HPMRS CH 93: Menuplated?

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The afternoon sun in September in the United Kingdom is not strong, especially in the forbidden forest, where the sunlight shining through the branches and leaves is like a series of thin laces. There is a poetic hazy beauty around it, hippies would love this place.

But soon, the beautiful scenery was broken. A harsh voice came from the forbidden forest: "Hey, kid. I don't know why Betty wants me to be in this group? Look at my size, look at my teeth, look at my claws. I obviously should be fighting on the front line, not hiding behind everyone..."

After that, there was a lot of chatter, nothing more than narrating the glorious experience of the owner of the voice.

Ryan reluctantly covered his forehead next to the speaker. In his impression, wolves are generally silent. So when he was assigned to a task with a wolf, he was still a little worried about whether the task would be too boring.

But what he didn't expect was that this wolf not only could talk but was also very talkative, literally a chatterbox.

Since they left the meet-up place, it has been talking endlessly, completely different from the aloof demeanor from when they were waiting for the task just now. Due to this Ryan now has a deep suspicion of this wolf being some kind of wolf and husky hybrid.

"Mr. Wolf, don't patronize me. I don't know where that place is, it's up to you to take me there." Ryan asked worriedly, after all, he didn't know anything about the Forbidden Forest.

"Don't worry, I have lived here for many years. I can move through this forest with my eyes closed." Gray Wolf said, and then he asked: "Can you tell me more about that? What is the TV used for?"

Ryan had no choice but to explain to him what TV was. Wolf, the gray wolf, was also an unfortunate guy. It was a child of two werewolves after doing everyone knows what but in the bestial wolf state.

Abandoned at birth.

Fortunately, Professor Dumbledore took him to the Forbidden Forest and asked the Centaurs to raise him.

Don't look at him as a wolf, but in fact, his life span and IQ are about the same as humans. So in the face of a smart teenager who yearns for the outside world, it's hard for him to meet someone with who he can communicate with, of course, he has to keep asking about the outside world.

After walking for more than ten minutes continuing this exchange, the two people finally arrived at the predetermined location: A Hill by the side of a small river with no trees around.

"Why do I often see the residents in the forbidden forest in the open area in the middle of the forest. Even if we are preparing to attack the enemy this time, we have still chosen the open area. Is the open area a lucky spot in the forbidden forest?" Ryan asked puzzledly.

"Of course, in the Forbidden Forest, all intelligent creatures are at the top of the food chain of the entire Forbidden Forest. So they don't need to hide themselves. If they don't need to hide, then the best place to stay at is the place from where you can see the sky. For example, During the day when the sun is not too strong, I will generally be basking sunlight in the open area in the forest, especially in the morning. Otherwise, the dew in the forest will make the hair on us wet and uncomfortable." Wolf explained with a serious face.

"As for why we want to ambush in this kind of place, everyone knows that spiders can climb trees. If we ambush them in the forest area where trees are abundant, you'll have to worry about the top of your head. Not to mention that many kinds of plants are flammable. If the forest is lit, it will be really bad."

It sounds very reasonable. As the saying goes, learning has no limits and anyone can teach, there is wisdom in everything, even a crazy person can teach you something, somehow? Sure enough, you must maintain a humble heart on the road to seeking knowledge, so that you can learn more.

It took Ryan an hour to arrange enough plants around. Here is a praise to Potato Mine, which can clearly distinguish the enemy from allies. So after spending half an hour planting all other plants in this clearing, Ryan and Wolf kept planting potato mines in the nearby forest for the rest of the time.

While working, Ryan suddenly thought that he clearly only wanted to kill the basilisk in the Hogwarts Chamber, so he came to the Forbidden Forest to get some materials. How did things develop so far that he was now participating in a war, and that too as an important participant of this battle?

He was just going to pick some apples from the tree to eat and now here he is, directly planting trees for the sake of eating apples? But since it's all said and done now, and he already has invested quite a lot in this battle, it's definitely not possible to shrink back now. It's better to reap the rewards of his hard work.

But from this, Ryan also discovered that he had been guided by Betty the Centaur in his negotiations before making his current choice. Ryan can only say that no one who can be a leader is a fool. Ryan could only be thankful that Betty was not malicious this time, and it was in his own interest to kill those spiders. But this also sounded the alarm bells for Ryan: After all, the next person to guide him is not necessarily a good person, is he being affected by hormones or is he starting to think that he's some kind of protagonist?

However, this kind of experience can only be gained by experiencing them first hand, and the body of a teenager isn't helping him in any way here. 'Sometimes I wonder, am I really a reincarnate.'

That being the case, this all revealed that the mentality of salted fish was the most correct, getting more sleep and enjoying rest easily outweigh the benefits of being proactive.

When the arrangement was almost done, there was an explosion in the distance. Ryan heard that it was the sound of the cherry bomb he had given to the Centaurs. The spiders are coming!

Ryan hurried back to the pre-prepared position on the top of the hill and began to prepare. Wolfe relied on his own speed to run fast and buried a few more potato mines before slowly returning to the hill.

As the explosion slowly approached closer, some clippity-clop was also mixed in. In addition, there are some strange noises. After a while, Ryan saw the Centaur rushing out of the woods. Although they didn't seem to have suffered any injuries, Ryan found that each of them looked a little tired after careful observation. The two quivers they had prepared were almost empty, only the quiver on their back was still filled.

No wonder this had become a symbol of the Cold War era weapons, Ryan saw dem quiver, they have emptied two quivers, in each quiver one can put an average of 30 or so arrows. Being able to shoot 60 arrows quickly in such a short period of time is far beyond the human level.

The unicorns rushed out from behind too, and from time to time they sent lightning from their unicorn(one-horn) to attack the unseen things in the forbidden forest behind them. It is indeed a magical creature comparable to the dragon.

When all the combatants on their side retreated near the hill, Ryan transferred the control of the plants to several Centaur and Wolfe. his is one of the pre-planned tactics. After all, these Centaurs know the enemy better and can bring greater damage to the Eight-Eyed Giant Spiders.

Ryan walked to the magic circle he had just prepared, which he learned from Maoshan Taoism.

Mainly to provide users with energy, while also promoted to the surrounding matrix method for a simple shelter, the people in the area of effect aren't affected by Yin or dark energies.

This circle is relatively simple. It only took Ryan three minutes to set it up. From the outside, it looks like the formation is formed by nailing the ground with copper nails, and then winding the thread stained with red blood on the copper nails. The only difference from the original is that Ryan chose Sunlight Crystal to provide energy for the magic circle because this is the only consumable he can choose. But fortunately, this choice also gave this magic circle a stronger Yang or light energy, which made it more restraining against the Eight-eyed Giant Spider.

When everything was in place, Ryan heard a clicking sound coming from the jungle, and finally, the eight-eyed giant spiders came.


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