HPMRS CH 105: Hunt!

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Origami cranes were flying high and low, but they could not fly fast because of the rain. Ryan and Hermione squeezed through a group of Hufflepuff students to space under their seats.

"This is an oriental tracking technique I learned. Fortunately, the attacker did not use a curse but is directly using magic to manipulate the ball. At the same time, the attacker is damn too arrogant and did not hide its magical trajectory at all. So even if I am just a rookie now, I can use this magic to find the opponent's position." Ryan explained to Hermione as he ran.

"What should we do after we find the other party? Report to the professor?" Hermione asked.

Ryan bypassed a pillar in front of him and said, "It'll be too late to find the professor by then. Maybe Harry's head would be opened by the ball by the time professor comes, so we can only deal with it by ourselves. It just so happens that we also needed some real-life combat experience. There have been many practice fights between us, and today is the first actual combat."

At this moment, Origami cranes suddenly stopped, and Ryan could feel the attacker is hiding in the front corner.

Seeing Ryan stop and stretch out his right hand to draw out his wand, Hermione also took her wand out of her pocket. Then she pointed his left finger forward and motioned to Ryan: "Here?"

Ryan nodded and then wrote with his hand on the dust on the wooden board behind him: After a while, you will follow me, and when you see the other party, you will directly cast the Disarming Curse. Don't have psychological pity towards the other party, because the other party obviously wants to kill our classmates.

After seeing Hermione nodding to indicate that she understands, Ryan nodded slightly and rushed out. Hermione followed closely.

Turning the corner, Ryan saw a little monster with bat-like ears, covered in an old worn and torn pillowcase waving his hands in mid-air as if he was whispering something.

"Expelliarmus x2" two red lights hit the monster one after the other, and the monster shook and fell to the ground. Ryan stepped forward and strangled the monster's neck, then pointed his wand at him.

"Say, why do you want to kill Harry?" At this moment, Hermione also walked over from behind, and she found that from the little monster's hiding position, it just happened to be able to see the whole stadium through a broken place.

"Ryan, the Buldgers doesn't seem to be chasing Harry anymore. We got the right person." After saying that, Hermione also stood in front of the little monster and took a closer look, then said:

"He seems to be Dobby the house-elf that Harry mentioned. He has been trying to prevent Harry from going back to school. But, let's put that aside for now and ask him why he wanted to kill Harry."

"Okay." Ryan let go of Dobby's neck, then grabbed Dobby's shoulder and asked: "Why do you want to kill Harry."

"You are friends of the great Harry Potter, but don't stop me from saving Harry's life." Dobby defended.

"Help? Could it be that smashing Harry's head with a Bludger or letting him fall from such a height is rescue? As far as I know, house-elves are all slaves, who on earth did send you to assassinate Harry?" Hermione pointed at Dobby with her wand angrily.

"Harry Potter actually has such a friend who is willing to help him, Dobby is very happy. But Dobby is going to save Harry Potter now, goodbye." After saying that Dobby snapped his fingers, and then jerked away from Ryan's hand. Disappeared.

"Isn't it that the Hogwarts campus does not allow Apparitions? How could he suddenly disappear?" Hermione asked in surprise after seeing Dobby disappear.

"I think they have only banned human Apparition." Ryan having said that again remembered that in the original plot Hermione made Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare (S.P.E.W.), Ryan asked curiously. "Didn't you listen to Harry saying that Dobby is pitiful? Why did you just now, show no mercy to pitiful Dobby?"

"Mercy? Are you crazy?" Hermione turned her head and said, "That was the murderer who wanted to kill our classmate. Why should I feel pity towards a criminal?"

After speaking, Hermione glanced at the court through the hole. "Oh my God! Dobby is attacking Harry again. We have to find and stop him quickly."

Ryan prepared another Origami Crane, as Dobby's casting trajectory was still obvious, and it seemed that he cannot hide this. It's just that the location shown this time is actually on an unmanned tower on the opposite side of the stadium.

When Ryan and Hermione rushed to the tower panting, Ryan hit Dobby who was casting, with Stupefy.

But, As the spell hit Dobby, he successfully snapped his fingers at the same time and was gone again.

"Oh, damn it." Ryan patted his thigh regretfully. However, the Stupefy spell hit him and even worked a bit, as it took five or six minutes before the ball went out of control again.

Ryan, who just ran out of breath, could only continue to track. Just halfway through the run, Hermione stopped Ryan: "You don't need to chase Dobby anymore, the game is over."

Ryan also saw the Bludger fall into the crowd and then fly again. When the Bludger was about to fall, it was broken by a spell.

When they came to the edge of the field, they happened to see Ginny coming out of the crowd. From Ginny's mouth, Ryan and Hermione came to know what had just happened.

Because the Buldgers had good times and bad times, Harry made a desperate move to chase the Golden Snitch alone. In the end, he succeeded in catching it, but he fell to the ground in order to avoid the Buldger and even lost several teeth.

After the game, Lockhart tried to treat Harry's teeth, but the Bludger rushed down. Lockhart wanted to show off his ability by stopping the Bludger, but after the magic was released, it did not affect the Bludger and the Bludger directly Lockhart's shoulder. In the end, it was Madam Hooch who solved the problem. Now the two of them have been sent to the school hospital together.

Ryan also received a notice at this time, and he had obtained a total of five offset points.

Then Ryan and Hermione rushed to the school hospital, only to find that the ward was noisy, and a group of girls were talking about Lockhart. And Harry was accompanied by Ron and Colin.

"What did you do? Where were the two of you just now?" Ron asked angrily when he saw Ryan and Hermione.

Ryan looked around and found that Madam Pomfrey was busy driving away the chirping girls around Lockhart. So he quickly explained what they did.

After listening to Ryan's narration, Harry said thoughtfully: "Dobby has always wanted me to leave school, saying that dangerous things will happen in school. But this year, the only danger was caused by him. Does this mean that some people don't want me to stay in school? After all, the school is protected by Professor Dumbledore and no one can hurt me here."

When Ryan saw Harry's utterly prejudiced thoughts, he couldn't help but silently pray for Dobby, hoping that he wouldn't be cast by the savior's psychological shadow.

Finally, when the Gryffindor team members came in, they were kicked out by Madam Pomfrey along with them. Since Harry will have to regrow six teeth today, the process will be a bit painful. So it's best for him to stay in the school hospital for one night.


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