HPMRS CH 107: Christmas!

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"Aragog is my friend. How can I act like this, just after my friend's died." Hagrid said sadly.

"The dead are dead, Hagrid, but the living will live on. Aragog, I believe, would be overjoyed in paradise if it knew it could assist you. Besides, I believe Dumbledore squandered his resources and jeopardised his position by allowing you to stay in the school. At the very least, you'll be able to avoid someone discrediting Dumbledore by claiming that he's sheltering criminals at the school after you've resolved your issues." Ryan patted Hagrid on the back and advised him.

"You're right, I shouldn't be selfish. Dumbledore is a good man who has helped me a lot, and I can't trouble him anymore." Hagrid said solemnly after thinking for a while.

After drinking tea, Ryan and the rest bid farewell to Hagrid. When they went out, everyone's pockets were filled with Hagrid's homemade milk candies.

"A big spider who can eat people, I don't know why Hagrid would raise those things. Fortunately, it is dead now." Ron commented on the way.

"You shouldn't say that, after all, Hagrid is our friend," Harry said with a frown.

"It has nothing to do with whether Hagrid is a friend or not," Ryan said. "As far as I know, Ron's brother ran to the forbidden forest to take an adventure in the second year. I think there are not many students who love adventure, but there are still some. Think about it, the eight-eyed giant spider likes to eat people. What would happen if students or Ron's brothers encountered these eight-eyed giant spiders? So I also think it's a good thing that the eight-eyed giant spiders disappeared from the forbidden forest."

"That's right," Harry said after a moment of silence. "Who do you think can kill so many spiders in one go?"

This question sparked a discussion among the three people. In the end, after Ryan's efforts crooked downstairs, Harry and Ron agreed that a passing fire dragon had killed the spider. The reason is that Hagrid said that many traces of fire had been found. And if it is a dark wizard, they will not give up expensive venom to kill the giant spider by burning.

The following days were calm, but a week before Christmas, an investigation team composed of members of the Magic Law Enforcement Department of the Ministry of Magic came to Hogwarts.

They first went to Hagrid's cabin and Myrtle's bathroom to inquire, and finally went to the headmaster's office.

The classmates were all talking in private about what they were doing, but they didn't guess until they left.

The notice posted in the school two days later resolved everyone's doubts. The notice stated that Hagrid had been previously banned from using magic because of a major suspicion in a murder case. Now that he was found to be innocent in the murder case, the Ministry of Magic at that time made a misjudgment due to lack of evidence and Hagrid himself held back himself from telling the truth during the investigation.

The Ministry of Magic is very efficient in hiding their own mistakes, which is completely different from the situation where Harry met a dementor in the fourth year of the cannon. Ryan thought this might be because Dumbledore knew from his diary and memories that it was Voldemort who snitched on Hagrid, it also seems that Dumbledore isn't a dark lord, but as the saying goes 'precaution is better than being a sacrifice... Prevention is better than cure'

In addition, Hagrid now found the actual evidence (the remains of the eight-eyed giant spider) and the witness (Myrtle).

Unlike in the cannon, Dumbledore's prestige is now very high, and the Ministry of Magic must display some respect towards Dumbledore and his high positions in Ministry, fudge must be getting angsty by now.

The people who led to the wrong judgment have nothing to do with the current Ministry, and most of them have died. This kind of overturning will not affect the authority of the Ministry of Magic, and even proper publicity can create an image that the current Ministry is upright and corrects if it knows its mistakes. So the Ministry of Magic or rather Fudge naturally gave a green light on this matter, he also arranged praises for himself in the newspaper. After seeing the notice, Ryan and Hermione took time to congratulate Hagrid (Ryan and Hagrid have a good relationship, after all, a good person with a simple personality is a good company to keep by.)

Seeing Hagrid's happy smile and the mental relief, he looked like ten years younger, truly jubilant. Ryan suddenly felt that killing Aragog was a good thing. After all, the Eight-Eyed Giant Spider caused Hagrid to be technically banished to the Forbidden Forest while it was alive, but all problems related to it were solved once it died.

A few days later, it was the second week of December, and Professor McGonagall came to collect the list of students who will stay in school for Christmas as usual. Ryan was the last to sign the list; because his parents said that they were going to Alpine mountains for skiing to celebrate their marriage anniversary, Ryan felt that he was being forcefully kept away from there, and being an adult soul he knew why.

It seems that the only way to find the treasure Nick mentioned is summer vacation, thus Ryan felt a bit regretful. But Dave just told him that everything he needed would be ready before Christmas, and Ryan felt that he could just take advantage of the shortage of people in the school to kill the basilisk in the secret room without much commotion.

In the next few days, Ryan went to Hagrid to help him master some simple spells when he was free. By the way, he showed his cooking skills when he missed a meal. (His cooking is at least better than Hagrid's. The Assassin's creed inheritance is all-encompassing, including cooking in the wild.)

Relying on his cooking skills, Ryan made an excuse to cook something that reminded him of his hometown. Smoothly he managed to patronize Hagrid to raise roosters and took a few of them to the Myriad Realms store.

Finally, the semester was over, and in the thick silence, snow enveloped the entire castle. Ryan found that Gryffindor had a lot of classmates left behind. In addition to Harry, there were also the Weasley brothers. Because this year the Weasleys were going to Egypt to see Bill and being surprisingly sensible they decided not to follow. To avoid putting financial pressure on the family.

The dawn of Christmas has arrived, and the weather is cold and snow is everywhere. Ryan got up early that morning, the dormitory was empty, his roommate had gone home for Christmas.

After getting out of bed, Ryan found that the gifts had been placed on the floor beside the bed. His parents gave him a Roche crystal ball with a postcard from Salzburg. Harry had presented the "common magic encyclopedia," Weasley twins sent a large box of candy, but Ryan is going to figure out what it is before eating, he suspected that if he eats any of them he'll be the gunie pig of the Sly brothers. Ron gave another copy of "101 Charms for Home". Is he like a nerd to Harry and Ron? Ryan thought.

Hagrid's gift is very distinctive. It is a large piece of fudge. After Ryan learned that Harry and Ron had also received the same gift, he knew that Hagrid must have made a big pot in one go and distributed it to his friends.

The most precious gift came from Hermione, she copied Professor McGonagall's personal transfiguration notes. Sure enough, the top students will get preferential treatment from the professors. Fortunately, Ryan had an idea this time and sent the handwritten notes of Professor Sprout's Herbology to Hermione, which was a gift of the same type and class.

At the Christmas dinner at Hogwarts, everyone ate, relishing the awesome endless food. As few people are staying in school, the empty Great hall is even more magnificent. Not only are there dozens of Christmas trees covered with silver frost, and thick ribbons of mistletoe and holly crisscross on the ceiling, but also enchanted snow, warm and dry, gently falling from the ceiling.

The professors were also very happy. Dumbledore led them to sing a few of his favorite Christmas carols, and Hagrid's voice became louder and louder after he poured a glass of eggnog. Percy didn't notice that Fred had used magic to turn the words on his prefect badge into "I'm dumb", and stupidly asked everyone what they were laughing at. Draco taunted Harry every day and then had a minor scuffle. Everyone is happy.

Ryan ate as much as he could because there is a big fight waiting for him tonight.


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