HPMRS CH 131: attack?

Twenty minutes later, Ryan saw another flying Vertibird coming from afar, and Nate came out of the roof entrance with the Beryllium agitator at this time.

Once things were settled, Ryan used the Pip-Boy to call the institute to send them back.

After the message was passed to the institute, Ryan knew through chat that the mission this time was completed so fast because Nate used the runestones of the Slow Falling charm and Levitating charm together. When going downstairs, he jumped directly to the first floor with the runestone of Slow Falling Charm, avoiding the security robots in the building. After getting the things out, he used the Levitation Charm to grab the walls of the patio and quickly return to the top floor.

It is precisely because of good use of all the resources at hand that Nate is considered the most powerful adventurer in the wasteland. Ryan learnt a lot from this.

After putting the Beryllium agitator into the reaction furnace of the house, the house finally solved the energy problem that had plagued itself for a long time. Then everyone got together again to discuss what to do next.

"I think everyone will agree that it is necessary to minimize the casualties. Although the Brotherhood of Steel has such and other faults, they have been working hard to eliminate the raiders and mutant robbers on the wasteland and have paid a huge sacrifice. This objectively safeguards the order in the wasteland. At least they are not eviler than the institute before the change. I think we should give them a chance." This was when Desdemona proposed to send people to the airship and then blow up the airship to destroy the entire Brotherhood of Steel headquarters. Nate put forward his different opinions.

"How is it possible? This is a fight after all. I don't think our mercy can be exchanged for their kindness." Desdemona put forward his point of view.

"No, that's not the case. In fact, what Nate said has its operability." Ryan put forward his own point of view after listening to the quarrel between the two of them.

"By the way, you are a wizard, you must have other ways," Nate said excitedly.

"I do have a way can be used to deal with Brotherhood with small injuries, but the prerequisite is you have to take something close enough to them safely?"

The big guy fell into deep thought, and finally, Desmonda thought of something: "How much space do you need?"

"Five meters in length, width, and height are enough," Ryan said. "But it must be close enough to the Brotherhood at the airport. This time, my magic range is based on me as the core of all targets within two hundred meters. So that place must be able to cover all the people in the Brotherhood of the Airport."

"Give me three days, I have a way to get it done." After that, Dessemona asked for her to be sent to the Railroad headquarters to prepare.

During these three days, the Commonwealth was in a strange peace. The Brotherhood of Steel did not attack from all sides, but shrank a large number of patrol teams toward the headquarters, making a defensive posture. This behavior even forced the Minutemen to take over several of their vacated outposts to resist the monsters and bandits who harassed nearby settlements.

Three days passed in a flash when Ryan finished carving the last piece of the slate that had been purified by energy coffee beans, which had been collected from Glowing Sea by the mutant Minutemen squad. Desdemona and Nate came to the Minutemen fortress in Sanctuary Villa.

After seeing Ryan, Desdemona said hurriedly: "We are ready, when can we start?"

"Tonight, and if it goes smoothly, there is no need to fight, so the core is to keep the mission secret." Ryan waved his hand and received the carved slab into the space bag, then stood up and said.

At 8 o'clock that evening, a team of more than 20 people from the three parties gathered in the transmission room of the house, and then collectively transmitted to the street not far from the airport.

"The mutant ghouls here have been cleaned up by the Brotherhood, so we have a safe house here. I think Nate is right. In any case, the Brotherhood has made contributions to the Commonwealth. Try to keep the deaths as low as possible." After walking for ten minutes, they arrived at their destination.

The so-called safe house is actually a pre-war residence. It is very close to the airport. Standing in front of the window on the third floor of the residence, you can clearly see the giant robot and the airship of the Brotherhood.

"It's about two hundred meters away from the airport. We spent three days digging a tunnel leading to the airport and built a basement at the end of the tunnel as you requested. With the help of your runestone, we guarantee this action was not found by the BoS." Desdemona said to Ryan.

Sure enough, digging holes is the talent of the Railroad. Ryan felt that even if he had enough magic power to dig purely with magic, he might not be as perfect as the Railroad.

In the bathroom on the first floor of the room, Ryan saw the authentic entrance: a downward hole the size of a manhole cover. There is an iron ladder at the entrance to the bottom of the cave.

After climbing down the ladder, Ryan found that the entire passage was very small, only 1. 5 meters wide and a little over 1. 6 meters high. If you are an adult, you probably need to walk with your head down. Fortunately, Ryan is 12 years old and feels very relaxed in such a small tunnel.

After walking for more than ten minutes in the dark and boring tunnel, Ryan finally came to the basement at the end of the tunnel. The size of the basement was built according to his requirements. There are a large number of metal and wood components as supports on the walls and ceiling of the basement.

"Above this place is the waiting hall of the old airport. We can't dig forward anymore. Because the brotherhood of steel's robots are very sensitive on the side, we are worried that we may find them if we dig further." An escort Introduced by the female Railroad agent.

"This place is much better than I thought. I am Satisfied." After speaking, Ryan began to take out the carved stone slabs from the space bag and place them in order and finally made a double layer with a diameter of two meters. A small altar with a height of 30 cm.

These stones are made of purified stones from the glowing sea. Before, Ryan used food stamps to offer rewards so that everyone would send them to the Minutemen headquarters when they saw things they hadn't seen before, to see if they could find useful treasures. As a result, the only mutant Minutemen squad ran to Glowing Sea, where no one else could go, collected a lot of things, and sent them to the headquarters.

Ryan found that some of the stones they sent were actually a very good magic material, and it was very suitable as an altar after being purified from radiation.

This should also be regarded as a cultivation resource for the special products of the radiant world, Ryan didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the time, but he'll let the mutants pick more in the future. Then make the existing stone on the hand into the required size, and then carve the rune, then fill the recess with gold and silver mixed metal and smooth it.

Now, these stones have become components of Ryan's portable altar, and when these ritual magics are used in the future, there is no need to temporarily build them as in the past. Not to mention that the effect of this kind of altar is better than that of a temporary altar due to the quality of the material.

Now everything is ready, Ryan asked the Railroad detective next to him and took out his sleeping bag and lay in. Because the magic release effect is better in the latter half of the night, he needs to wait for the right time to be as effective as possible.