HPMRS CH 104: Hermione!

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"So my nerdiness is appreciated by some people too. It has some social benefits too." Hermione said happily.

Seeing Hermione's face getting relaxed and filled with happiness due to this, Ryan felt somewhat strange and asked: "Why do you think that you're not appreciated by people around you, if you ask me, you should always maintain this state of high confidence, irrespective of what others say and strive for knowledge unfounded."

"It's because I thought of something today." Hermione said: "Just when you were away, I was talking with Percy about his prankster twin brothers, he went on complaining about them saying that they turned Ron's teddy bear into a spider when Ron was three years old. Ron now has a psychological shadow. When Ron was five years old, he was almost tricked by the twins to make an unbreakable vow."

"What do you mean? The reason why the Weasley twins now like pranks so much. Is it because they have been naughty and mischievous since they were young?"

"It's not what I mean." Hermione rolled her eyes and said, "Don't you see from this how the wizards born in the magic family have many advantages in learning magic from an early age?"

After speaking, Hermione held her finger and began to narrate one by one: "You see, the twins are also two years older than Ron. These things show that the twins could use the Transfiguration magic successfully by turning a teddy bear into a spider when they were five years old. You know, many students will not be able to master this magic perfectly even after they go to school."

"Not to mention the unbreakable vow. I only found out about this after searching a lot of books, and the Weasley twins knew this at the age of seven." "In addition to these, we can observe how strong the wizards from magical families are," Hermione added after noticing Ryan's attention shift to her. For example, when it came to Ron's slug curse, Madam Pomfrey could only magically stimulate the curse in order to save Malfoy from further misery, but she couldn't directly remove it. Professor McGonagall complimented Ginny's use of charms as "excellent." Harry's combat magic and ability to learn on the fly is terrifying, and sometimes all he does is read the book's narrative once and try it again, and bam, he's done the magic."

After that, Hermione raised her head and looked Ryan in the eyes, saying, "If those pure-bloods are putting pressure on me because of their family background and ancestry, the stimulation isn't that great for me. However, the pressure you put on me is the most engaging and motivates me to accomplish more."

"Me?" Ryan was taken aback. "What kind of pressure can I put on you? I didn't even get as high grade on the final exam last year as you did."

"Yeah, but what else can I do besides scoring well in exams? After all, in the wizarding world, scores don't determine everything, muggles hold no high position in the Ministry of magic even after being toppers in NEWTs and OWLs. You have at least mastered unique magic. I have gained a lot this time because of you. Otherwise, those ghosts wouldn't be willing to talk to me. And what else can I do besides gnawing on books? How can I protect my parents if this continues?" Hermione said, her eyes started to flush slightly.

Is this because the little girl is hit hard by puberty, causing her emotions to go haywire? I really don't know why this isn't following the cannon, but in the original Hermione had only two friends, Harry and Ron, and there was no such odd talk about ancestry and education?

But after thinking about the original text, the basilisk was wandering in the school at this time, and the school was filled with tension. Plus she was still chasing the world-renowned idol of everyone, the charming Lockhart at that time. It might make this case-sensitive.

Ryan looked at Hermione who was a little emotionally exhausted and comforted: "You don't need to be so nervous. The test results in the Wizarding World also represent your ability. After all, there are a lot of practical operations. Not to mention that you can learn a lot of things quickly, I am envious of this ability of yours, such impeccable deduction."

"Now you feel that many places are inferior to others, purely because the level of confidentiality of knowledge in wizards is higher than in the world of ordinary people, so it is difficult to find the knowledge that can improve magical abilities. I am just lucky to find some other source." "You now believe that in many areas you are inferior to others simply because the level of confidentiality of wizards' information is higher than that of ordinary people, making it difficult to discover knowledge that can increase magical powers. I was merely fortunate enough to come across some other source."

After listening to Ryan's persuasion Hermione's mood became better, Ryan took the opportunity to issue the invitation, and said: "Last time Nick told me there is a place where some students from several hundred years have been hiding something, and you and I can go there to look for treasures together, maybe there are some books there too."

After all, Ryan didn't think he was as knowledgeable about magic as Hermione. Because, in addition to textbook knowledge, he has recently dedicated all of his energy to the study of life magic and Maoshan Taoism. He didn't have time to trawl through the library as Hermione did.

So Ryan invited Hermione to curry favor or due to hormones, not sure.

Hermione's mood improved after hearing Ryan's invitation because she knew how difficult it is to get rare, ancient, and exclusive knowledge in the wizarding world.

So she gave Ryan a quick hug, then whispered thank you. Ryan was stunned by this sudden attack. Even after living in the UK for ten years, he still wasn't quite comfortable with the British etiquettes and openness.


After helping several first-year freshmen to answer their questions, Ryan went to bed early. Tomorrow is the first Quidditch game of this year and the first game of this year by our team. So we must be ready to cheer them with full strength tomorrow.

Ryan accompanied everyone to the Quidditch pitch the next morning after eating early. Today's weather is a little more humid, and there's even a distant sound of thunder.

Gryffindor's classmates looked a little nervous, after all, Slytherin changed their brooms to the Nimbus 2001 this year. Securing an absolute advantage in this department.

The race began, Gryffindor players had done intensive training. Playing with Slytherin with slower equipment is inextricably difficult.

Ryan noticed at this time that a wandering ball was chasing Harry and trying to knock him down. This should be Dobby's rescue plan.

Seeing this, Ryan patted Hermione and motioned her to observe Harry. After watching for a while, Hermione was also surprised and said: "What's the matter with that ball? Why is it following Harry and trying to hit him only?"

Then the rain started to fall, and Harry's condition was getting worse. The Weasley brothers can only follow him like bodyguards to fend off the flying ball.

"The Buldgers appears to be trying to hurt him, and it feels like it will be the same as last year. So, what are our options?" After watching the Buldgers for a while, Hermione said to Ryan.

"I have a way." After speaking, Ryan drew a piece of talisman paper from his arms to inject spiritual power. The talisman quickly turned into an origami paper crane, and after spinning two times on Ryan and the others, it flew straight to a place.

"Keep up with it!" Ryan and Hermione jumped up and started tracking the paper crane.


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