunately, the enhancement of the Assassin's heritage and the Maoshan's Technique has strengthened Ryan's physique, which allowed Ryan to keep up with Firenze.

At this moment Firenze also came over, looked down at Ryan, and said: "I thought you, as a young pony, will not be physically resilient, and I was going to give you a ride on my back when you run out of breath or so."

As the two chatted comfortably, the bush in front of them opened up, revealing a path.

Following the path, Ryan and Firenze soon came to a small valley. In the valley stood more than forty Centaurs and a dozen unicorns, as well as a gray wolf and a Centaur, stood together.

It seems that this is the entire force that'll march against the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider this time.

It seems that people here are a bit low in numbers, no wonder those giant spiders have been entrenched in the forbidden forest for decades.

With such little number of people, there is simply no way to eradicate the giant spiders.

After a while, two more Centaurs rushed over, and it looked like all everyone was there now. Betty stood on a rock and began to assign pre-war tasks.

Seeing Betty arranging tasks alone, Ryan began to feel a little bored. Just as he was distracted, he suddenly heard Betty call out his name.

"Ryan, please show me the plants you're going to use, their capabilities, and their numbers. Then only can we do the final arrangements."

"No problem, ma'am." Ryan said, then released each of the plants to be used in today's battle, and demonstrated how these plants attacked.

After watching the attacks of these plants, the Centaur who had looked at Ryan with disgusting eyes earlier immediately changed their attitudes, and looked around the plants from the left and to the right.

They should be the opposition faction that Firenze said.

However, the Centaur's thinking is much more straightforward than humans. Soon, a tall Centaur walked up to Ryan. He looked older, with a red horse body, red hair, and red beard.

The Centaur walked up to Ryan and said, "Human, I am Ronan. I admit that your ability makes you indispensable in this battle. I apologize for my previous discrimination against you."

Ryan accepted his apology, Betty smiled after watching this scene and then began to arrange specific battle assignments. Ryan and the gray wolf were assigned to the same group, and the task was to arrange a blocking position at the designated location. Ryan distributed some supplies to the Centaurs by the way.

After receiving the task, Ryan rushed to the designated location with the gray wolf, because the time left for them was only one and a half hour, and after one and a half hour, the hunt will officially begin.


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