HPMRS CH 106 : Hagrid's Past!

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In the middle of class the next morning, Harry told Ryan that he caught Dobby looking for him again last night. Still saying that he's trying to save him, but did not say why or what he was trying to save him from.

It seemed that Harry, who has the protagonist aura was destined to have a difficult life, so he was going to continue spending time with Dobby, and Ryan made a helpless expression.

After class at noon, Ryan carried his father's new book to the edge of the forbidden forest. Wolfe was already there waiting for him. In addition to the last book, there was a wooden, tightly sealed box in the bag on Wolfe's back.

"What is this?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Thank you for the book. This is a mature wild Mandrake I collected. This is a gift to you from me. This box is made by Betty. As long as you don't open the box, Mandrake will stay sleeping inside or for a year." Wolfe said, with a pure smile on his face, which to be honest looked terrifying.

Looking at this smile, Ryan knew he couldn't refuse his kindness. But such a gift is too precious, and he would feel uneasy if he took it just like that.

So Ryan reached into his pocket and pulled out a small pendant, which he presented to Wolfe. Ryan crafted this pendant while learning Maoshan Taoism a while ago.

"What is this? I can feel the power of magic from it?" Wolfe asked after taking the pendant from Ryan's hand with his paw.

"This is a gift for you, thank you for helping me in sending and receiving things from Betty and others recently." The exchange of materials between Ryan and Betty was passed through Wolfe. After all, at Ryan's current level, he cannot exchange things through the Emerald Dreamland.

Wolfe's face showed a look of happiness, and Ryan saw it and said, "This is the amulet I created from the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider's fangs and venom. It can create a magic circle of green smoke with a radius of ten metres that is undetectable, and the smoke can be used three times a day for one minute each time."

"It sounds very useful, it might save my life someday, thank you. I'll go back and ask the Centaurs to make a chain for me and hang this around my neck." After Wolfe thanked Ryan, he walked back to the Forbidden Forest with his new book and amulet on his back.

Ryan was walking back after saying goodbye to Wolfe. Suddenly he found Harry and Ron standing at the door of Hagrid's hut.

"What are you doing here?" Ryan asked them curiously.

"We heard from senior classmates that crying has been heard in the hut for the past two days. We were a little worried about Hagrid, so we came to have a look." Harry replied.

What can make a giant 60-year-old man cry continuously for a few days? Ryan was curious. So he said to Harry: "I'll visit him too, after all, he is a good man."

(N: My man Ryan, how insensitive can you be. Are you sure that you don't know why he's sad and crying? why he's brawling?)

Harry went up the steps and knocked on the door a few times. The door opened, and Hagrid stood inside with red eyes and alcohol: "What are you little guys doing here?"

"I heard that you are feeling uncomfortable these two days, so I came to see you," Harry said.

"Okay, come in quickly, I think you can come in for a cup of tea." Hagrid allowed the three people into the house after conversing. A bottle of half-drunk Fire Whiskey sat on the table. He took a plate of snacks and a pot of black tea from the fireplace after putting the whiskey back in the cupboard.

"What happened? Maybe we can help you." After drinking Hagrid's black tea, Ryan inquired. Hagrid appeared to be moved at hearing Ryan's words, and tears welled up again. "My Aragog is dead."

Ryan froze after hearing these words, but fortunately, no one noticed.

Harry asked at this moment: "Aragog? Who is that? Why didn't I hear you talking about this person before?"

"He is an eight-eyed giant spider, but I never wanted to let others know of his existence, so I never told you."

"You didn't want us to know that he existed? Why?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Because the eight-eyed giant spider is a creature native to Southeast Asia, its favorite food is humans. Although it can talk, it can't communicate. It has always been considered a dangerous dark magic creature." Ron was beside him at this time. Speaking out of fright.

"How do you know this?" Harry asked, looking back at Ron.

"I hate spiders, so I remember these magical creatures related to spiders," Ron said with a frightened expression, he's literally shivering.

"What happened?" Ryan asked curiously. Because Betty had taken care of all the eight-eyed giant spider corpses, how did Hagrid know that Aragog was dead?

"I will go to see Aragog every time, but when I went there yesterday, there was no giant spider there. Finally, I found traces of fire in the cave where they laid eggs, and this, half-head of Aragog. It's possible that a wizard killed him." Hagrid wiped his tears and pointed to something on the fireplace.

Ryan and Harry bent forward and stared for a long time before determining that it was definitely half an arachnid head, but it had been burnt. Ryan assumed that this was part of the rubble that Betty and the others had missed, so it remained on the scene.

"Why were you raising this dangerous species?" Ron asked Hagrid as Ryan and Harry looked at the charred remains.

"No, he isn't a threat. I even found him a wife and allowed them to flourish in the Forbidden Forest. He was just the size of a teacup when I brought him to Hogwarts, so he wasn't particularly scary. Later, several individuals accused him of being involved in the death of a young girl. I had no choice but to allow him to flee to the forbidden forest. As a result, I was expelled from school. Thanks to Dumbledore's help, I could stay in school." Maybe it was. Because of drinking some alcohol, Hagrid talked about his past endlessly under the influence of alcohol, or the plot still trying to fix the plotline.

"Is the dead girl the crying Myrtle?" Ryan asked suddenly.

"How do you know?" Hagrid asked in surprise.

"Because I attended the Nick Death Party, there was only one ghost in Hogwarts uniform. I was curious and asked her a lot of things."

"I didn't kill her, I really didn't." Hagrid looked excited and terrified at the same time, he waved his hands while saying this. Harry and Ron also knew that Hagrid was a good man and wouldn't kill anyone.

"I did not say Hagrid is the murderer ah." Ryan has some dumbfounding. "Myrtle claimed she died after being stared at by two large yellow eyes. Although the eight-eyed enormous spider is toxic and capable of assault, it can't kill a person with its eyes, especially since the spider has four large eyes and Myrtle only saw two."

"So" Ryan turned to Hagrid: "I believe because you lacked evidence, you were wronged for decades. Now that Aragog is dead, you can tell Professor Dumbledore about it and let him clear you of the allegations. At the very least, you will be able to use magic with integrity in the future."

And I'll know whether Dumbles likes to kill and imprison his allies or is it just an occupational hazard, Ryan said in his heart.