HPMRS CH 126: Asylum.

This chapter took a lot of time...


It is indeed an epoch-making invention of the pre-war Federation. After the power armor and the gatling machine gun killed several raiders who took the lead, the remaining raiders soon dispersed.

However, the gunfire from the recent violent exchange of fire attracted unwelcome visitors. The ferocious gunshots drew a Deathclaw that stood three to four metres tall. With a paw blow, he raced out from the end of the road and blasted a raider several metres into the air. The raider's upper torso was directly deformed, and it remained motionless on the road, Ryan noticed. The raider seems to be dead.

"Hiss-" Ryan exclaimed, the Deathclaw seems to be more lethal than he had anticipated. Fortunately, I was able to experience it this time rather than fighting it.

Nate next to him jumped from the roof wearing power armour as soon as he realised what he'd done. Ryan was taken aback by this scene, and it turned out that a man protecting his family was just as terrifying; he chuckled a little as he remembered the furious series, which went from cars and drifting stuff to meteor blasting with cars only, because meteors may be powerful, but they are no match for the family(lol). To keep Deathclaw out of the museum, Nate took the risk of leaving the safety of the rooftop to confront the Deathclaw in front of him one-on-one.

Ryan leaped down after releasing a levitation charm on himself. When he stepped out onto the street, he discovered that Nate had drawn Deathclaw away.

When Ryan noticed this, he had an idea and climbed to the street's second-floor outer wall, where he aimed his wand at Deathclaw and cast the Stupefy spell.

Deathclaw's magic resistance is obviously quite low. Ryan could have used a powerful offensive curse, but it wouldn't have been as effective due to the Deathclaw's high vitality. However, just because a creature has a lot of vitality doesn't imply they'll be immune to soul-based magic.

The Deathclaw's movement came to a halt as soon as the crimson light of the Stunning Curse struck it. But Nate, who had seen horrible wars before, took advantage of the opportunity to fire repeatedly at Deathclaw's vital points.

Deathclaw was awakened by the pain of the attack, and one claw slapped the power armor in front of him to the side and it howled.

Ryan threw another Stupefy spell, but this time Deathclaw was in a state of excitement and was able to resist this spell.

It is no wonder that Deathclaw is at the top of this wasteland's biological food chain because it has a powerful body and soul, alas its wisdom is lackluster. Although in this non-magical world, one cannot actively use one's soul abilities, once stimulated, its naturally powerful soul can easily resist some magic aimed at the soul.

However, the magic isn't wholly useless. Ryan discovered that if he stuns Deathclaw with his stun curse, Deathclaw would come to a halt for a little while. Deathclaw is clearly relying on its powerful soul to resist magic crudely, and it is not as capable of rejecting magic as Ryan had anticipated.

After that, the battle went into a long-drawn-out phase. Ryan continued to move quickly on the wall with his hidden blade hook, and release magic to harass Deathclaw's actions. Nate then takes advantage of the opening provided by Ryan to launch a massive assault on the Deathclaws' most vital points.

After seven or eight minutes, the Deathclaw finally fell, and Nate stepped forward and took off the Deathclaw's claw. As its claw can be used to make some very good cold weapons.

Ryan threw the entire Deathclaw into the world of Plants vs. Zombies through the space door, and also the corpse of the raider who was killed by it.

I hope that we can quickly research out the plants for this kind of environment, otherwise many of my plans will not be feasible to be carried out.

Ryan prayed silently while entering the museum to call out all the survivors.

Afterward, the survivors decided to go to the Sanctuary hills to build a new home. It was dark when they set off together. Fortunately, the monsters on the road were almost cleaned up by Ryan and the gang when they came here. And the scattered monsters left behind were not challenging opponents for this squad that had been fully armed with raider equipment.

After more than half an hour, they finally came to the shelter. In real life, this road is much longer than in the game, but fortunately, nothing happened along the way. After arriving at the destination, everyone was surprised to find that place was completely different from the abandoned and dilapidated settlement they had imagined.

The imaginary dilapidated houses, disused vehicles, fallen trees, etc. do not exist at all. After all, in the afternoon, dozens of steam robots have cleaned up the ruins here.

In addition, the robot also built the core energy tower that was disassembled into parts and sent over and repaired the pumping pipe leading to the river. At the same time, several wooden houses were built as temporary shelters by using the materials collected before the energy tower. Finally, a large number of wooden boards and cement blocks obtained from the demolition of the ruins were used to build a simple wall around the periphery.

The only problem is that the energy tower is now cold. Because the plants cannot be used in this place at the moment, Ryan did not know what to use as energy.

Ryan checked and found that the high-pressure steam storage tanks he had prepared before were almost empty, which meant that a way to get the energy tower to work must be found as soon as possible. After all, it is not suitable to rely on the support of other worlds.

After checking all the things he had brought, Ryan came to the side of the energy tower. After a tiring day, most people found a bed in the room and fell asleep, and the camp was dark. Only one of the wooden huts remained lit.

Ryan approached the wooden house's front door and knocked. Preston was standing at the door that he had just opened. Nate and Nora were sitting on the edge of the table with three glasses of water on the table. It seems that the three of them were discussing something before.

"I'm not bothering you, am I?" Ryan asked.

"No, we are here to discuss the militia. If you like, we hope you can join this discussion." Preston said.

"Well, what is the specific content of your discussion?"

Preston told Ryan that he was very likely the only Union militiaman left and that he had lost contact with everyone else. As a result, he intends to gather enough manpower to take action.

"Originally, I was looking for Nate and requested him to assist me; however, he stated that they are now searching for their son and may not have enough energy to assist militia. Nora, on the other hand, is not going to fight." Preston shook his head helplessly.

"You should understand the love of parents for their children." Ryan comforted Preston. It turned out that Preston was staring at him.

"Is there anything weird about me?" Ryan asked curiously.

"Can you help us?" Preston said excitedly.

"Me? I'm just a child." Ryan pointed to his nose and said in surprise. "Not to mention that I have a lot of my own business to do. I may not have time to help you."

"It's fine as long as you want to do it. We aren't children, and we don't require round-the-clock care from others. In the wasteland, no one gives a damn about age. Everyone will focus solely on your ability."

Now that the words have been said here, Ryan also felt that it was a good thing to find allies in this doomsday world, especially the militia faction, so he agreed to Preston's request.

Then Ryan walked out of the house afterward.

After patrolling around the wall and chatting with the night watchman Studge, he returned to the house left for him and then climbed into bed to spend his first night in the wasteland.