HPMRS CH 119: End of the semester and Centaur's invitation!

After going around in the fortress, Ryan returned to the school dormitory contentedly. After cleaning up the blood on his clothes and hands, he was a little depressed lying on the bed.

Because after receiving guests this time not only did he not gain anything, but also lost a lot of resources.

Ryan decided to wait until she woke up and then ask her which world she came from, maybe he could get something out of it. Ryan was having various fantasies about this world to comfort himself and then fell asleep deeply.

The excitement of winning the Quidditch title passed quickly because the final exam was coming. Even If there is no basilisk making trouble, the students are still trapped in an atmosphere of tension and anxiety.

Some small changes have also taken place in the school during this time. Lucius Malfoy came to the school with the house elves one day and entered the headmaster's office. Afterward, he came out of the headmaster's office alone, with an ashen face.

From that day on, Draco never walked around the school arrogantly, as if he were the master here. On the contrary, he now has a gloomy face all day, as if his heart is full of resentment.

There are legends in the school that because Lucius did something wrong, he had to release his house-elf under the pressure of the headmaster, and at the same time lost his right to vote from the board of directors.

It seemed that Dumbledore had investigated a lot of things from that notebook, forcing the Malfoy family to make concessions.

Due to Lockhart's recent misfortunes and accidents in Hogwarts, Rita Skeeter the greatest paparazzi ever of the wizarding world wrote and published "Rise of Swindler."

She questioned Lockhart's adventures by finding various contradictions in Lockhart's book and his poor performance at Hogwarts. Lockhart's weak defense found more loopholes.

Finally, three days before the exam, a team of Aurors came to the school and arrested Lockhart. Because it was found that he stole the experience of an old wizard in the United States, after Rita Skeeter's report spread, several wizards came out to testify that the werewolf problem was not solved by Lockhart. The Magic Congress of the United States, therefore, issued a letter of inquiry to the Ministry of Magic.

A week later, Wizengamot sentenced Lockhart to only three years in prison as he compensated the victim heavily with money he gained from using their memories. Ryan and students also celebrated a little bit, there is still plenty of time to celebrate Lockhart's fall, in the celebration only a few people were unhappy, and unsurprisingly they're all the brothers of the Weasley family because they now know that the expensive novels they paid for have now become worthless rubbish paper.

Due to Lockhart's arrest, Snape presented questions for this year's Defence Against the Dark Arts class. The difficulty of questions made the students faint and cry. Fortunately, the practical content was set up by Professor Flitwick. He came up with an examination plan close to the actual combat and gave many people a chance to recover their exam results.

The examination room is in a classroom, and there are many obstacles in the room. The content of the test requires candidates to use magic to shoot down the weapons in the hands of the active dummy that suddenly emerges when crossing obstacles. Ryan topped in this exam with flying colors. You have to say that actual combat experience helped him a lot.

A few nights before the results came out, when Ryan was studying magic in the Emerald Dreamland, he received an invitation from Betty the Centaur. Betty invited him to participate in the coming-of-age ceremony of the tribal ponies this year.

The pony grows up? Ryan recalled the memory of the Viking wizard and found that this was one of the most important rituals for the Centaurs. Natural forces bless the Centaurs who had grown up in the said year. Only foreigners who were recognized by nature could be invited to the ceremony. In Ryan's memory, the tribe where the Viking wizard spent his childhood had a good relationship with several Centaur tribes nearby, but only one old shaman had ever received an invitation.

This kind of rare thing is an unexpected harvest. The next night, Ryan came to the edge of the forbidden forest as agreed and saw Wolfe, the wise Wolf who came to pick him up.

"Betty asked me to apologize to you on her behalf because they were so busy today that they couldn't get any adult to pick you up. So here I am to pick you up." After seeing Ryan, Wolfe explained to Ryan.

"It's okay, it's better to not bother them at this time. Let us go by ourselves." After saying that Ryan followed the path. But he was stopped by Wolfe:

"My friend, I think you should let me carry you. Because before I set off, the auspicious time told by the fortune-teller of the tribe was a little earlier than in previous years. If you walk by yourself, you will probably miss the ceremony." After saying this, Wolfe bend his knees slightly and motioned to Ryan to get on.

Ryan, who had very poor riding skills, lay down on his stomach on Wolf's back, and then, at Wolf's reminder, grabbed the hair around his neck with both hands to secure himself. Wolf smelled very clean, and there was no foul smell in his fur.

After confirming that Ryan latched tightly, Wolfe slowly accelerated until he ran into the jungle. Ryan saw the trees on both sides fading quickly, and there was a whirr of wind in his ears.

After running for about 20 minutes, Wolfe stopped by the bank of a river. Ryan immediately rolled off his back and did a relaxed stretch, while laying flat on the ground. Because the difference between a wolf and a horse is very big, especially when running, the wolf's back movement is much harder on the body than that of a horse, which made Ryan feel extremely uncomfortable after being tossed up and down for 20 minutes. He would rather walk over than stay on the back of the wolf.

"Hey, are you okay? The book says that humans and wolf cavalry used to exist. Why can't you stand it for a while? I wanted to chat with you, but you didn't say a word all the way." Wolfe was a little surprised.

Ryan raised his head weakly and said: " y friend, I couldn't open my mouth back then, or I would've just vomited directly on you. Also, to be honest, I think you should distinguish between fiction and reality. Why don't you say that dragon knights are flying all over the sky in the book, but I don't think neither of us has seen a living dragon knight, have we?"

"Yes." Wolfe seemed to have a sudden realization, but his eyes widened and ears pricked up like a husky.

At this time, Ryan looked around slowly, and the lights on the other side of the river were of the Centaur village.

There is a big difference between Centaur and human villages. The biggest feature is that every Centaur village, no matter how big it is, can always maintain perfect harmony with the irreconcilable natural forces surrounding them. Just as the ancient Viking shaman who visited the Centaur village in his memory said, among all races, unicorns and Centaurs may be closely connected with their surroundings. They subconsciously have a kind of balance between themselves and the natural world.

The Centaur will never let any member go hungry or cold, they may lack supplies sometimes, but they will not ask for it too much like humans or goblins. They will regularly convert various sources of living materials from nature to ensure the redevelopment of wildlife populations. For example, they will adopt crop rotation methods in order to maintain the fragile natural balance, and do afforestation.

Under the shining light, Ryan saw that the village of the Centaurs was built on a peaceful riverside clearing, and huts were built from the abundant raw materials in the forest. It doesn't look gorgeous, but it has a unique warmth.

The river is a bit turbulent, but not wide. Ryan swung across the river with the assassin's hook and then went to the entrance of the village with Wolfe. There was already a Centaur waiting for them there.