HPMRS CH 118: New guest arrives!

The speed at which the Weasley brothers' concept became a reality has been substantially increased thanks to Ryan's involvement. Ryan could already see a significant number of galleons landing in his pocket in the near future.

Gryffindor, who had won two straight games and had high morale, trounced Ravenclaw by a large margin in the last game.

This year, Gryffindor won the House Cup.

Ryan and Hermione could only find a quiet spot to drink pumpkin juice while exchanging knowledge about Ancient Runes during the celebration party in the common room that night because they couldn't get into the circle of people around Harry Potter.

At this moment Ginny walked towards them, looking very nervous.

"Harry won the championship today, why don't you go and congratulate him?" Hermione quipped. After all, everyone could see that Ginny had the kind of adoration from the bones towards Harry.

"I have something to ask you," Ginny said in a low voice while blushing like a tomato.

(note: the real question is that, is it tomato or tomato?)

"What's the matter? As long as we know, we will definitely answer." Hermione looked at Ginny and said sincerely.

Ginny opened her mouth but didn't say anything. Ryan sensed she was a little nervous, so he spoke softly and said, "We won't tell anyone what you say to us, so don't worry. Hermione and I are not the type of people who can't keep their mouths shut, as you know from your peers."

The advice worked, and Ginny took a deep breath and said, "I — I like Harry. How can I get close to him?"

Ryan's hand, which was clutching the pumpkin juice cup, came to a halt in mid-air. Ginny's question regarding a relationship situation caught him off guard. This question is really a bit worrying to him who has been a single dog for two lifetimes so far.

As for why Ginny asked them this question, it is probably because of the unscheduled homework tutoring meeting this semester. They were Ginny's first choice for requesting help because they were the most active party and were seen as trusted friends, not to mention the good relationship between Ryan, Hermione, and Harry.

Although it sounded like it was from some book, Hermione had already begun to instruct Ginny by the time Ryan awoke from his grumpy thoughts. However, Ginny, who had the same zero experience, kept nodding.

While Hermione was speaking, Ryan recalled something, and after she finished, he told Ginny: "Harry isn't quite as mature as you. He can be terrified if you express your opinions directly. What I believe you should do now is enhance your overall level of interaction with Harry, and then talk with him normally. Harry will finally understand what you desire one day."

After counseling Ginny and celebrating nonstop until Professor McGonagall ordered everyone to immediately go to the bed.

After washing and going to bed, Ryan was notified that a new customer had come to the General Store. Ryan can only enter the General Store with a cloak and pajamas.

He observed a 20-year-old woman on the ground, pallid, with a large wound in her neck in the General Store. The person appeared to be completely frozen, with permafrost clinging to their skin.

Was she bitten by the Frost Dragon during a fight? Is she even alive? This situation caught Ryan off guard. He employed the power of soul detection. The presence of the guest's soul in the body indicates that she is still alive. Unfortunately, her soul was swiftly evaporating, and she appeared to be on the verge of passing away.

Ryan was a little taken aback because he had never been in a situation like this before. Fortunately, he had prepared a large number of elixirs to combat with the basilisk, and Ryan had put them all inside the General Store. From the mound of potions, he took a bottle of fresh essence and a bottle of healing potion.

He first sprinkled some fresh essence on the wounded's wounds, then poured a vial of healing potion over her. Ryan then took his wand and began reciting an ancient soul spell at the wounded: "Maintain the soul." With the spell, he could feel his magical strength pouring into the wand like a flood, and then into the body of the lady in front of him.

This multi-pronged treatment lasted for nearly ten minutes when Ryan started to feel tired. Finally, the loss of her soul stopped. Seeing the woman's vital signs gradually stabilized, Ryan let out a long sigh of relief. Thanks to studying under Madam Pomfrey and learning a lot of life magic, he was able to save her. Otherwise, he may really not be able to save this person.

After wrapping up the wound with a special bandage, Ryan looked at the blue clothes on the woman who looked a little thin, worried that the loss of temperature after such a large blood loss would cause hypothermia. So he performed a floating spell to suspend her and then wrapped her in a blanket that he had used when camping.

After stabilizing the wounded person's injury, Ryan was a little worried, after all, the General Store is not a hospital, and it is not suitable for him to heal people's injuries, Also because of her soul damage, it is best to maintain her lethargic state.

After thinking about it, Ryan opened the door to the world of Plants vs. Zombies. After inquiring, it was found that only two offset points are needed to send her into the world of Plants vs. Zombies.

It seems that this person shouldn't be very important in her world, otherwise how could it be possible to just send her anywhere with these little offset points. Ryan is a little frustrated by this predicament because it implies that earning enough offset points from this guest will be difficult. However, he still sent the wounded person to the hospital in Dave's newly built fort and asked the doctor inside to take care of her.

Unlike last time when he had something to do, Ryan after settling the wounded, finally decided to see the recent developments of this place.

The construction of the fort is nearly completed, and a large number of plantation gardens have been opened around the fort. Many people went in and out of the fortress. This should be due to the fact that after establishing a secure stronghold, scattered humans sought refuge here. At the same time, Edward sailed to sea several times, bringing with him a large number of individuals who had taken refuge on nearby islands.

Ryan found that the people here didn't look particularly good. Most of them had rough skin as if they had suffered a lot. The dressing is also a bit out of style, either in whitewashed clothes with patches, or in rough animal skins. But the ruddy complexion means that they have had a good life in the recent period. As a result, everyone has a hopeful look on their faces.

Even now, due to population issues, everyone can only gather near the fortress and rely on the fortress for protection.

But Ryan still saw a kind of hope from the residents here, a kind of hope for the re-kindling the flames of the civilization of mankind.