HP CH 155: Letters from Britain!

After hearing the sound, Ryan stood up and saw an eagle owl with several letters pecking the compartment window.

"Oh, my Hermes is back." Hermione opened the window and let her owl in. She took the envelopes that Owl was carrying and looked at them one by one and finally handed the two letters to Ryan.

"These are your letter."

Ryan received two letters from Hermione. One was a letter from his parents. In the letter, they told Ryan that they had received a letter from him and hoped Ryan could take care of himself in Brazil. Ryan felt the warmth of the family from the letter.

The other one was sent by the Weasley twins, who listed seven or eight questions in a thick pile of parchment. Ryan smiled bitterly. It seemed that this meant that he had to work overtime again on the weekend. But since he decided to join the twins' business early, no matter how hard it is, he still has to go on.

As Ryan just finalised reading two letters, Hermione placed some letters in front of him: "Ginny sent two letters, I think we should have a look at it together."

Opening the envelope, Ryan and Hermione found that apart from the simple greetings and a brief introduction to the current situation of the school, most of the remaining content was related to Harry. She seems to be Harry's number one fan.

The reason Ginny wrote this letter is that every night of the last year when everyone got together to do homework. Sometimes Ginny would ask Ryan or Hermione for psychological counseling. So even if the two of them are not in school this year, she still wrote letters from thousands of miles to inquire about certain things and inform them of the current situation of the school.

"Why do you think that the people we know were all unlucky this week?" Hermione said after reading the letter. "Harry fainted because of the dementors on the train, and the fortune-telling teacher said that Harry will have a bad encounter in the fortune-telling class. How can anyone seriously know about fate? Ginny is very nervous about this, so she specifically wanted to ask, why was Harry especially targeted by dementors?"

"Well we have some good news, Hagrid became a professor, but the Griffin he brought with him in the first-class hurt Malfoy. This is a big problem. As an old family, the Malfoy family will not keep quiet about this, and I hope Hagrid will not lose his job because of this. And Neville was also treated badly by Professor Snape because of Boggart in the Defence Against the Dark Arts class."

"The worst thing is that now there are hundreds of dementors around Hogwarts. It is said to be for protection, but the school has become no different from Azkaban now. I really don't know what the Magical British Community thinking, who invites prison guards to protect a school."

Looking at Hermione who was a little angry, Ryan quickly turned away from the subject and said: "You write better than me, so you can write the reply to Ginny."

"Okay, but I don't know why Harry reacts more strongly to dementors than others. I also don't understand what was exactly said in the divination class. How can I reply to Ginny? I can't tell nonsense." Hermione said with some distress.

"I know." Ryan wanted to continue saying, but after seeing Hermione's eyes, he quickly said what he knew. "You know I went to learn the Patronus Charm yesterday, and the professor introduced us to the characteristics of Dementors. An important feature is that it absorbs the happiness of those around them and reminds them of the worst moments in their lives."

"The worst moment, could it be?" Hermione widened her eyes as if thinking of something, and opened her mouth slightly.

"Yes, Harry will remember the day his parents were killed. That's why he fainted. I don't think many people have such a bad experience." Ryan said with a serious expression.

"This sounds bad, but it's better than what's being said in the school, that he is a coward." Hermione nodded, and then asked, "So about divination? Ginny said that his brother Ron told him Harry saw a huge black dog when he came out of his aunt's house."

"Tell Ginny for a while that she doesn't need to worry. The reliability of divination professors is as accurate as Zoro's sense of direction, I mean, I once heard the senior student say that a professor told a person that he'll die before the end of the year, but it has been many years since then and he's alive and kicking. Fortune tellers are never reliable, even if the divination is correct it can mean anything, death may mean you'll see a cockroach die, and your blood will be spilled and life will be lost may mean that you'll slap belly full blood-sucking mosquito. As for the big black dog, Harry said that he met it in the Muggle world. You know there are so many people in the UK who keep dogs. It's no surprise that one or two big black stray dogs can be randomly seen, Hermione, I believe You and I should have had a similar encounter."

"Indeed." Hermione thought for a while and said. "I ran into a black stray dog running from the street in front of my house last year. It's so unclear where it came from. I'm so thankful that I didn't apply for this divination class last year, otherwise, I will definitely not be able to take it this year. Hey, By the way, why didn't Harry write to the two of us about such a big event?"

"What will he write? Do you want Harry to tell us that he was embarrassed and traumatized as he passed out after meeting the dementor? He's a true Gryffindor, he certainly doesn't want to show his fragile side to his friends. So let's not write anything about it. Lest he may feel insecure." Ryan thought for a while, shook his head, and said to Hermione.

"Okay, now you can write back to Ginny. I will go back and write a letter to Hagrid and ask him to ask Ron for help. After all, Ron is born in an old family too and knows many people, so he can help Hagrid in some way, getting him reliable legal aid. Then I'll write to Neville to comfort him."

"Okay, after all, we can't help with this matter since we are so far away. It's okay to write casually and cheer him up a little." Hermione nodded and finally said as if thinking of something.

"Can you teach me the Patronus Charm? Hogwarts now has so many Dementors, I fear that if we go back, they will still be there, if they can attack the train then they can attack anyone."

"I don't think Dumbledore will allow them to enter the castle, it should not be that dangerous. But if you want to learn this magic, I can teach it to you, after all, no professor has said that it is not allowed to pass on magic to others."

After saying goodbye to each other, the two went back to their dormitories to write letters, but the letter from Ryan to the twin brothers took a long time. Ryan also asked Hermione to help him analyze some things.

"Where did you learn this?" Hermione asked Curiously while helping Ryan organize the data.

"Experiments and random books, but you just look at a textbook and learn knowledge faster than me. Of course, this is why you score better in theoretical exams, but the application of knowledge is more complicated than that, your way of studying will get you a good graduation score. But if you want to have a good life in the magical world in the future, the things in the textbook are not enough."

"Well, what you said may make sense. It's just that I haven't found out what knowledge to learn besides the course." Hermione said as she piled the sorted information on top of a pile of books.

With the efforts of the two people, they finally finished writing all the letters that needed to be answered. Seeing Hermes slowly flying away with a large packet of letters, Ryan showed a satisfied smile on his face, and also a question suddenly buzzed in his mind, why use such a slow mode of transportation. Maybe they're just stuck up with traditions.