HPMRS CH 125: Exploring the new world.

After releasing the robot to work for a while, Ryan was surprised to find that the Torchwood, which was used as a power source, quickly wilted.

He also felt that the life of the Torchwood was slowly declining.

Is this because of the FEV virus and radiation in the air? Thinking of this, Ryan immediately stopped the robot, and then used a note to notify the World of Plants vs. Zombies to send some sealed containers.

After the sealed container was delivered, Ryan arranged for the robot to take samples of water, air, and soil, and sent them back to the world of Plants vs. Zombies along with these languishing plants.

Then took out a large number of high-pressure steam storage tanks from there as a temporary energy source, let them clean the site, and build a shelter here.

When he was done with that, Nate and his wife had already collected a lot of supplies, ready to go to Concord.

Ryan thought for a while and decided to take a look with them. Because he needs to collect more things, and it is necessary to visit the city to do so.

At the Red Rocket cave, they encountered a bunch of mutant mole rats. After adding the Protego to the three people, Ryan wielded his wand and joined the activity of cleaning up mutant mole rats.

In the battle, Ryan used the spells he knew one by one to test the results. It turns out that the Disarming Charm does not affect the mole rats(obviously), and the Stupefy spell can successfully stun the mole rats. Surprisingly, the ancient Viking's life spell Unclean and Quiet is unexpectedly easy to use here and it can cause a lot of damage to the mutant mole rats too.

While picking up the spoils after the battle, Ryan was thinking: Most of the creatures in this world have had a mutation because of the FEV virus and radiation stimulus, but it is an unclean or evil addition to the DNAs of these creatures according to the Viking magic. At the same time, this world is technology-based, and the mutation of creatures is entirely due to technology that caused their radiation and physical defense to be high, but the magical defense capabilities to be extremely poor, and it is very easy to deal with them by the use of magic.

At this time, Ryan sent all the computers and some equipment that could be used in the repair station back to the world of Plants vs. Zombies through the space-time gate. At this time, a note came from the other side, telling Ryan that Dave had found some very useful things from those plants and samples, and he is now returning to the laboratory for research. If there are similar biological samples, please send as many as possible. Now the warehouse has been changed to a sealed space of the highest standard, so there is no need to worry about radiation pollution or leaking of virus, viruses don't easily leak or break out of high-level bio labs unless there's corruption that leads to mismanagement or there's foul play. Even if a virus leaks from the lab, it is easy to control and fix as long as the lab provides the sequencing and relevant data in time.

It seems that if he encounters deathclaw in a while, he probably won't be able to use this curse, otherwise, it will be impossible to study it because it will be turned into ashes like the mutant mole rats. After the loot search was completed, the three people had some controversy. Nate believes that the world is now much worse than before. For safety reasons, he hopes that Nora can temporarily return to the sanctuary or the vault. But Nora opposed this view. She felt that since the world had become terrible, she needed to adapt to the world even more.

Ryan watched them arguing and hurried forward to mediate because it was late now, and he didn't want to fight Deathclaw in the dark of the night.

After Ryan repeatedly stated that he could use magic to provide protection, Nate finally agreed to act together. In the end, it was decided Nate, who had service experience will stay at the front and the wizard Ryan at the back. This formation was chosen to protect Nora in the middle.

After easily killing two huge mutant mosquitoes on the road, they came to Concord. As soon as they entered the Concord they heard bursts of gunfire coming from the town.

Nate's face changed when he heard the gunfire, and he signaled everyone to stay as concealed as possible. Then they slowly made their way towards the gunshots.

After walking for a while, they found that a raider was shooting in the direction of the museum with a gun, and another raider was standing beside him and looking around.

Nate motioned for Ryan to go up to solve the problem, so Ryan cast an invisibility charm and the Protego on him, and then they saw a vaguely transparent shadow flicking in the direction of the two raiders.

Soon a blood flower blossomed on the neck of a raider, and the invisibility effect was destroyed because of this movement. When the other raider discovered something was wrong and was about to use his gun, he was hit by Ryan with a disarming charm, and he was knocked unconscious by Nate. Nate took prisoners back to where Ryan was hiding, tied him up, ready to interrogate prisoners.

The raiders were indeed made up of a bunch of unscrupulous scum. Before Nate had even started the torture, the raider found that the situation was not good and immediately spilled out all the information.

Watching Nate, who had gotten the needed information, killed the prisoner cleanly, Ryan felt that his limbs turned cold and his scalp was tingling. Even after so many battles, he had never fought with humans, so he was a little uncomfortable seeing someone dying so close to him, killing someone from far away with weapons and doing the same in such proximity isn't the same. At such a short distance you can hear the last breath of the person and if you focus even the struggling heartbeat can be heard.

Nora reacted more intensely and began to retching after seeing this scene.

After several minutes, the two adjusted their emotions, and then rejected Nate's suggestion to wait here for a bit to calm down themselves, and decided to go to the front to rescue the people trapped in the museum together.

Ryan also picked up a short double-barreled shotgun used by raiders at this time. After all, he didn't isn't proficient in aiming these guns. Shotguns are more suitable for novices.

After arriving in front of the museum, wiping out a few scattered raiders, a wounded civilian asked them to enter the museum to rescue the civilians inside.

After Ryan treated the militia with fresh essence, the armed civilian followed with a gun and joined the team in a daze.

Later, Ryan used life magic to detect the situation, and they easily killed the enemy in the museum. On the top floor, they met Preston, the last volunteer soldier.

One of the people hiding here is a middle-aged woman named Mama Murphy. After she saw Ryan, she said to him in a frantic mood: "Who are you? Why have I not seen you in the past or the future?"

Others nearby said to Ryan: "Don't pay attention to her, she has always been like this."

But Ryan felt that Mama Murphy can be a true trippy seer, at least what she said was correct.

Under Preston's guidance, Nate went upstairs to check the power armor upstairs, while Ryan went to the lower floor to get the nuclear fusion core.

Fortunately, the raiders in the place have been wiped out. Ryan used the hook to jump from the patio to the basement directly from the upper floor. After opening the door with the unlocking spell to take out the nuclear fusion core, he used the hook to quickly pull himself upstairs. Later, he met Nate who had just arrived here at the gate of the rooftop.

Ryan gave the fusion core to Nate after arriving at the rooftop.

As soon as they were on the rooftop, bullets hit them, splashing a lot of dust. Ryan quickly attached the Protego to the two people, and then started to counterattack with the shotgun in his hand, buying time for Nate to penetrate the power armor.

After killing the raider on the top of the building opposite, Ryan found that he did not have the various spidy sense like responses he had imagined. This may be due to less experience, and naturally, with experience, you will have a quick reaction to various events.

After a few minutes of fighting, Ryan successfully prevented the raiders from approaching the museum. But the same raiders got closer and closer, and the bullets became more and more accurate. Had it not been for the Protego, he felt that he might have been injured or even died long ago, as he wasn't the protagonist.

But even so, Ryan added Protego to himself several times. When he felt that he might not be able to stop the raiders, he finally heard the sound of an electric motor behind him; the power armor was activated.